PyPi: Kedro


Safety vulnerability ID: 53393

This vulnerability was reviewed by experts

The information on this page was manually curated by our Cybersecurity Intelligence Team.

Created at Aug 28, 2007 Updated at May 27, 2024
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Kedro 0.18.5 includes a fix for CVE-2007-4559: Directory traversal vulnerability in the (1) extract and (2) extractall functions in the tarfile module in Python allows user-assisted remote attackers to overwrite arbitrary files via a .. (dot dot) sequence in filenames in a TAR archive, a related issue to CVE-2001-1267.

Affected package


Latest version: 0.19.6

Kedro helps you build production-ready data and analytics pipelines

Affected versions

Fixed versions

Vulnerability changelog

Major features and improvements
* Added new `OmegaConfigLoader` which uses `OmegaConf` for loading and merging configuration.
* Added the `--conf-source` option to `kedro run`, allowing users to specify a source for project configuration for the run.
* Added `omegaconf` syntax as option for `--params`. Keys and values can now be separated by colons or equals signs.
* Added support for generator functions as nodes, i.e. using `yield` instead of return.
* Enable chunk-wise processing in nodes with generator functions.
* Save node outputs after every `yield` before proceeding with next chunk.
* Fixed incorrect parsing of Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 URIs used in datasets.
* Added support for loading credentials from environment variables using `OmegaConfigLoader`.
* Added new `--namespace` flag to `kedro run` to enable filtering by node namespace.
* Added a new argument `node` for all four dataset hooks.
* Added the `kedro run` flags `--nodes`, `--tags`, and `--load-versions` to replace `--node`, `--tag`, and `--load-version`.

Bug fixes and other changes
* Commas surrounded by square brackets (only possible for nodes with default names) will no longer split the arguments to `kedro run` options which take a list of nodes as inputs (`--from-nodes` and `--to-nodes`).
* Fixed bug where `micropkg` manifest section in `pyproject.toml` isn't recognised as allowed configuration.
* Fixed bug causing `load_ipython_extension` not to register the `%reload_kedro` line magic when called in a directory that does not contain a Kedro project.
* Added `anyconfig`'s `ac_context` parameter to `kedro.config.commons` module functions for more flexible `ConfigLoader` customizations.
* Change reference to `kedro.pipeline.Pipeline` object throughout test suite with `kedro.modular_pipeline.pipeline` factory.
* Fixed bug causing the `after_dataset_saved` hook only to be called for one output dataset when multiple are saved in a single node and async saving is in use.
* Log level for "Credentials not found in your Kedro project config" was changed from `WARNING` to `DEBUG`.
* Added safe extraction of tar files in `micropkg pull` to fix vulnerability caused by [CVE-2007-4559](
* Documentation improvements
* Bug fix in table font size
* Updated API docs links for datasets
* Improved CLI docs for `kedro run`
* Revised documentation for visualisation to build plots and for experiment tracking
* Added example for loading external credentials to the Hooks documentation

Breaking changes to the API

Community contributions
Many thanks to the following Kedroids for contributing PRs to this release:

* [adamfrly](
* [corymaklin](
* [Emiliopb](
* [grhaonan](
* [JStumpp](
* [michalbrys](
* [sbrugman](


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Severity Details

CVSS Base Score


CVSS v2 Details

Access Vector (AV)
Access Complexity (AC)
Authentication (Au)
Confidentiality Impact (C)
Integrity Impact (I)
Availability Impact (A)