Pushing a release candidate should trigger the `binary_builds` workflow within CircleCI using [`pytorch/pytorch-probot`](https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch-probot)'s [`trigger-circleci-workflows`](trigger-circleci-workflows) functionality.
This trigger functionality is configured here: [`pytorch-circleci-labels.yml`](https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/blob/main/.github/pytorch-circleci-labels.yml)
To view the state of the release build, please navigate to [HUD](https://hud.pytorch.org/hud/pytorch/pytorch/release%2F1.12). And make sure all binary builds are successful.
Release Candidate Storage
Release candidates are currently stored in the following places:
* Wheels: https://download.pytorch.org/whl/test/
* Conda: https://anaconda.org/pytorch-test
* Libtorch: https://download.pytorch.org/libtorch/test
Backups are stored in a non-public S3 bucket at [`s3://pytorch-backup`](https://s3.console.aws.amazon.com/s3/buckets/pytorch-backup?region=us-east-1&tab=objects)
Release Candidate health validation
Validate the release jobs for pytorch and domain libraries should be green. Validate this using following HUD links:
* [Pytorch](https://hud.pytorch.org/hud/pytorch/pytorch/release%2F1.12)
* [TorchVision](https://hud.pytorch.org/hud/pytorch/vision/release%2F1.12)
* [TorchAudio](https://hud.pytorch.org/hud/pytorch/audio/release%2F1.12)
Validate that the documentation build has completed and generated entry corresponding to the release in [docs repository](https://github.com/pytorch/docs/tree/main/).
Cherry Picking Fixes
Typically, within a release cycle fixes are necessary for regressions, test fixes, etc.
For fixes that are to go into a release after the release branch has been cut we typically employ the use of a cherry pick tracker.
An example of this would look like:
* https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/issues/128436
Please also make sure to add milestone target to the PR/issue, especially if it needs to be considered for inclusion into the dot release.
**NOTE**: The cherry pick process is not an invitation to add new features, it is mainly there to fix regressions
How to do Cherry Picking
You can now use `pytorchbot` to cherry pick a PyTorch PR that has been committed
to the main branch using `pytorchbot cherry-pick` command as follows (make sure
that the cherry-pick tracker issue for the target release labelled as "release tracker" -
this will allow the bot to find it and post comments).
usage: pytorchbot cherry-pick --onto ONTO [--fixes FIXES] -c
Cherry pick a pull request onto a release branch for inclusion in a release
optional arguments:
--onto ONTO Branch you would like to cherry pick onto (Example: release/2.2)
--fixes FIXES Link to the issue that your PR fixes (i.e. https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/issues/110666)
-c {regression,critical,fixnewfeature,docs,release}
A machine-friendly classification of the cherry-pick reason.
For example, [120567](https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/pull/120567#issuecomment-1978964376)
created a cherry pick PR [121232](https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/pull/121232) onto `release/2.2`
branch to fix a regression issue. You can then refer to the original
and the cherry-picked PRs on the release tracker issue. Please note
that the cherry-picked PR will still need to be reviewed by PyTorch
RelEng team before it can go into the release branch. This feature
requires `pytorchbot`, so it's only available in PyTorch atm.
Cherry Picking Reverts
If PR that has been cherry-picked into release branch has been reverted, its cherry-pick must be reverted as well.
Reverts for changes that was committed into the main branch prior to the branch cut, must be propagated into release branch as well.
Preparing and Creating Final Release candidate
The following requirements need to be met prior to creating final Release Candidate :
* Resolve all outstanding open issues in the milestone. There should be no open issues/PRs (for example [2.1.2](https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/milestone/39)). The issue should either be closed or de-milestoned.
* Validate that all closed milestone PRs are present in the release branch. Confirm this by running:
python github_analyze.py --repo-path ~/local/pytorch --remote upstream --branch release/2.2 --milestone-id 40 --missing-in-branch
* No outstanding cherry-picks that need to be reviewed in the issue tracker: https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/issues/115300
* Perform [Release Candidate health validation](release-candidate-health-validation). CI should have the green signal.
After the final RC is created. The following tasks should be performed :
* Perform [Release Candidate health validation](release-candidate-health-validation). CI should have the green signal.
* Run and inspect the output [Validate Binaries](https://github.com/pytorch/builder/actions/workflows/validate-binaries.yml) workflow.
* All the closed issues from [milestone](https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/milestone/39) need to be validated. Confirm the validation by commenting on the issue: https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/issues/113568#issuecomment-1851031064
* Create validation issue for the release, see for example [Validations for 2.1.2 release](https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/issues/114904) and perform required validations.
* Run performance tests in [benchmark repository](https://github.com/pytorch/benchmark). Make sure there are no performance regressions.
* Prepare and stage PyPI binaries for promotion. This is done with this script:
* Validate staged PyPI binaries. Make sure generated packages are correct and package size does not exceeds maximum allowed PyPI package size.
Promoting RCs to Stable
Promotion of RCs to stable is done with this script:
Users of that script should take care to update the versions necessary for the specific packages you are attempting to promote.
Promotion should occur in two steps:
* Promote S3 artifacts (wheels, libtorch) and Conda packages
* Promote S3 wheels to PyPI
**NOTE**: The promotion of wheels to PyPI can only be done once so take caution when attempting to promote wheels to PyPI, (see https://github.com/pypa/warehouse/issues/726 for a discussion on potential draft releases within PyPI)
Additional Steps to prepare for release day
The following should be prepared for the release day
Modify release matrix
Need to modify release matrix for get started page. See following [PR](https://github.com/pytorch/test-infra/pull/4611) as reference.
The PR to update published_versions.json and quick-start-module.js is auto generated. See following [PR](https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch.github.io/pull/1467) as reference.
Please note: This PR needs to be merged on the release day and hence it should be absolutely free of any failures. To test this PR, open another test PR but pointing to the Release candidate location as above [Release Candidate Storage](RELEASE.mdrelease-candidate-storage)
Open Google Colab issue
This is normally done right after the release is completed. We would need to create Google Colab Issue see following [PR](https://github.com/googlecolab/colabtools/issues/2372)
Patch Releases
A patch release is a maintenance release of PyTorch that includes fixes for regressions found in a previous minor release. Patch releases typically will bump the `patch` version from semver (i.e. `[major].[minor].[patch]`).
Please note: Starting from 2.1 one can expect up to 2 patch releases after every minor ones. Patch releases would only be published for latest minor release.
Patch Release Criteria
Patch releases should be considered if a regression meets the following criteria:
1. Does the regression break core functionality (stable / beta features) including functionality in first party domain libraries?
* First party domain libraries:
* [pytorch/vision](https://github.com/pytorch/vision)
* [pytorch/audio](https://github.com/pytorch/audio)
3. Is there not a viable workaround?
* Can the regression be solved simply or is it not overcomable?
> *NOTE*: Patch releases should only be considered when functionality is broken, documentation does not typically fall within this category
Patch Release Process
Patch Release Process Description
> Main POC: Patch Release Managers, Triage Reviewers
Patch releases should follow these high-level phases. This process starts immediately after the previous release has completed.
Patch release process takes around 4-5 weeks to complete.
1. Triage, is a process where issues are identified, graded, compared to Patch Release Criteria and added to Patch Release milestone. This process normally takes 2 weeks after the release completion.
2. Go/No Go meeting between PyTorch Releng, PyTorch Core and Project Managers where potential issues triggering a release in milestones are reviewed, and following decisions are made:
* Should the new patch Release be created ?
* Timeline execution for the patch release
3. Cherry picking phase starts after the decision is made to create patch release. At this point a new release tracker for the patch release is created, and an announcement will be made on official channels [example announcement](https://dev-discuss.pytorch.org/t/pytorch-release-2-0-1-important-information/1176). The authors of the fixes to regressions will be asked to create their own cherry picks. This process normally takes 2 weeks.
4. Building Binaries, Promotion to Stable and testing. After all cherry picks have been merged, Release Managers trigger new build and produce new release candidate. Announcement is made on the official channel about the RC availability at this point. This process normally takes 2 weeks.
5. General Availability
> Main POC: Triage Reviewers
1. Tag issues / pull requests that are candidates for a potential patch release with `triage review`
* ![adding triage review label](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1700823/132589089-a9210a14-6159-409d-95e5-f79067f6fa38.png)
2. Triage reviewers will then check if the regression / fix identified fits within above mentioned [Patch Release Criteria](patch-release-criteria)
3. Triage reviewers will then add the issue / pull request to the related milestone (i.e. `1.9.1`) if the regressions is found to be within the [Patch Release Criteria](patch-release-criteria)
* ![adding to milestone](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1700823/131175980-148ff38d-44c3-4611-8a1f-cd2fd1f4c49d.png)
Issue Tracker for Patch releases
For patch releases issue tracker needs to be created. For patch release, we require all cherry-pick changes to have links to either a high-priority GitHub issue or a CI failure from previous RC. An example of this would look like:
* https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/issues/128436
Only following issues are accepted: