Safety vulnerability ID: 45787
The information on this page was manually curated by our Cybersecurity Intelligence Team.
Pyinstaller 3.5 updates the bundled zlib library to version 1.2.11 to address vulnerabilities.
Latest version: 6.12.0
PyInstaller bundles a Python application and all its dependencies into a single package.
* (Windows) Force ``--windowed`` option if first script is a ``.pyw`` file.
This might still be overwritten in the spec-file. (:issue:`4001`)
* Add support for relative paths for icon-files, resource-files and
version-resource-files. (:issue:`3333`, :issue:`3444`)
* Add support for the RedHat Software Collections (SCL) Python 3.x.
(:issue:`3536`, :issue:`3881`)
* Install platform-specific dependencies only on that platform.
(:issue:`4166`, :issue:`4173`)
* New command-line option ``--upx-exclude``, which allows the user to prevent
binaries from being compressed with UPX. (:issue:`3821`)
* (conda) Fix detection of conda/anaconda platform.
* (GNU/Linux) Fix Anaconda Python library search. (:issue:`3885`,
* (Windows) Fix UAC in one-file mode by embedding the manifest.
(:issue:`1729`, :issue:`3746`)
* (Windows\\Py3.7) Now able to locate pylib when VERSION.dll is listed in
python.exe PE Header rather than pythonXY.dll (:issue:`3942`,
* Avoid errors if PyQt5 or PySide2 is referenced by the modulegraph but isn't
importable. (:issue:`3997`)
* Correctly parse the ``--debug=import``, ``--debug=bootloader``, and
``--debug=noarchive`` command-line options. (:issue:`3808`)
* Don't treat PyQt5 and PySide2 files as resources in an OS X windowed build.
Doing so causes the resulting frozen app to fail under Qt 5.12.
* Explicitly specify an encoding of UTF-8 when opening *all* text files.
* Fix appending the content of ``datas`` in a `spec` files to ``binaries``
instead of the internal ``datas``. (:issue:`2326`, :issue:`3694`)
* Fix crash when changing from ``--onefile`` to ``--onedir`` on consecutive
runs. (:issue:`3662`)
* Fix discovery of Qt paths on Anaconda. (:issue:`3740`)
* Fix encoding error raised when reading a XML manifest file which includes
non-ASCII characters. This error inhibited building an executable which
has non-ASCII characters in the filename. (:issue:`3478`)
* Fix inputs to ``QCoreApplication`` constructor in ``Qt5LibraryInfo``. Now the
core application's initialization and finalization in addition to system-wide
and application-wide settings is safer. (:issue:`4121`)
* Fix installation with pip 19.0. (:issue:`4003`)
* Fixes PE-file corruption during version update. (:issue:`3142`,
* In the fake ´site` module set `USER_BASE` to empty string instead of None
as Jupyter Notebook requires it to be a 'str'. (:issue:`3945`)
* Query PyQt5 to determine if SSL is supported, only adding SSL DLLs if so. In
addition, search the path for SSL DLLs, instead of looking in Qt's
``BinariesPath``. (:issue:`4048`)
* Require ``pywin32-ctypes`` version 0.2.0, the minimum version which supports
Python 3.7. (:issue:`3763`)
* Use pkgutil instead of filesystem operations for interacting with the
modules. (:issue:`4181`)
Incompatible Changes
* PyInstaller is no longer tested against Python 3.4, which is end-of-live.
* Functions ``compat.architecture()``, ``compat.system()`` and
``compat.machine()`` have been replace by variables of the same name. This
avoids evaluating the save several times.
* Require an option for the ``--debug`` argument, rather than assuming a
default of ``all``. (:issue:`3737`)
* Added hooks for
`aliyunsdkcore <>`_ (:issue:`4228`),
astropy (:issue:`4274`),
`BTrees <>`_ (:issue:`4239`),
dateparser.utils.strptime (:issue:`3790`),
`faker <>`_ (:issue:`3989`, :issue:`4133`),
gooey (:issue:`3773`),
GtkSourceView (:issue:`3893`),
imageio_ffmpeg (:issue:`4051`),
importlib_metadata and importlib_resources (:issue:`4095`),
jsonpath_rw_ext (:issue:`3841`),
jupyterlab (:issue:`3951`),
lz4 (:issue:`3710`),
`magic <>`_ (:issue:`4267`),
nanite (:issue:`3860`),
nbconvert (:issue:`3947`),
nbdime (:issue:`3949`),
nbformat (:issue:`3946`),
notebook (:issue:`3950`),
pendulum (:issue:`3906`),
pysoundfile (:issue:`3844`),
python-docx (:issue:`2574`, :issue:`3848`),
python-wavefile (:issue:`3785`),
pytzdata (:issue:`3906`),
`PyWavelets pywt <>`_ (:issue:`4120`),
pywebview (:issue:`3771`),
radicale (:issue:`4109`),
rdflib (:issue:`3708`),
resampy (:issue:`3702`),
`sqlalchemy-migrate <>`_ (:issue:`4250`),
`textdistance <>`_ (:issue:`4239`),
tcod (:issue:`3622`),
ttkthemes (:issue:`4105`), and
`umap-learn <>`_ (:issue:`4165`).
* Add runtime hook for certifi. (:issue:`3952`)
* Updated hook for 'notebook' to look in all Jupyter paths reported by
jupyter_core. (:issue:`4270`)
* Fixed hook for 'notebook' to only include directories that actually exist.
* Fixed pre-safe-import-module hook for `setuptools.extern.six`. (:issue:`3806`)
* Fixed QtWebEngine hook on OS X. (:issue:`3661`)
* Fixed the QtWebEngine hook on distributions which don't have a NSS subdir
(such as Archlinux) (:issue:`3758`)
* Include dynamically-imported backends in the ``eth_hash`` package.
* Install platform-specific dependencies only on that platform.
* Skip packaging PyQt5 QML files if the QML directory doesn't exist.
* Support ECC in PyCryptodome. (:issue:`4212`, :issue:`4229`)
* Updated PySide2 hooks to follow PyQt5 approach. (:issue:`3655`,
:issue:`3689`, :issue:`3724`, :issue:`4040`, :issue:`4103`,
:issue:`4136`, :issue:`4175`, :issue:`4177`, :issue:`4198`,
* Updated the jsonschema hook for v3.0+. (:issue:`4100`)
* Updated the Sphinx hook to correctly package Sphinx 1.8.
* Update bundled zlib library to 1.2.11 address vulnerabilities.
* Update the text produced by ``--help`` to state that the ``--debug`` argument
requires an option. Correctly format this argument in the Sphinx build
process. (:issue:`3737`)
Project & Process
* Remove the PEP-518 "build-system" table from ``pyproject.toml`` to fix
installation with pip 19.0.
PyInstaller Core
* Add support for folders in `COLLECT` and `BUNDLE`. (:issue:`3653`)
* Completely remove `pywin32` dependency, which has erratic releases and
the version on pypi may no longer have future releases.
Require `pywin32-ctypes` instead which is pure python. (:issue:`3728`,
* modulegraph: Align with upstream version 0.17.
* Now prints a more descriptive error when running a tool fails (instead of
dumping a trace-back). (:issue:`3772`)
* Suppress warnings about missing UCRT dependencies on Win 10. (:issue:`1566`,
Test-suite and Continuous Integration
* Fix Appveyor failures of ``test_stderr_encoding()`` and
``test_stdout_encoding()`` on Windows Python 3.7 x64. (:issue:`4144`)
* November update of packages used in testing. Prevent pyup from touching
``test/requirements-tools.txt``. (:issue:`3845`)
* Rewrite code to avoid a ``RemovedInPytest4Warning: Applying marks directly to
parameters is deprecated, please use pytest.param(..., marks=...) instead.``
* Run Travis tests under Xenial; remove the deprecated ``sudo: false`` tag.
* Update the Markdown test to comply with `Markdown 3.0 changes
by using correct syntax for `extensions
Older Versions
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1
:caption: Older Versions
.. Emacs config:
Local Variables:
mode: rst
ispell-local-dictionary: "american"
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