Safety vulnerability ID: 73539
The information on this page was manually curated by our Cybersecurity Intelligence Team.
Dataplaybook has updated its pyyaml dependency from >=3.11,<4 to pyyaml>=4.2b1,<5 in response to CVE-2017-18342.
Latest version: 1.0.20
Playbooks for data. Open, process and save table based data.
* pytest ([`67ca213`](
* tests ([`7ca8bf5`](
* tests ([`df3e01e`](
* tests ([`d83a63e`](
* tests ([`bd96ffd`](
* tests&publish ([`cb41100`](
* 1.0.2 ([`cb15ca0`](
* deps ([`26c44cc`](
* more refactor ([`eb65062`](
* more refactor ([`d5b942c`](
* mongo&req ([`7317f9b`](
* decorators ([`20549a5`](
* drafts ([`6e894bb`](
* version ([`d897eb3`](
* module err ([`ff3a85d`](
* 0.6.8 ([`d30de4d`](
* xlsx columns & log handling ([`54b3bfb`](
* new version ([`5d4c6bf`](
* email ([`71b56e1`](
* 0.6.5 ([`1379dc9`](
* black ([`cacf9a8`](
* mongo ([`148d381`](
* small fixes ([`18a785f`](
* add email ([`44f24d4`](
* JMESpath flatten & to_table, xlsx, mongo ([`21cdc16`](
* Lint,typing,0.6.1 ([`65fdceb`](
* coverage... ([`a344309`](
* 0.6 ([`98415c6`](
* colorlog req, tests ([`3ba0305`](
* Env vars, logger ([`e2ced4a`](
* Runtime & io_xlsx fixes ([`947cc69`](
* Readme & templating ([`cc6b8b4`](
* codecov ([`0a59b84`](
* codecov ([`d4b3c1a`](
* cov ([`4e86df7`](
* ci ([`c03b3aa`](
* ci ([`1ad1be1`](
* xls & Circle-CI ([`67b70a7`](
* Refactor, new task format ([`582cb10`](
* requirements2 ([`8a29f5d`](
* requirements ([`e5c2667`](
* Environment, templateSchema, tests, fixes ([`685d4ea`](
* jmespath, tests, travis, 0.4 ([`a903714`](
* Environment to support variables & tests ([`0d3fca5`](
* xls&more ([`0029348`](
* spo ([`3951ae0`](
* O365 and 0.3.3 ([`dbc857d`](
* O365 ([`6738905`](
* travis ([`fa01bb1`](
* travis ([`555cc27`](
* standards tests ([`10c8c41`](
* Split oauth ([`01bb5a7`](
* pyyaml security ([`6e04d05`](
* 0.3.1_unique_fix ([`5509f36`](
* regex&SPO ([`d3d1560`](
* oauth ([`2b3c894`](
* oauth_initial ([`1f5e51e`](
* 0.2.4 ([`1c5b4a7`](
* Version 0.2.3 packaging & pypi setup fix ([`f7e78d1`](
* filename ([`fe1509e`](
* updated standards ([`96767f7`](
* manifest ([`f1f389a`](
* version ([`5fe788a`](
* mongodb ([`e4f0652`](
* pdf ([`4f6923d`](
* initial ([`07f2bdc`](
* Initial commit ([`a46c24c`](
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