PyPi: Swift


Safety vulnerability ID: 26151

This vulnerability was reviewed by experts

The information on this page was manually curated by our Cybersecurity Intelligence Team.

Created at Jan 29, 2016 Updated at Mar 29, 2024
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Swift before 2.6.0 is vulnerable to an attack where an unfinished read of a large object would leak a socket file descriptor and a small amount of memory: CVE-2016-0738.

Affected package


Latest version: 2.33.0

OpenStack Object Storage

Affected versions

Fixed versions

Vulnerability changelog

* Dependency changes
- Updated minimum version of eventlet to 0.17.4 to support IPv6.

- Updated the minimum version of PyECLib to 1.0.7.

* The ring rebalancing algorithm was updated to better handle edge cases
and to give better (more balanced) rings in the general case. New rings
will have better initial placement, capacity adjustments will move less
data for better balance, and existing rings that were imbalanced should
start to become better balanced as they go through rebalance cycles.

* Added container and account reverse listings.

A GET request to an account or container resource with a "reverse=true"
query parameter will return the listing in reverse order. When
iterating over pages of reverse listings, the relative order of marker
and end_marker are swapped.

* Storage policies now support having more than one name.

This allows operators to fix a typo without breaking existing clients,
or, alternatively, have "short names" for policies. This is implemented
with the "aliases" config key in the storage policy config in
swift.conf. The aliases value is a list of names that the storage
policy may also be identified by. The storage policy "name" is used to
report the policy to users (eg in container headers). The aliases have
the same naming restrictions as the policy's primary name.

* The object auditor learned the "interval" config value to control the
time between each audit pass.

* `swift-recon --all` now includes the config checksum check.

* `swift-init` learned the --kill-after-timeout option to force a service
to quit (SIGKILL) after a designated time.

* `swift-recon` now correctly shows timestamps in UTC instead of local

* Fixed bug where `swift-ring-builder` couldn't select device id 0.

* Documented the previously undocumented
`swift-ring-builder pretend_min_part_hours_passed` command.

* The "node_timeout" config value now accepts decimal values.

* `swift-ring-builder` now properly removes devices with zero weight.

* `swift-init` return codes are updated via "--strict" and "--non-strict"
options. Please see the usage string for more information.

* `swift-ring-builder` now reports the min_part_hours lockout time

* Container sync has been improved to more quickly find and iterate over
the containers to be synced. This reduced server load and lowers the
time required to see data propagate between two clusters. Please see for more details
about the new on-disk structure for tracking synchronized containers.

* A container POST will now update that container's put-timestamp value.

* TempURL header restrictions are now exposed in /info.

* Error messages on static large object manifest responses have been
greatly improved.

* Closed a bug where an unfinished read of a large object would leak a
socket file descriptor and a small amount of memory. (CVE-2016-0738)

* Fixed an issue where a zero-byte object PUT with an incorrect Etag
would return a 503.

* Fixed an error when a static large object manifest references the same
object more than once.

* Improved performance of finding handoff nodes if a zone is empty.

* Fixed duplication of headers in Access-Control-Expose-Headers on CORS

* Fixed handling of IPv6 connections to memcache pools.

* Continued work towards python 3 compatibility.

* Various other minor bug fixes and improvements.


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Severity Details

CVSS Base Score

HIGH 7.5

CVSS v3 Details

HIGH 7.5
Attack Vector (AV)
Attack Complexity (AC)
Privileges Required (PR)
User Interaction (UI)
Scope (S)
Confidentiality Impact (C)
Integrity Impact (I)
Availability Availability (A)

CVSS v2 Details

Access Vector (AV)
Access Complexity (AC)
Authentication (Au)
Confidentiality Impact (C)
Integrity Impact (I)
Availability Impact (A)