Safety vulnerability ID: 37070
The information on this page was manually curated by our Cybersecurity Intelligence Team.
Kubetest 0.1.0 updates the pyyaml version for security reasons. See: CVE-2017-18342.
Latest version: 0.9.5
A Kubernetes integration test framework in Python.
Change Log
[0.1.0]( (2019-04-19)
[Full Changelog](
**Implemented enhancements:**
- add --kube-context flag [\95](
- add "applymanifest" marker for single manifest loading [\93](
- teardown logic should only execute when setup is successful [\92](
- Update how pods are retrieved for Deployments [\89](
**Closed issues:**
- Error when trying to use markers [\90](
**Merged pull requests:**
- fix various bugs missed in recent update for multi-doc yamls [\102]( ([edaniszewski](
- update project dependencies in preparation for version bump [\101]( ([edaniszewski](
- add option to suppress unsecure request warnings [\100]( ([edaniszewski](
- Make manifest load support multi-document YAML files [\99]( ([mickours](
- get a deployments pods via labels [\98]( ([edaniszewski](
- add applymanifest marker [\97]( ([edaniszewski](
- add --kube-context flag [\96]( ([edaniszewski](
- only run teardown if pytest setup succeeds [\94]( ([edaniszewski](
- Update pyyaml version for CVE-2017-18342 [\87]( ([edaniszewski](
- Migrate to Jenkins CI [\86]( ([edaniszewski](
\* *This Change Log was automatically generated by [github_changelog_generator](*
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