Main changes
- added `basegrid.extract_cells_on_plane()`
- added `basegrid.extract_cells_on_sphere()`
- added `basegrid.extract_cells_on_cylinder()`
- added `count_vertices()` method
- added `copy_data_from()` method to transfer all cell and point data from an object to another.
- fixed `metadata` association
- added `cut_with_planes()` to cut at once with multiple planes
- added `generate_random_data()` for testing purposes
- renamed `vignette()` to `flagpole()`
- added new `flagpost()` similar to the above
- added new property `pointcloud.cellcolors`and `pointcolors`
to access and modify colors by RGBA assignment.
- added `compute_camera_distance()` to calculate the distance from points to the camera.
A pointdata array is created with name 'DistanceToCamera'.
- added `cut_with_scalars()` to cut polygonal data with some input scalar data.
- improved `binarize()` method thanks to vfmatzkin
- added `collide_with()` to fix crashing of `intersect_with()` in special cases
- added `check_validity()`
- added `method=4` for `subdivide()`
- added `intersect_with_plane()`
- added `boolean(..., method=1)`
- added `intersect_with_multiplanes()` to generate a set of lines from cutting a mesh in n intervals
between a minimum and maximum distance from a plane of given origin and normal.
- fixed key bindings for uppercase hits.
- added method `add_hint()` to generate a pop-up message on hovering an object
- fix output of template camera when pressing "C"
- improved `move_camera()`
- added key-press `R` to reset camera viewup to closest orthogonal viewup
added corresponding method `plotter.reset_viewup()`
- added press `.` to fly to last clicked point and zoom in
- generate false colors for an image with `Picture().cmap()`
- clicking on a histogram shows the bin value
- add `as2d()` method to freeze a plot in 2d canvas, without mouse interaction (experimental)
- Added support for chinese and japanese chars
- Added font "ComicMono"
- added possibility to create a disc sector in `Disc(angle_range=...)`
- added `compute_tets_volume()`
- added `check_validity()`
- added `vtkFlyingEdges3D` instead of contouring, which is faster.