New features
- Add the :func:`xoa.plot.plot_flow` function [:pull:`9`].
- Improve :func:`xoa.coords.get_depth` so that it can compute depth from sigma coordinates or layer thinknesses [:pull:`8`].
- Add the :func:`xoa.dyn.flow2d` function [:pull:`7`].
- Add the :func:`xoa.regrid.extrap1d` function.
- Add the :func:`xoa.filter.erode_coast` function which is specialized version of the :func:`xoa.filter.erode_mask` for horizontal data.
- Add the :func:`xoa.coords.get_xdim`, :func:`~xoa.coords.get_ydim`, :func:`~xoa.coords.get_zdim`, :func:`~xoa.coords.get_tdim` and :func:`~xoa.coords.get_fdim` for quickly finding standard dimensions.
Bug fixes
- Fix u and v CF config [:pull:`6`]