
Latest version: v4.8.3

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Major Changes
* Python 3.6 support removed due to Python EOL
* Moving to auto-generation of troposphere classes

To make troposphere easier to maintain and keep up-to-date, the core
troposphere classes will be migrated to be auto-generated from
the CloudFormation Resource Specification. Changes have been made to
maintain backward compatibility in troposphere 3.x releases. Please
open a github issue if an auto-generated class is not compatible.

Note: a future troposphere 4.x release will likely align more with the AWS
naming of Resources and Properties which would break backward compatibility.

* Add Architectures to AWS::Serverless::Function (1971)
* Update EKS per 2021-11-10 changes
* Update IoTWireless per 2021-11-11 changes
* Update Batch per 2021-11-11 changes
* Added CopyTagsToSnapshot to DBCluster (1973)
* Run tests against Python 3.10 and add trove classifier (1974)
* Update Location per 2021-11-12 changes
* Update AppStream per 2021-11-18 changes
* Update MSK per 2021-11-18 changes
* Update FSx per 2021-11-18 changes
* Update FinSpace per 2021-11-18 changes
* Update CloudFormation per 2021-11-18 changes
* Added ecs.TaskDefinition.RuntimePlatform (1976)
* AWS::ElastiCache::ReplicationGroup.DataTieringEnabled (1977)
* AWS::Logs::LogGroup.Tags (1978)
* CHANGELOG.rst Formatting Fixes (1983)
* Fixed NetworkFirewall::LoggingConfiguration (1984)
* Update NetworkFirewall jsonpatch for LoggingConfiguration
* Update CloudFront (adding ResponseHeadersPolicyId fields) per 2021-11-04 changes (1982)
* Update cfn2py - change add_description to set_description (1975)
* Added CompatibleArchitectures to Serverless::LayerVersion (1972)
* Add UpdateConfig to EKS::Nodegroup (1980)
* Added RedshiftRetryOptions and enabled support for RetryOptions in Re… (1981)
* Update Kinesis per 2021-12-09 (1988)
* Update AppFlow 18.6.0->51.0.0 (1985)
* Move validators into a module to support future changes
* pre-commit checks for black+isort (1989)
* Fix black formatting/isort
* First pass cleanup for the code generator script
* Auto-generate NetworkFirewall
* Update Timestream per 2021-12-03 changes
* Add AWS::RUM per 2021-12-03 changes
* Auto-generate FSx
* Add AWS::Evidently per 2021-12-03 changes
* Remove (now unused) yaml import from the
* ap-southeast-3 (Jakarta), ap-northeast-3 (Osaka), and new zone in Beijing (1991)
* More updates for code generation and update some resources
* Update Connect per 2021-12-03 changes
* Add AWS::ResilienceHub
* Update SageMaker per 2021-12-03 changes and fix SageMaker::Device
* Rearrange S3 classes to make comparison to auto-generated code easier
* Auto-generate S3 and update per 2021-12-03 changes
* Auto-generate AppSync and update per 2021-12-06 changes
* Auto-generate Kinesis
* Auto-generate AccessAnalyzer
* Auto-generate ACMPCA
* Makefile tweaks: add fix target and combine spec2 with spec
* Add a few more items into .gitignore
* Fix some lint errors
* Remove support for Python 3.6 due to EOL
* Re-gen Evidently to add documentation links
* Use anonymous hyperlink targers to prevent warnings in the docs
* Auto-generate LakeFormation
* Auto-generate Lightsail
* Auto-generate CodeDeploy
* Regenerate doc links
* First pass update to CONTRIBUTING documentation
* Auto-generate ECR
* Install myst_parser for markdown docs
* Adding missing troposphere.validators package (1995)
* Clean up stub generation
* Auto-generate WAFv2 (1996)
* Remove redundent classes from KinesisFirehose
* Fix examples where variables were aliasing classes
* Introduce PropsDictType and other changes to be more mypy friendly
* Add AWS::Lex
* Regen AccessAnalyzer
* Regen ACMPCA
* Auto-generate Amplify
* Auto-generate KinesisAnalytics
* Auto-generate AppFlow
* Auto-generate ApplicationAutoScaling
* Auto-generate ApplicationInsights
* Auto-generate AppRunner
* Auto-generate APS
* Auto-generate ASK
* Auto-generate AuditManager
* Auto-generate QLDB
* Auto-generate QuickSight
* Auto-generate RUM
* Auto-generate Wisdom
* Auto-generate WorkSpaces
* Auto-generate FinSpace
* Auto-generate GameLift
* Auto-generate HealthLake
* Auto-generate EMRContainers
* Auto-generate DevOpsGuru
* Auto-generate MemoryDB
* Auto-generate Signer
* Add back Endpoint to MemoryDB for backward compatibility
* Regen AppSync, ResilienceHub, and S3
* Regen Kinesis, LakeFormation, and Lightsail
* Auto-generate LookoutEquipment, LookoutMetrics, and LookoutVision
* Auto-generate ECS
* Auto-generate Location
* Auto-generate LicenseManager
* Regen IoTSiteWise
* Auto-generate IoTCoreDeviceAdvisor and IoTFleetHub
* Don't emit a Tags import for Json style tags
* Auto-generate CodeGuruProfiler and CodeGuruReviewer
* Auto-generate CodeStar, CodeStarConnections, and CodeStarNotifications
* Auto-generate CodeArtifact
* Auto-generate AppIntegrations
* Auto-generate Rekognition
* Auto-generate Route53RecoveryReadiness
* Auto-generate ServiceCatalogAppRegistry
* Auto-generate Timestream
* Auto-generate SSO
* Auto-generate RoboMaker
* Auto-generate SDB
* Auto-generate SES
* Auto-generate SQS
* Updates to
* Auto-generate Lambda
* Regen CodeDeploy, Connect, DataBrew, ECR, and Evidently
* Regen FSx, NetworkFirewall, SageMaker, and WAFv2
* Auto-generate CE
* Auto-generate CertificateManager
* Auto-generate Cloud9
* Auto-generate CUR


* Added "CompatibleArchitectures" to LayerVersion (1963)
* Update AWS::Events::Rule EcsParameters (1966)
* AWS::Cassandra::Table.DefaultTimeToLive and AWS::Cassandra::Table.TimeToLiveEnabled (1967)
* AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::TargetGroup.TargetType (1968)
* Add multi-region param to KMS (1969)
* Fix black formatting
* Add AWS::Rekognition per 2021-10-21 changes
* Add AWS::Panorama per 2021-10-21 changes
* Update SageMaker per 2021-10-21 changes
* Update FMS per 2021-10-21 changes
* Update MediaConnect per 2021-10-27 changes
* Update Route53Resolver per 2021-10-28 changes
* Update Lightsail per 2021-10-28 changes
* Update EC2 per 2021-10-28 changes
* Update api docs
* Add explicit readthedocs config and requirements.txt
* Add sphinx requirement versions
* Added Cloudfront Response Header changes per Nov 4 updates. (1970)
* Fix black formatting
* Update IoT per 2021-11-04 changes
* Update DataSync per 2021-11-04 changes
* Update Pinpoint per 2021-11-04 changes
* Update Redshift per 2021-11-04 changes
* Update NetworkFirewall per 2021-11-04 changes
* Update EC2 per 2021-11-04 changes


* Add KinesisFirehose::DeliveryStream.HttpEndpointDestinationConfiguration
* Update S3 per 2021-09-02 changes
* Update IoT per 2021-09-02 changes
* Update KinesisFirehose per 2021-09-02 changes
* Update EventSchemas per 2021-09-02 changes
* Update DataSync per 2021-09-02 changes
* Update ACMPCA per 2021-09-02 changes
* Update Transfer per 2021-09-02 changes
* Update parameter type validation (1953)
* AWS Backup: Add EnableContinuousBackup boolean to BackupRuleResourceType (1958)
* fix: creating specific AWS::MediaPackage::OriginEndpoint AWSProperty sets, as they are different from AWS::MediaPackage::PackagingConfiguration's AWSProperty sets
* making user role optional for emr studio
* Add missing properties to EMR::Studio
* Fix black formatting
* allow helper functions for codebuild project type
* Update Cloudtrail per 2021-09-10 changes
* Add AWS::APS per 2021-09-16 changes
* Add AWS::HealthLake per 2021-09-17 changes
* Updaate ACMPCA per 2021-09-17 changes
* Add AWS::MemoryDB per 2021-09-23 changes
* Update AppSync per 2021-09-23 changes
* Update Lambda per 2021-09-30 changes
* Update KinesisFirehose per 2021-09-30 changes
* Updat ECR per 2021-09-30 changes
* Update IoT per 2021-10-07 changes
* Add AWS::Lightsail per 2021-10-07 changes
* Update Backup per 2021-10-07 changes
* Add AWS::OpenSearchService per 2021-10-16 changes
* Import ABC from for Python 3.10 compatibility.
* Add validation and tests to AWS::OpenSearchService::Domain.EngineVersion (1960)
* Fix isort and black formatting issues
* Update Backup with missing resources from 2021-10-07 changes
* Update CodeBuild per 2021-10-13 changes
* Move resource type lists from README to individual files
* Fix missing underscore in README links
* Add AWS::Wisdom per 2021-10-14 changes
* Support Globals section for serverless


* Enable MSK IAM Role based authentication
* Add AWS::Signer
* Allow LaunchTemplateSpecification in LaunchTemplateOverrides
* Add AWS::Route53RecoveryControl and AWS::Route53RecoveryReadiness per 2021-07-29 changes
* Update S3Outposts per 2021-07-29 changes
* Update DataBrew per 2021-07-29 changes
* Update FSx per 2021-08-05 changes
* Update ApiGatewayV2 per 2021-08-12 changes
* Update AppSync per 2021-08-05 changes
* Add Athena::PreparedStatement per 2021-08-05 changes
* Update ApiGateway per 2021-08-12 changes
* Add TimeZone property to AWS::AutoScaling::ScheduledAction
* Fix black formatting in
* Update WAFv2 per 2021-08-12 changes
* Update Elasticsearch per 2021-08-17 changes
* Update SageMaker per 2021-08-19 changes
* Update Redshift per 2021-08-19 changes
* Update AutoScaling per 2021-08-19 changes
* Update CodeBuild per 2021-08-19 changes
* Add AWS::Logs::ResourcePolicy (1936)
* Add AWS::Serverless::HttpApi (1941)
* Update to main branch for tests workflow
* Switch build status badge from travis-ci to github
* Fix duplicate AWS::Logs::ResourcePolicy
* Remove duplicate TargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfiguration from


* Add JWT to apigatewayv2 valid_authorizer_types (1929)
* [batch] Update ContainerProperties properties (1930)
* Remove p3s directory
* Update ImageBuilder per 2021-07-01 changes
* Update ServiceDiscovery per 2021-07-08 changes
* Update CodeDeploy per 2021-07-08 changes
* Add KmsKeyId Attribute to LogGroup (1931)
* Added missing AWS::Neptune::DBCluster properties (1932)
* Added Sign and Verify key usage (1935)
* Fix CanarySettings PercentTraffic definition
* Fix NetworkFirewall properties
* Fixup formatting in NetworkFirewall
* Use jsonpatch to fixup spec files before generating code
* Update DataBrew per 2021-07-09 changes
* Update Logs per 2021-07-15 changes
* Update EC2 per 2021-07-21 changes
* Update Cassandra per 2021-07-21 changes
* Add AWS::LookoutEquipment per 2021-07-22 changes
* Update QLDB per 2021-07-22 changes
* Update CloudWatch per 2021-07-22 changes


* Fix CHANGELOG with correct 3.0.0 release date
* Fix EKS::Nodegroup.Taints to use the correct key for taints (1925)
* Include cfn_flip in setup.cfg (1927)
* Catch install dependencies with "make release-test

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