
Latest version: v4.8.3

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* [iot1click] resource_type should be a string, not tuple (1402)
* Fix Parameters on AWS::Batch::JobDefinition (1404)
* Add new wafregional resources (1406)
* Add AppMesh::VirtualRouter (1410)
* Add InterfaceType to EC2 LaunchTemplate (1405)
* Adding AWS::Transfer resources, per 2019 May 23 update (1407)
* Adding AWS::PinpointEmail, per 2019 May 23 update (1408)
* Add missing LOCAL caching option (1413)
* Allow for AWSHelperFn objects in Tags (1403)
* Fix bug where FilterGroups were required, when technically they are not (1424)
* Adding AWS::Backup resources from May 23, 2019 update (1419)
* adding missing X-ray activation property for AWS::ApiGateway::Stage (1420)
* Change add_description to set_description in all examples (1425)
* Add support for httpHeaderConfig (1426)
* Add Config attributes to ELBV2 Condition (1426)
* Update ECS resources from June 13, 2019 update (1430)
* Add ClientVPN resources (1431)
* Change HeartbeatTimeout type to integer (1415) (1432)
* Add transit gateway ID to Route (1433)
* Add Sagemaker::CodeRepository (1422)
* Adding SageMaker NotebookInstance properties (1421)
* Update ElasticLoadBalancingV2 ListenerRule (1427)
* Update DLM rule interval values (1333) (1437)
* Add resources for Amazon MSK, from June 13, 2019 update (1436)
* Add HostRecovery property to EC2::Host
* Add SecondarySourceVersions to CodeBuild::Project
* Add ObjectLock* properties to S3::Bucket
* Add Ec2SubnetIds property to EMR JobFlowInstancesConfig
* Add AWS::Amplify
* Adds 'ErrorOutputPrefix' to *S3DestinationConfiguration* (1439)
* Add ServiceCatalog::StackSetConstraint and update CFProvisionedProduct
* Add IdleDisconnectTimeoutInSeconds to AppStream::Fleet
* Add Config::RemediationConfiguration resource
* Add AppMesh AwsCloudMapServiceDiscovery and reformat for autogen
* DLM: add Parameters and PolicyType properties to PolicyDetails
* IoTAnalytics: add ContentDeliveryRules and VersioningConfiguration to Dataset
* KinesisFirehose: updates to ExtendedS3DestinationConfiguration


* Add authenticate-cognito and authenticate-oidc to elb v2 Action's "type" validator (1352)
* Update the instance types in constants. (1353)
* Add missing Termination Policies (1354)
* Add Tags to various AppStream objects, per 2019 March 19 update (1355)
* Add new AWS::AppMesh resources, per 2019 March 28 update (1356)
* Add ServiceCatalog::ResourceUpdateConstraint
* Add ResourceRequirements property to Batch::JobDefinition
* Add an improved troposphere code generator for use with AWS spec files
* Add a Makefile helper to download the spec file
* Fix a pep8 issue introduced with pycodestyle 2.5.0
* Add constants for missing rds instance types (1365)
* EngineAttributes should take list (1363)
* Added support for lambda in TargetGroup with additional validation (1376)
* Fix the scripts for Python3 (1364)
* Add ! header and print_function import
* Add scripts directory to tests
* Fix pycodestyle issues with scripts
* Add HealthCheckEnabled to ElasticLoadBalancingV2::TargetGroup
* Fixed: Codebuild Webhook Filters are to be a list of list of WebhookFilter (1372)
* Use enumeration in codebuild FilterGroup validate and add some tests
* Add AWS::EC2::CapacityReservation resource (1379)
* Add AWS::Greengrass (1384)
* Add Events::EventBusPolicy (1386)
* Add Python 3.7 to travis testing (1302)
* Added ECS ProxyConfiguration, DependsOn, StartTimeout and StopTimeout parameters (1382)
* Username property in DMS::Endpoint class should not be required (1387)
* Fix MethodSettings on AWS::Serverless::Api (1391)
* Adds TmpFs prop to LinuxParameters (1392)
* Add SharedMemorySize property to ECS LinuxParameters (1392)
* Make DefinitionString and DefinitionBody mutually exclusive, but allow no definition (1390)
* Add T3a, M/R5ad, and I3en instances to constants (1393)
* Fixed issue 1394 wrong appmesh Listener property and 1396 dependson should be a type list and 1397 proxy props should be list (1395)
* Add ApiGatewayV2 ApiMapping and DomainName resources
* Added missing container name propery (1398)
* Update region/az information (1399)
* Add missing Role property for serverless DeploymentPreference (1400)
* Add DisableTemplateValidation to ServiceCatalog ProvisioningArtifactProperties
* Add AWS::MediaStore
* Add multiple changes to AWS::Glue
* Add AppSync GraphQLApi changes
* Add TemporaryPasswordValidityDays to Cognito PasswordPolicy


* Discourage usage of Python 3.4 (1326)
* Remove validation for ElastiCache::ReplicationGroup some properties (1063)
* Add auth configs for ElasticLoadBalancingV2::ListenerRule actions
* Add new RDS DBCluster and DBInstance properties (1329)
* Add new Elasticsearch Domain property (1330)
* Add new ApiGateway Apikey property (1331)
* Add new Codebuild ProjectCache property (1332)
* Add new AWS::RAM and AWS::RoboMaker resources
* Add psuedo-parameter Ref for AWS::Partition (1334)
* Add SageMaker::NotebookInstance VolumeSizeInGB property
* Add missing properties in SSM::PatchBaseline (1339)
* Add Tags to StepFunctions objects, per 2019 March 07 update (1340)
* Update valid values for emr.StepConfig ActionOnFailure (1350)
* Add RootAccess prop to AWS::SageMaker::NotebookInstance, per 2019 March 14 update (1342)
* Add prop to AWS::OpsWorksCM::Server per 2019 March 14 update (1343)
* Add new AWS::CodeBuild::Project props, per 2019 March 14 update (1344)
* Fix EC2 SpotFleet LoadBalancersConfig TargetGroupConfig (1346)
* Add URLSuffix Ref (1347)
* CodeBuild::Project Name is not required (1348)



* Add "pip install" step for source dist file before a release (1318)
* Exclude OpenStack modules within the template generator (1319)
* Add AWS::CodeBuild::Project subproperties, per Feb 2019 14 update (1321)
* Add AWS::FSx::FileSystem resource, per Feb 2019 15 update (1322)
* Add KinesisAnalyticsV2 resources, per 2019 Feb 15 update (1323)
* Remove awacs as a hard dependency; ensure awacs>=0.8 otherwise (1325)
* Add FSx and KinesisAnalyticsV2 modules to the documentation



* Include requirements.txt in release tarball



* Fix Glue StorageDescriptor NumberOfBuckets spelling (1310)
* ServiceDiscovery::Service DNSConfig is no longer required
* Sphinx docs (1311)
* Add autogeneration of troposphere index files
* Fix ApiGateway AccessLogSetting prop spelling (1316)
* Docs update (1314)
* Add AWS::ApiGatewayV2 Resources (1312)
* Updates for new resources being added

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