
Latest version: v2.5.0

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* Fixed an issue that downloading linked files and in-depth capture for a blob URL doesn't work.
* Fixed an issue that geolocation cannot be obtained from the sidebar in Firefox. (For Firefox < 101 a one-time grant in a non-sidebar window is required. For some old Firefox versions reloading the extension (by disabling and enabling, restarting the browser, etc.) after the grant is required.)
* Fixed an issue that clearing geolocation is not corretly saved.


* Fixed an issue that a blob URL cannot be captured in Firefox.
* Fixed an issue that MIME type is not detected for a blob URL for a capture in Chromium.
* Miscellaneous improvements of the internal code and unit test suite.


* Fixed an issue that meta and favicon in a shadow Root be taken for a capture.
* Fixed charset and content disposition parsing and meta charset rewriting in some special cases for a capture.
* Fixed meta refresh parsing in some special cases for a capture.
* Miscellaneous optimization of the internal code and unit test suite.


* Fixed CSS images for the root element be emptied when `Style images` is `Save used`.
* Fixed referrer policy related attributes for some elements.
* Fixed referrer policy handling for a document with multiple document referrer policy definition for a capture.
* Fixed base URL resolution for some spec-violating cases for a capture.
* Fixed meta element handling for some spec-violating cases for a capture.
* Miscellaneous optimization of the internal code and unit test suite.


* Added support of nesting CSS for a capture.
* Added support of referrer policy related attributes when performing a capture.
* Reworked `capture.referrerPolicy` to provide default referrer policy, or provide dominant referrer policy by prepending "+".
* Fixed some bad referrer handling cases for downgrading requests for a capture.
* Fixed script error when `Rewrite styles` is `(Advanced) tidy` for an external or imported CSS for a headless capture.
* Fixed missing resources inside an at-rule like `layer` when `Style images` is `Save used` for a capture.
* Fixed `:root` and `:scope` CSS rules not correctly handled when `Rewrite styles` is `Tidy` for a capture.
* Fixed an issue that constructed stylesheets are not captured in Firefox.
* Fixed downloading linked files and in-depth capture of hyperlink elements in an SVG or MathML for a capture.
* Fixed broken version 3 sitemap.
* Fixed missing links in an embedded SVG or MathML for sitemap.
* Fixed misleading links of `a[download], area[download], iframe[srcdoc]` elements for sitemap.
* Miscellaneous optimization of the internal code and unit test suite.


* Added auto-fixing of item create/modify time when the input value is too short or too long, and auto-fill current time if empty.
* Fixed bad handling of ID-Date conversion for some rare cases.

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