Bug Fixes
- Adding "IMAGER" as another allowed value for the "MRSPRCHN"
keyword, in order to support proper handling of MIRI MRS
and Imager exposures done in parallel. [259]
- Fix mask schema to allow for non-integer ngroups selectors [256]
Changes to API
- Add ``NRMModel`` for new NIRISS NRM reference file [253]
- Add ``grating`` keyword to JWST ``barshadow`` ref file schema to match
parkeys on crds [260]
- Add ``average_dark_current`` in both scalar keyword and array extension
options to ``DarkModel`` and ``MIRIDarkModel``. Add the array extension
to the ``RampModel``, for tracking the average dark current. [265]
- Add ``EXTRXSTR``, ``EXTRXSTP``, ``EXTRYSTR``, and ``EXTRYSTP`` keywords
to the jwst ``MultiSpec`` schema. [264]