* Improved the data scheme for constructed stylesheets to prevent a catastrophic volume/memory usage on one shared among different DOMs. Also added an option Added an option `capture.adoptedStyleSheet` for it. * Miscellaneous improvements and fixes of the UI.
* Improved mobile navigation for scrapbooks. * Miscellaneous improvements and fixes of the UI and internal code.
* The toolbar dialog now automatically closes when a command is invoked, which can be tweaked through option `ui.autoCloseBrowserAction`. * No more restrict single indexer or checker to be run. * Miscellaneous improvements and fixes of the UI and internal code.
* Fixed a packaging error.
* Added support of capturing site favicon. * Improved `capture.prettyPrint` for some elements inserted during a capture. * `capture.favicon` option is now honored when capturing a bookmark to a file. * Miscellaneous improvements and fixes of the internal code and unit test suite.
* Fixed an issue that the `charset` rule in a CSS file is not correctly handled. * Fixed an issue that BOM in a CSS file is not taking as highest precedence for charset detection. * Fixed an issue that the document charset and the `charset` attribute of a `link` element are not honored when determining the encoding of a CSS file. * Miscellaneous improvements and fixes of the internal code and unit test suite.