Breaking Changes
* The database has been split into three databases, which will change the imports of most related classes:
1. The existing database containing the network model (`*-network-model.sqlite`) with classes in the `network` package.
2. A new database containing the customer information (`*-customers.sqlite`) with classes in the `customer` package.
3. A new database containing the diagrams (`*-diagrams.sqlite`) with classes in the `diagram` package.
* The database split has resulted in the database classes also being split, e.g. `DatabaseReader` is now `NetworkDatabaseReader`, `CustomerDatabaseReader` and `
* Database table classes now return a `Generator` rather than a `List` or their index collections. This will have no impact if you are just looping over the
result, but it will have an impact if you have inherited your own tables.
* `Equipment` to `EquipmentContainer` links for LV feeders are no longer written to the database, they should never have been.
* Converted the following classes to use `dataclass` from `dataclasses` instead of `dataclassy`:
* `PositionPoint`
* `TownDetail`
* `StreetDetail`
* `StreetAddress`
* `Name`
* `DiagramObjectPoint`
* `RelaySetting`
* `TransformerEndRatedS`
* `ResistanceReactance`
* `DataSource`
* All private collections inside our CIM objects that index objects by mrid now raise `KeyError` rather than `ValueError` if you try and remove an object from
an empty collection.
* Rationalised accessors for the private collections inside our CIM objects, which has added and/or removed some functions. If you were using one of the removed
functions, there should be another that can give close/equivalent operation. The most notable change is the accessors should now be throwing exceptions
correctly, rather than returning `None` in some circumstances and throwing in others.
* `Location`:
* `get_point` now throws when provided an invalid `sequence_number` rather than returning `None`.
* Updated error message for providing an incorrect `sequence_number` to `insert_point`.
* `RelayInfo`:
* `get_delay` and `remove_delay_at` now throw when provided an invalid `index` rather than returning `None`.
* Updated error message for providing an incorrect `index` to `add_delay`.
* `Sensor`:
* Type information for `get_relay_function` has been updated to indicate the return value is not optional, as the function throws if the `mrid` is unknown.
* `ConductingEquipment`:
* Updated error message for providing a `Terminal` with an incorrect `sequence_number` to `add_terminal`.
* `IdentifiedObject`:
* `get_name` now throws when provided an invalid `name_type` or `name` rather than returning `None`.
* `get_names` now throws when provided an invalid `name_type` rather than returning `None` if it had no names, or an `EmptyList` if it had names, but none
of the requested type.
* `DiagramObject`:
* Updated error message for providing an incorrect `sequence_number` to `insert_point`.
* `ProtectionRelayFunction`:
* Updated error message for providing an incorrect `sequence_number` to `add_threshold`.
* Type information for `get_threshold` has been updated to indicate the return value is not optional, as the function throws if the `sequence_number` is
* Type information for `remove_threshold` has been updated to indicate the `threshold` to remove is not optional.
* Updated error message for providing an incorrect `index` to `add_time_limit`.
* `remove_time_limit_by_time_limit` was renamed to `remove_time_limit`.
* `remove_time_limit` was renamed to `remove_time_limit_at` and now throws when provided an invalid `index` rather than returning `None`.
* Type information for the following functions have been updated to indicate the return value is not optional, as the functions throw if the `mrid` is
* `get_sensor`
* `get_protected_switch`
* `get_scheme`
* `ProtectionRelayScheme`:
* Type information for `get_function` has been updated to indicate the return value is not optional, as the function throws if the `mrid` is unknown.
* `ProtectionRelaySystem`:
* Type information for `get_scheme` has been updated to indicate the return value is not optional, as the function throws if the `mrid` is unknown.
* `PowerTransformerEnd`:
* Updated error message for providing a `PowerTransformerEnd` with an incorrect `end_number` to `add_end`.
* `get_rating_by_rated_s` has been removed.
* `get_rating_by_cooling_type` has been renamed to `get_rating` and now throws when provided an invalid `cooling_type` rather than returning `None`.
* The parameters for `add_rating` have been reordered, and `cooling_type` now defaults to `UNKNOWN_COOLING_TYPE`.
* `add_transformer_end_rated_s` now takes a copy of the provided `transformer_end_rated_s` rather than adding the object directly into the collection.
* `remove_rating_by_cooling_type` now throws when provided an invalid `cooling_type` rather than returning `None`.
* `ProtectedSwitch`:
* Type information for `get_relay_function` has been updated to indicate the return value is not optional, as the function throws if the `mrid` is unknown.
* `RegulatingControl`:
* Type information for `get_regulating_cond_eq` has been updated to indicate the return value is not optional, as the function throws if the `mrid` is
New Features
* Support zepben.auth 0.12.0 which brings support for auth against EWB servers backed by EntraID.
* Added the following accessors/helpers to our CIM objects:
* `Location.for_each_point`
* `RelayInfo.for_each_point`
* `IdentifiedObject.has_name`
* `DiagramObject.for_each_point`
* `DiagramObject.remove_point_by_sequence_number`
* `ProtectionRelayFunction.for_each_threshold`
* `ProtectionRelayFunction.remove_threshold_at`
* `ProtectionRelayFunction.for_each_time_limit`
* Added missing `num_controls` field to `PowerSystemResource`.
* Added missing type information to the following `NameType` functions: `get_or_add_name`, `remove_name` and `remove_names`
* Updated to support zepben.protobuf 0.27.0. This has actually been supported since 0.38.0, however the released version was not captured in the dependencies.