PyPi: Syft



Safety vulnerability ID: 37958

This vulnerability was reviewed by experts

The information on this page was manually curated by our Cybersecurity Intelligence Team.

Created at Jun 27, 2018 Updated at Sep 15, 2024
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Syft 0.2.3 uses yaml.safe_load() to fix an arbitrary code execution vulnerability.

Affected package


Latest version: 0.9.1

Perform numpy-like analysis on data that remains in someone elses server

Affected versions

Fixed versions

Vulnerability changelog

New functionality:

* Migrates PySyft to PyTorch 1.4 (2930 by gmuraru)
* Implements tanh for FixedPrecisionTensors using Chebyshev approximation (3004 by gmuraru)
* Adds the ability to simulate latency with VirtualWorkers (3070 by jefersonf)
* Adds Protobuf serialization for Placeholders, Plans, and States (2972 by karlhigley)


* Reworks Plans for smoother serialization to multiple formats (2910 by LaRiffle and vvmnnnkv)
* Moves Plans, Protocols, and States from the `messaging` package to the `execution` package (3078 by karlhigley)
* Renames Operation class to OperationMessage (3090 by karlhigley)

Bug fixes:

* Fixes retrieval of the fit() result in WebsocketClientWorker (2948 by brandonhee)
* Fixes numeric issues in handcrafted Conv and Pool implementations (2945 and 2964 by arshjot)
* Removes an insecure eval in native tensor interpreter (2951 by karlhigley)
* Fixes parameters to ObjectRequestMessage in (2948 by brandonhee)
* Fixes PyTorch JIT tracing compatibility for Plans (2988 by karlhigley)
* Removes workarounds for previous versions of PyTorch (2999 by gmuraru)
* Pins requests dependency specification to version 2.22.0 (2970 by ADMoreau)
* Fixes interoperability of AutogradTensors with other tensors vis a vis `requires_grad` (2998 by gmuraru)
* Improves logging, typing, and documentation of PATE implementation (3033 by TTitcombe)
* Fixes a potential security issue with unsafe YAML loading (3037 by systemshift)
* Raises an error when attempting to additively share FloatTensors (3094 by pierrepocreau)
* Improves testing for Syft's RNN implementation (3092 by jimboH)
* Changes dependency specifications to require compatible versions (3119 by karlhigley)
* Fixes compatibility with msgpack 1.0 serialization library (3067 by IonesioJunior and 3073 by hdodenhof)


* Adds Sphinx documentation (3017 by Benardi)
* Fixes notebook test badge (3028 by jefersonf)
* Adds a link to the Udacity Secure And Private AI course (3016 by AVJdataminer)
* Improves instructions for developing protocol changes with `syft-proto` (2818 by refactormyself)


* Adds model evaluation to SplitNN tutorial (2983 by midokura-silvia)
* Adds a note to Part 10 FL with Secure Aggregation tutorial about hooking Numpy (3022 by fdroessler)


* Bengali:
* Parts 1, 2, 6, and 7 (2938, 2942, 3052, and 3053 by ucalyptus)
* Parts 8, 9, 11, 12, and 12bis (3096, 3050, 3041, 3039, and 3038 by adventuroussrv)
* French:
* Part 1 (3107 by r0cketr1kky)
* Hindi:
* Parts 5, 6, 7, 13b, and 13c (2909 and 3055 by raheja)
* Part 13a (2958 by Yugandhartripathi)
* Italian:
* Part 1 (3056 by DanyEle)
* Portuguese:
* Part 1 (3035 by MarcioPorto)
* Parts 7, 8, and 8bis (2977 by joaolcaas)
* Parts 9, 10 and 11 (2980 by jefersonf)
* Parts 12 and 13a (3015 by marcusvlc)
* Parts 12bis and 13b (3020 by hericlesme)
* Part 13c (3023 by Izabellaaaq)
* Spanish:
* Parts 6 (2941by ricardopretelt)
* Parts 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 13abc (2944, 2962, 3031 and 3032 by arturomf94)
* Part 12 (2822 by socd06)
* Ukrainian:
* Part 1 (2854 by KyloRen1)

* Moves automated testing of PRs from Travis to Github Actions (2936, 3012, and 3013 by karlhigley and systemshift)
* Adds a security scan for every PR (3036 by systemshift)
* Runs automated translation tests only on the notebooks that changed to speed up the builds (3064 by arturomf94)
* Automatically updates the `pysyft-notebook` Docker image when changes are merged to `master` (3030 by linamnt)
* Caches dependencies in Github Actions (3124 by imskr)


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Severity Details

CVSS Base Score


CVSS v3 Details

Attack Vector (AV)
Attack Complexity (AC)
Privileges Required (PR)
User Interaction (UI)
Scope (S)
Confidentiality Impact (C)
Integrity Impact (I)
Availability Availability (A)

CVSS v2 Details

HIGH 7.5
Access Vector (AV)
Access Complexity (AC)
Authentication (Au)
Confidentiality Impact (C)
Integrity Impact (I)
Availability Impact (A)