Safety vulnerability ID: 42121
The information on this page was manually curated by our Cybersecurity Intelligence Team.
Symphony-bdk-python 1.2.0 starts using the more secure defusedxml library to avoid XML vulnerabilities.
Latest version: 2.9.0
Symphony Bot Development Kit for Python
Beta release for the Python BDK 2.0
New features
180: Retry mechanism
187: Message class to ease the sending of a complex message
Bug fixes
184: Asyncio usage with proxy on Windows
185 191: Fixes of security issues
190: Removed legacy folder (as code in master branch)
189: Made bot username and app id mandatory in configuration
181: Documented Slash commands
182: Documented how to solve self-signed certificate issues
183: Documented UserJoinedRoomActivity
$ pip install sym-api-client-python==2.0b3
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