PyPi: Pyinstaller



Safety vulnerability ID: 45789

This vulnerability was reviewed by experts

The information on this page was manually curated by our Cybersecurity Intelligence Team.

Created at May 23, 2017 Updated at Feb 08, 2025
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Pyinstaller 3.5 updates the bundled zlib library to version 1.2.11 to address vulnerabilities.

Affected package


Latest version: 6.12.0

PyInstaller bundles a Python application and all its dependencies into a single package.

Affected versions

Fixed versions

Vulnerability changelog



* (Windows) Force ``--windowed`` option if first script is a ``.pyw`` file.
This might still be overwritten in the spec-file. (:issue:`4001`)
* Add support for relative paths for icon-files, resource-files and
version-resource-files. (:issue:`3333`, :issue:`3444`)
* Add support for the RedHat Software Collections (SCL) Python 3.x.
(:issue:`3536`, :issue:`3881`)
* Install platform-specific dependencies only on that platform.
(:issue:`4166`, :issue:`4173`)
* New command-line option ``--upx-exclude``, which allows the user to prevent
binaries from being compressed with UPX. (:issue:`3821`)


* (conda) Fix detection of conda/anaconda platform.
* (GNU/Linux) Fix Anaconda Python library search. (:issue:`3885`,
* (Windows) Fix UAC in one-file mode by embedding the manifest.
(:issue:`1729`, :issue:`3746`)
* (Windows\\Py3.7) Now able to locate pylib when VERSION.dll is listed in
python.exe PE Header rather than pythonXY.dll (:issue:`3942`,
* Avoid errors if PyQt5 or PySide2 is referenced by the modulegraph but isn't
importable. (:issue:`3997`)
* Correctly parse the ``--debug=import``, ``--debug=bootloader``, and
``--debug=noarchive`` command-line options. (:issue:`3808`)
* Don't treat PyQt5 and PySide2 files as resources in an OS X windowed build.
Doing so causes the resulting frozen app to fail under Qt 5.12.
* Explicitly specify an encoding of UTF-8 when opening *all* text files.
* Fix appending the content of ``datas`` in a `spec` files to ``binaries``
instead of the internal ``datas``. (:issue:`2326`, :issue:`3694`)
* Fix crash when changing from ``--onefile`` to ``--onedir`` on consecutive
runs. (:issue:`3662`)
* Fix discovery of Qt paths on Anaconda. (:issue:`3740`)
* Fix encoding error raised when reading a XML manifest file which includes
non-ASCII characters. This error inhibited building an executable which
has non-ASCII characters in the filename. (:issue:`3478`)
* Fix inputs to ``QCoreApplication`` constructor in ``Qt5LibraryInfo``. Now the
core application's initialization and finalization in addition to system-wide
and application-wide settings is safer. (:issue:`4121`)
* Fix installation with pip 19.0. (:issue:`4003`)
* Fixes PE-file corruption during version update. (:issue:`3142`,
* In the fake ´site` module set `USER_BASE` to empty string instead of None
as Jupyter Notebook requires it to be a 'str'. (:issue:`3945`)
* Query PyQt5 to determine if SSL is supported, only adding SSL DLLs if so. In
addition, search the path for SSL DLLs, instead of looking in Qt's
``BinariesPath``. (:issue:`4048`)
* Require ``pywin32-ctypes`` version 0.2.0, the minimum version which supports
Python 3.7. (:issue:`3763`)
* Use pkgutil instead of filesystem operations for interacting with the
modules. (:issue:`4181`)

Incompatible Changes

* PyInstaller is no longer tested against Python 3.4, which is end-of-live.
* Functions ``compat.architecture()``, ``compat.system()`` and
``compat.machine()`` have been replace by variables of the same name. This
avoids evaluating the save several times.
* Require an option for the ``--debug`` argument, rather than assuming a
default of ``all``. (:issue:`3737`)


* Added hooks for
`aliyunsdkcore <>`_ (:issue:`4228`),
astropy (:issue:`4274`),
`BTrees <>`_ (:issue:`4239`),
dateparser.utils.strptime (:issue:`3790`),
`faker <>`_ (:issue:`3989`, :issue:`4133`),
gooey (:issue:`3773`),
GtkSourceView (:issue:`3893`),
imageio_ffmpeg (:issue:`4051`),
importlib_metadata and importlib_resources (:issue:`4095`),
jsonpath_rw_ext (:issue:`3841`),
jupyterlab (:issue:`3951`),
lz4 (:issue:`3710`),
`magic <>`_ (:issue:`4267`),
nanite (:issue:`3860`),
nbconvert (:issue:`3947`),
nbdime (:issue:`3949`),
nbformat (:issue:`3946`),
notebook (:issue:`3950`),
pendulum (:issue:`3906`),
pysoundfile (:issue:`3844`),
python-docx (:issue:`2574`, :issue:`3848`),
python-wavefile (:issue:`3785`),
pytzdata (:issue:`3906`),
`PyWavelets pywt <>`_ (:issue:`4120`),
pywebview (:issue:`3771`),
radicale (:issue:`4109`),
rdflib (:issue:`3708`),
resampy (:issue:`3702`),
`sqlalchemy-migrate <>`_ (:issue:`4250`),
`textdistance <>`_ (:issue:`4239`),
tcod (:issue:`3622`),
ttkthemes (:issue:`4105`), and
`umap-learn <>`_ (:issue:`4165`).

* Add runtime hook for certifi. (:issue:`3952`)
* Updated hook for 'notebook' to look in all Jupyter paths reported by
jupyter_core. (:issue:`4270`)
* Fixed hook for 'notebook' to only include directories that actually exist.

* Fixed pre-safe-import-module hook for `setuptools.extern.six`. (:issue:`3806`)
* Fixed QtWebEngine hook on OS X. (:issue:`3661`)
* Fixed the QtWebEngine hook on distributions which don't have a NSS subdir
(such as Archlinux) (:issue:`3758`)
* Include dynamically-imported backends in the ``eth_hash`` package.
* Install platform-specific dependencies only on that platform.
* Skip packaging PyQt5 QML files if the QML directory doesn't exist.
* Support ECC in PyCryptodome. (:issue:`4212`, :issue:`4229`)
* Updated PySide2 hooks to follow PyQt5 approach. (:issue:`3655`,
:issue:`3689`, :issue:`3724`, :issue:`4040`, :issue:`4103`,
:issue:`4136`, :issue:`4175`, :issue:`4177`, :issue:`4198`,
* Updated the jsonschema hook for v3.0+. (:issue:`4100`)
* Updated the Sphinx hook to correctly package Sphinx 1.8.


* Update bundled zlib library to 1.2.11 address vulnerabilities.


* Update the text produced by ``--help`` to state that the ``--debug`` argument
requires an option. Correctly format this argument in the Sphinx build
process. (:issue:`3737`)

Project & Process

* Remove the PEP-518 "build-system" table from ``pyproject.toml`` to fix
installation with pip 19.0.

PyInstaller Core

* Add support for folders in `COLLECT` and `BUNDLE`. (:issue:`3653`)
* Completely remove `pywin32` dependency, which has erratic releases and
the version on pypi may no longer have future releases.
Require `pywin32-ctypes` instead which is pure python. (:issue:`3728`,
* modulegraph: Align with upstream version 0.17.
* Now prints a more descriptive error when running a tool fails (instead of
dumping a trace-back). (:issue:`3772`)
* Suppress warnings about missing UCRT dependencies on Win 10. (:issue:`1566`,

Test-suite and Continuous Integration

* Fix Appveyor failures of ``test_stderr_encoding()`` and
``test_stdout_encoding()`` on Windows Python 3.7 x64. (:issue:`4144`)
* November update of packages used in testing. Prevent pyup from touching
``test/requirements-tools.txt``. (:issue:`3845`)
* Rewrite code to avoid a ``RemovedInPytest4Warning: Applying marks directly to
parameters is deprecated, please use pytest.param(..., marks=...) instead.``
* Run Travis tests under Xenial; remove the deprecated ``sudo: false`` tag.
* Update the Markdown test to comply with `Markdown 3.0 changes
by using correct syntax for `extensions

Older Versions

.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1
:caption: Older Versions


.. Emacs config:
Local Variables:
mode: rst
ispell-local-dictionary: "american"


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Severity Details

CVSS Base Score


CVSS v3 Details

Attack Vector (AV)
Attack Complexity (AC)
Privileges Required (PR)
User Interaction (UI)
Scope (S)
Confidentiality Impact (C)
Integrity Impact (I)
Availability Availability (A)

CVSS v2 Details

HIGH 7.5
Access Vector (AV)
Access Complexity (AC)
Authentication (Au)
Confidentiality Impact (C)
Integrity Impact (I)
Availability Impact (A)