
Latest version: v2024.5.2

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Main changes

- New documentation pages based on `pdoc3`.
- general cleanup of the examples
- simplified licence file by splitting fonts and general MIT licence
- all `vedo/texture/*` files removed
- a new syntax is allowed for changing the current renderer:
instead of the (still valid):
`, at=ren_number)`
- reverted `settings` to be a simple import instead of a dictionary (because of pdoc3).

- `cmap(arrayName=...)` -> `cmap(name=...)`
- added `chamferDistance()` of pointclouds (needs to be double checked)
- added `cutWithMesh(self, keep=True)` to return an Assembly of the cut & discarded parts.

- can now recover the edges of a mesh with `mymesh.edges()`
- added `tetralize()` to tetralize any closed surface mesh

- keyword change `show(interactorStyle=...)` -> `show(mode=...)`
- added function `vedo.close()` to close the latest Plotter

- remove by default alpha channel so that images become pickable

- Full revision of the existing code.
- can now create an empty `Figure` object to be later filled.

With it one can [easily create]( elegant plots and histograms like:

![Screenshot from 2022-04-05 22-01-50](

- added `Rectangle(radius=...)` to have a border radius

- added `tetralize()` to tetralize any closed surface mesh
- added `addQuality()` of tets

- new polygonal fonts added: 'Vogue', 'Brachium', 'Dalim', 'Miro', 'Ubuntu'


- `examples/basic/`
- `examples/simulations/`
- `examples/advanced/`
- `examples/advanced/`
- `examples/basic/`
- `examples/advanced/`
- `examples/simulations/`
- `examples/volumetric/`
- `examples/volumetric/`
- `examples/other/`
- `examples/pyplot/`
- `examples/pyplot/`
- `examples/pyplot/`
- `examples/pyplot/`
- `examples/pyplot/`
- `examples/pyplot/`
- `examples/pyplot/`
- `tests/common/`
- `examples/pyplot/`
- `examples/pyplot/`
- `examples/pyplot/`

- `examples/pyplot/`
- `examples/pyplot/`
- `examples/pyplot/`
- ``
- `examples/other/dolfin/`
- `examples/other/dolfin/`
- `examples/other/dolfin/`
- `examples/other/dolfin/`
- `examples/other/dolfin/`
- `examples/other/dolfin/`
- `examples/other/dolfin/`
- `examples/other/dolfin/`


Main changes

- Quite serious bug fixed in `closestPoint()` method due to a problem in the upstream vtk9.0 `vtkStaticCellLocator` class. (

- internal global variable `settings.plotter_instance` must become `vedo.plotter_instance`.

- `vedo.settings` is now a dotted dictionary

- implemented `logging` module for managing errors and warnings

- fixed bug to `distanceTo()` method

- `Brower`, `IsosurfaceBrowser`, `Slicer2DPlotter` and `RayCastPlotter` are now `Plotter` derived classes (not functions)
- improved `IsosurfaceBrowser` for speed


- improved `Video.action(cameras=[...])` to interpolate cameras positions


- faces of a mesh can be reversed individually with `reverse(face_list)`.
- fixed bug to `distanceTo()` method

- fix `closeWindow()`
- add `show(..., zoom="tight")` to automatically zoom in as close as possible when 2D.


- added `binarize()` method.
- added `invert()` method.

- name change `cornerPlot` -> `CornerPlot`
- name change `cornerHistogram` -> `CornerHistogram`

- `Line.lineColor()` overrides `mesh.lineColor()` to avoid ambiguities.
- added `line.curvature()` method and example in docs.
- added `line.tangents()` method and example in docs.

- `volume.mesh2Volume()` function moved to `vedo.mesh.binarize()`
- `volume.signedDistanceFromPointCloud()` function moved to `Points.signedDistance`
- `legosurface()` changed interface

- function has new keyword `sortByColumn(invert=False)`


New/Revised examples:


Main changes

- minor fixes


New CLI mode to emulate `eog` for convenient visualization of common format images :

`vedo --eog`

up/down to modify level (or drag mouse)
left/right to modify window
m to mirror image
t to rotate image by 90 deg
k to enhance b&w image
s to apply gaussian smoothing
S to save image as png
h to print this help banner


- added `enableErase()` `enableRenderer()` `useDepthPeeling(at)` methods
- added `addScaleIndicator()` to add to the scene an indicator of absolute size of objects
(needs `settings.useParallelProjection = True`)


- added `smoothLloyd2D()` for smoothing pointclouds in 2D
- vtkCellLocator seems to have a problem with single cell meshes (558), fixed using vtkStaticCellLocator
which behaves normally


- added `Line().pattern()` to create a dashed line with a user defined pattern.
- fixed bug in `Text2D()`


New/Revised examples:


Various fixes, requires vtk<9.1.0 while some issues are being fixed.


Main changes

- various fixes


- introduced new sintax to set/retrieve a mesh point data array: `myobj.pointdata["arrayname"]`
same for cell/face data: `myobj.celldata["arrayname"]`


- added kword `LegendBox(markers=...)`
- added kword `Slider2D(delayed=True)` to act upon mouse release


- fixed small bug in colorMap (only affecting systems without matplotlib)


- fixed problem in `geodesic()`.
- added tolerance keyword in `intersectWithLine()`. Also, now `returnIds` returns `[[pt,cellid]]`
- added kword flag to function `merge(..., flag=True)` to optionally keep track of the original meshes ids


- added `.enhance()` method.
- method `.tonumpy()` reshape to [nx,ny,nchannels] to match matplotlib standard
- added `.append()` to stitch images the current to the left or to the top.
- added `.extent()` to specify physical extention of an image.


- `cluster()` renamed to `pointcloud.addClustering()`
- added `voronoi()` function


New/Revised examples:

`vedo -r optics_main1`
`vedo -r optics_main2`
`vedo -r optics_main3`
`vedo -r warp4`
`vedo -r voronoi`
`vedo -r drag_chain`
`vedo -r morphomatics_tube`



Main changes

- Added support for `ipygany` in jupyter notebooks.
- Command line interface `vedo ...` should now work on windows 10 too.
- added skybox environment with `show(..., bg="path/to/file.hdr")`
- added (kind of limited) support to `wxpython` embedding (analogous to Qt, but open-source)
- updated pymeshlab examples


- added `.lighting(metallicity=1, roughness=0.1)` to include PBR (physics based rendering).
- method `.printInfo()` is now simply `.print()`


- added `SplineTool.nodes()` to retrieve current node positions.


- removed global functions `closeWindow()` `ion()` `ioff()`
- added `record()` and `play()` to store and playback camera and all other events
- keyword `interactorStyle` becomes now `mode`


- added `flip` keyword to flip xy convention
- added `level()` and `window()` methods to control brightness and contrast of a Picture.
- added `smooth()` to make gaussian smoothing of a Picture object.
- added `bw()` to make a picture black and white
- added `channels` keyword to specify rgba channels to use (useful to remove alpha)
- added `pad()` to create a padding margin to a picture
- added `median()` a median filter that preserves thin lines and corners
- added `frequencyPassFilter()` to filter images based on level of detail frequencies
- added `rotateAntiClockWise()` to rotate an image (landscape to portrait and viceversa)
- added `tonumpy()` and `modified()` methods.
- added `tiling()` to generate tilings from a single picture
- `extract()` renamed to `select()`


- added `plot(mode="bar")`


- added `hausdorffDistance()` to compute the Hausdorff distance of two point sets or meshes


- added `vmin` and `vmax` keywords to share the same mapping across different volumes
- renamed `getDataArray` to `tonumpy`.


- removed `bin/vedo` and created entry point from `vedo/` (command line interface).
This works better on windows systems.
- `vedo -r ` now colorizes the code dump.


New/Revised examples:
- `vedo -r plot_bars`
- `vedo -r alien_life`
- `vedo -r pendulum_ode`
- `vedo -r earth_model`
- `vedo -r qt_window2`
- `vedo -r spline_tool`
- `vedo -r wx_window1`
- `vedo -r picture2mesh`
- `vedo -r record_play`
- `vedo -r pymeshlab1`
- `vedo -r pymeshlab2`
- `vedo -r volume_sharemap`
- `vedo -r multiwindows1`

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