* Added support of more modes for `Form status` capture option.
* Added a default option for the backend server URL option.
* Added support of enabling/disabling undo feature from its context menu.
* Added support of `Home` and `End` for sidebar key navigation.
* Added a message for a scrapbook configured as `no_tree` in the sidebar.
* Added support of `limit:` command for search.
* Fixed an issue that certain interactive properties, such as form status, canvas, and shadow DOM, are lost after an unerase in a re-loaded document.
* Fixed an issue that unrelated content in the document be refreshed after an undo.
* Fixed an issue that certain interactive properties, such as canvas and shadow DOM, are lost after an undo.
* Fixed missing support of opening in new tab for `View index page` sidebar command.
* Fixed an issue that the opened postit is not saved when switching scrapbook.
* Fixed an issue that switching scrapbook after a change of server config can load incorrect tree data.
* Fixed an error causing the copy item dialog in a manage dialog not working.
* Fixed an error causing unit tests not working.