New Modules
- **[wq/map.js](**: Simplifies Leaflet integration for `app.js` list and detail screens with new [wq.db]( GeoJSON support
- **[wq/chart.js](**: d3-based [reusable charts]( for time-series data: `scatter`, `timeSeries`, and `contour`, `boxplot`.
API improvements
- **[wq/app.js](**: Full read-write support for all [wq.db]( design patterns (`annotate`, `identify`, `locate`, and `relate`)
- **[wq/pages.js](**: `addRoute` now uses (and expects) the same callback signature as `register`.
- [Third-party Library]( updates: jQuery Mobile 1.3.2, Leaflet 0.6.4, d3 3.2.8 and others
- Various minor bug fixes & syntax improvements