Safety vulnerability ID: 51833
The information on this page was manually curated by our Cybersecurity Intelligence Team.
Apache-airflow 1.10.3 updates its dependency 'gunicorn' minimum requirement to v19.5.0 to include a security fix.
Latest version: 2.10.5
Programmatically author, schedule and monitor data pipelines
New Feature
- [AIRFLOW-4232] Add ``none_skipped`` trigger rule (5032)
- [AIRFLOW-3971] Add Google Cloud Natural Language operators (4980)
- [AIRFLOW-4069] Add Opsgenie Alert Hook and Operator (4903)
- [AIRFLOW-3552] Fix encoding issue in ImapAttachmentToS3Operator (5040)
- [AIRFLOW-3552] Add ImapAttachmentToS3Operator (4476)
- [AIRFLOW-1526] Add dingding hook and operator (4895)
- [AIRFLOW-3490] Add BigQueryHook's Ability to Patch Table/View (4299)
- [AIRFLOW-3918] Add ssh private-key support to git-sync for KubernetesExecutor (4777)
- [AIRFLOW-3659] Create Google Cloud Transfer Service Operators (4792)
- [AIRFLOW-3939] Add Google Cloud Translate operator (4755)
- [AIRFLOW-3541] Add Avro logical type conversion to bigquery hook (4553)
- [AIRFLOW-4106] instrument staving tasks in pool (4927)
- [AIRFLOW-2568] Azure Container Instances operator (4121)
- [AIRFLOW-4107] instrument executor (4928)
- [AIRFLOW-4033] record stats of task duration (4858)
- [AIRFLOW-3892] Create Redis pub sub sensor (4712)
- [AIRFLOW-4124] add get_table and get_table_location in aws_glue_hook and tests (4942)
- [AIRFLOW-1262] Adds missing docs for email configuration (4557)
- [AIRFLOW-3701] Add Google Cloud Vision Product Search operators (4665)
- [AIRFLOW-3766] Add support for kubernetes annotations (4589)
- [AIRFLOW-3741] Add extra config to Oracle hook (4584)
- [AIRFLOW-1262] Allow configuration of email alert subject and body (2338)
- [AIRFLOW-2985] Operators for S3 object copying/deleting (3823)
- [AIRFLOW-2993] s3_to_sftp and sftp_to_s3 operators (3828)
- [AIRFLOW-3799] Add compose method to GoogleCloudStorageHook (4641)
- [AIRFLOW-3218] add support for poking a whole DAG (4058)
- [AIRFLOW-3315] Add ImapAttachmentSensor (4161)
- [AIRFLOW-3556] Add cross join set dependency function (4356)
- [AIRFLOW-3823] Exclude branch's downstream tasks from the tasks to skip (4666)
- [AIRFLOW-3274] Add run_as_user and fs_group options for Kubernetes (4648)
- [AIRFLOW-4247] Template Region on the DataprocOperators (5046)
- [AIRFLOW-4008] add envFrom for Kubernetes Executor (4952)
- [AIRFLOW-3947] Flash msg for no DAG-level access error (4767)
- [AIRFLOW-3287] Moving database clean-up code into the CoreTest.tearDown() (4122)
- [AIRFLOW-4058] Name models test file to get automatically picked up (4901)
- [AIRFLOW-3830] Remove DagBag from /dag_details (4831)
- [AIRFLOW-3596] Clean up undefined template variables. (4401)
- [AIRFLOW-3573] Remove DagStat table (4378)
- [AIRFLOW-3623] Fix bugs in Download task logs (5005)
- [AIRFLOW-4173] Improve SchedulerJob.process_file() (4993)
- [AIRFLOW-3540] Warn if old airflow.cfg file is found (5006)
- [AIRFLOW-4000] Return response when no file (4822)
- [AIRFLOW-3383] Rotate fernet keys. (4225)
- [AIRFLOW-3003] Pull the krb5 image instead of building (3844)
- [AIRFLOW-3862] Check types with mypy. (4685)
- [AIRFLOW-251] Add option SQL_ALCHEMY_SCHEMA parameter to specify schema for metadata (4199)
- [AIRFLOW-1814] Temple PythonOperator {op_args,op_kwargs} fields (4691)
- [AIRFLOW-3730] Standarization use of logs mechanisms (4556)
- [AIRFLOW-3770] Validation of documentation on CI] (4593)
- [AIRFLOW-3866] Run docker-compose pull silently in CI (4688)
- [AIRFLOW-3685] Move licence header check (4497)
- [AIRFLOW-3670] Add stages to Travis build (4477)
- [AIRFLOW-3937] KubernetesPodOperator support for envFrom configMapRef and secretRef (4772)
- [AIRFLOW-3408] Remove outdated info from Systemd Instructions (4269)
- [AIRFLOW-3202] add missing documentation for AWS hooks/operator (4048)
- [AIRFLOW-3908] Add more Google Cloud Vision operators (4791)
- [AIRFLOW-2915] Add example DAG for GoogleCloudStorageToBigQueryOperator (3763)
- [AIRFLOW-3062] Add Qubole in integration docs (3946)
- [AIRFLOW-3288] Add SNS integration (4123)
- [AIRFLOW-3148] Remove unnecessary arg "parameters" in RedshiftToS3Transfer (3995)
- [AIRFLOW-3049] Add extra operations for Mongo hook (3890)
- [AIRFLOW-3559] Add missing options to DatadogHook. (4362)
- [AIRFLOW-1191] Simplify override of spark submit command. (4360)
- [AIRFLOW-3155] Add ability to filter by a last modified time in GCS Operator (4008)
- [AIRFLOW-2864] Fix docstrings for SubDagOperator (3712)
- [AIRFLOW-4062] Improve docs on install extra package commands (4966)
- [AIRFLOW-3743] Unify different methods of working out AIRFLOW_HOME (4705)
- [AIRFLOW-4002] Option to open debugger on errors in `airflow test`. (4828)
- [AIRFLOW-3997] Extend Variable.get so it can return None when var not found (4819)
- [AIRFLOW-4009] Fix docstring issue in GCSToBQOperator (4836)
- [AIRFLOW-3980] Unify logger (4804)
- [AIRFLOW-4076] Correct port type of beeline_default in init_db (4908)
- [AIRFLOW-4046] Add validations for poke_interval & timeout for Sensor (4878)
- [AIRFLOW-3744] Abandon the use of obsolete aliases of methods (4568)
- [AIRFLOW-3865] Add API endpoint to get python code of dag by id (4687)
- [AIRFLOW-3516] Support to create k8 worker pods in batches (4434)
- [AIRFLOW-2843] Add flag in ExternalTaskSensor to check if external DAG/task exists (4547)
- [AIRFLOW-2224] Add support CSV files in MySqlToGoogleCloudStorageOperator (4738)
- [AIRFLOW-3895] GoogleCloudStorageHook/Op create_bucket takes optional resource params (4717)
- [AIRFLOW-3950] Improve AirflowSecurityManager.update_admin_perm_view (4774)
- [AIRFLOW-4006] Make better use of Set in AirflowSecurityManager (4833)
- [AIRFLOW-3917] Specify alternate kube config file/context when running out of cluster (4859)
- [AIRFLOW-3911] Change Harvesting DAG parsing results to DEBUG log level (4729)
- [AIRFLOW-3584] Use ORM DAGs for index view. (4390)
- [AIRFLOW-2821] Refine Doc "Plugins" (3664)
- [AIRFLOW-3561] Improve queries (4368)
- [AIRFLOW-3600] Remove dagbag from trigger (4407)
- [AIRFLOW-3713] Updated documentation for GCP optional project_id (4541)
- [AIRFLOW-2767] Upgrade gunicorn to 19.5.0 to avoid moderate-severity CVE (4795)
- [AIRFLOW-3795] provide_context param is now used (4735)
- [AIRFLOW-4012] Upgrade tabulate to 0.8.3 (4838)
- [AIRFLOW-3623] Support download logs by attempts from UI (4425)
- [AIRFLOW-2715] Use region setting when launching Dataflow templates (4139)
- [AIRFLOW-3932] Update unit tests and documentation for safe mode flag. (4760)
- [AIRFLOW-3932] Optionally skip dag discovery heuristic. (4746)
- [AIRFLOW-3258] K8S executor environment variables section. (4627)
- [AIRFLOW-3931] set network, subnetwork when launching dataflow template (4744)
- [AIRFLOW-4095] Add template_fields for S3CopyObjectOperator & S3DeleteObjectsOperator (4920)
- [AIRFLOW-2798] Remove needless code from
- [AIRFLOW-3731] Constrain mysqlclient to <1.4 (4558)
- [AIRFLOW-3139] include parameters into in SQL operators, if any (3986)
- [AIRFLOW-3174] Refine Docstring for SQL Operators & Hooks (4043)
- [AIRFLOW-3933] Fix various typos (4747)
- [AIRFLOW-3905] Allow using "parameters" in SqlSensor (4723)
- [AIRFLOW-2761] Parallelize enqueue in celery executor (4234)
- [AIRFLOW-3540] Respect environment config when looking up config file. (4340)
- [AIRFLOW-2156] Parallelize Celery Executor task state fetching (3830)
- [AIRFLOW-3702] Add backfill option to run backwards (4676)
- [AIRFLOW-3821] Add replicas logic to GCP SQL example DAG (4662)
- [AIRFLOW-3547] Fixed Jinja templating in SparkSubmitOperator (4347)
- [AIRFLOW-3647] Add archives config option to SparkSubmitOperator (4467)
- [AIRFLOW-3802] Updated documentation for HiveServer2Hook (4647)
- [AIRFLOW-3817] Corrected task ids returned by BranchPythonOperator to match the dummy operator ids (4659)
- [AIRFLOW-3782] Clarify docs around celery worker_autoscale in default_airflow.cfg (4609)
- [AIRFLOW-1945] Add Autoscale config for Celery workers (3989)
- [AIRFLOW-3590] Change log message of executor exit status (4616)
- [AIRFLOW-3591] Fix start date, end date, duration for rescheduled tasks (4502)
- [AIRFLOW-3709] Validate `allowed_states` for ExternalTaskSensor (4536)
- [AIRFLOW-3522] Add support for sending Slack attachments (4332)
- [AIRFLOW-3569] Add "Trigger DAG" button in DAG page (/www only) (4373)
- [AIRFLOW-3569] Add "Trigger DAG" button in DAG page (/www_rbac only) (4373)
- [AIRFLOW-3044] Dataflow operators accept templated job_name param (3887)
- [AIRFLOW-3023] Fix docstring datatypes
- [AIRFLOW-2928] Use uuid4 instead of uuid1 (3779)
- [AIRFLOW-2988] Run specifically python2 for dataflow (3826)
- [AIRFLOW-3697] Vendorize nvd3 and slugify (4513)
- [AIRFLOW-3692] Remove ENV variables to avoid GPL (4506)
- [AIRFLOW-3907] Upgrade flask and set cookie security flags. (4725)
- [AIRFLOW-3698] Add documentation for AWS Connection (4514)
- [AIRFLOW-3616][AIRFLOW-1215] Add aliases for schema with underscore (4523)
- [AIRFLOW-3375] Support returning multiple tasks with BranchPythonOperator (4215)
- [AIRFLOW-3742] Fix handling of "fallback" for AirflowConfigParsxer.getint/boolean (4674)
- [AIRFLOW-3742] Respect the `fallback` arg in airflow.configuration.get (4567)
- [AIRFLOW-3789] Fix flake8 3.7 errors. (4617)
- [AIRFLOW-3602] Improve ImapHook handling of retrieving no attachments (4475)
- [AIRFLOW-3631] Update flake8 and fix lint. (4436)
Bug fixes
- [AIRFLOW-4248] Fix 'FileExistsError' makedirs race in file_processor_handler (5047)
- [AIRFLOW-4240] State-changing actions should be POST requests (5039)
- [AIRFLOW-4246] Flask-Oauthlib needs downstream dependencies pinning due to breaking changes (5045)
- [AIRFLOW-3887] Downgrade dagre-d3 to 0.4.18 (4713)
- [AIRFLOW-3419] Fix S3Hook.select_key on Python3 (4970)
- [AIRFLOW-4127] Correct AzureContainerInstanceHook._get_instance_view's return (4945)
- [AIRFLOW-4172] Fix changes for driver class path option in Spark Submit (4992)
- [AIRFLOW-3615] Preserve case of UNIX socket paths in Connections (4591)
- [AIRFLOW-3417] ECSOperator: pass platformVersion only for FARGATE launch type (4256)
- [AIRFLOW-3884] Fixing doc checker, no warnings allowed anymore and fixed the current… (4702)
- [AIRFLOW-2652] implement / enhance baseOperator deepcopy
- [AIRFLOW-4001] Update docs about how to run tests (4826)
- [AIRFLOW-3699] Speed up Flake8 (4515)
- [AIRFLOW-4160] Fix redirecting of 'Trigger Dag' Button in DAG Page (4982)
- [AIRFLOW-3650] Skip running on mysql for the flaky test (4457)
- [AIRFLOW-3423] Fix mongo hook to work with anonymous access (4258)
- [AIRFLOW-3982] Fix race condition in CI test (4968)
- [AIRFLOW-3982] Update DagRun state based on its own tasks (4808)
- [AIRFLOW-3737] Kubernetes executor cannot handle long dag/task names (4636)
- [AIRFLOW-3945] Stop inserting row when permission views unchanged (4764)
- [AIRFLOW-4123] Add Exception handling for _change_state method in K8 Executor (4941)
- [AIRFLOW-3771] Minor refactor securityManager (4594)
- [AIRFLOW-987] pass kerberos cli args keytab and principal to (4238)
- [AIRFLOW-3736] Allow int value in SqoopOperator.extra_import_options(4906)
- [AIRFLOW-4063] Fix exception string in BigQueryHook [2/2] (4902)
- [AIRFLOW-4063] Fix exception string in BigQueryHook (4899)
- [AIRFLOW-4037] Log response in SimpleHttpOperator even if the response check fails
- [AIRFLOW-4044] The documentation of `query_params` in `BigQueryOperator` is wrong. (4876)
- [AIRFLOW-4015] Make missing API endpoints available in classic mode
- [AIRFLOW-3153] Send DAG processing stats to statsd (4748)
- [AIRFLOW-2966] Catch ApiException in the Kubernetes Executor (4209)
- [AIRFLOW-4129] Escape HTML in generated tooltips (4950)
- [AIRFLOW-4070] AirflowException -> log.warning for duplicate task dependencies (4904)
- [AIRFLOW-4054] Fix assertEqualIgnoreMultipleSpaces util & add tests (4886)
- [AIRFLOW-3239] Fix test recovery further (4074)
- [AIRFLOW-4053] Fix KubePodOperator Xcom on Kube 1.13.0 (4883)
- [AIRFLOW-2961] Refactor tests.BackfillJobTest.test_backfill_examples test (3811)
- [AIRFLOW-3606] Fix Flake8 test & fix the Flake8 errors introduced since Flake8 test was broken (4415)
- [AIRFLOW-3543] Fix deletion of DAG with rescheduled tasks (4646)
- [AIRFLOW-2548] Output plugin import errors to web UI (3930)
- [AIRFLOW-4019] Fix AWS Athena Sensor object has no attribute 'mode' (4844)
- [AIRFLOW-3758] Fix circular import in WasbTaskHandler (4601)
- [AIRFLOW-3706] Fix tooltip max-width by correcting ordering of CSS files (4947)
- [AIRFLOW-4100] Correctly JSON escape data for tree/graph views (4921)
- [AIRFLOW-3636] Fix a test introduced in 4425 (4446)
- [AIRFLOW-3977] Add examples of trigger rules in doc (4805)
- [AIRFLOW-2511] Fix improper failed session commit handling causing deadlocks (4769)
- [AIRFLOW-3962] Added graceful handling for creation of dag_run of a dag which doesn't have any task (4781)
- [AIRFLOW-3881] Correct to_csv row number (4699)
- [AIRFLOW-3875] Simplify SlackWebhookHook code and change docstring (4696)
- [AIRFLOW-3733] Don't raise NameError in HQL hook to_csv when no rows returned (4560)
- [AIRFLOW-3734] Fix hql not run when partition is None (4561)
- [AIRFLOW-3767] Correct bulk insert function (4773)
- [AIRFLOW-4087] remove sudo in basetaskrunner on_finish (4916)
- [AIRFLOW-3768] Escape search parameter in pagination controls (4911)
- [AIRFLOW-4045] Fix hard-coded URLs in FAB-based UI (4914)
- [AIRFLOW-3123] Use a stack for DAG context management (3956)
- [AIRFLOW-3060] DAG context manager fails to exit properly in certain circumstances
- [AIRFLOW-3924] Fix try number in alert emails (4741)
- [AIRFLOW-4083] Add tests for link generation utils (4912)
- [AIRFLOW-2190] Send correct HTTP status for base_url not found (4910)
- [AIRFLOW-4015] Add get_dag_runs GET endpoint to "classic" API (4884)
- [AIRFLOW-3239] Enable existing CI tests (4131)
- [AIRFLOW-1390] Update Alembic to 0.9 (3935)
- [AIRFLOW-3885] Fix race condition in scheduler test (4737)
- [AIRFLOW-3885] ~10x speed-up of SchedulerJobTest suite (4730)
- [AIRFLOW-3780] Fix some incorrect when base_url is used (4643)
- [AIRFLOW-3807] Fix Graph View Highlighting of Tasks (4653)
- [AIRFLOW-3009] Import Hashable from to fix Python 3.7 deprecation warning (3849)
- [AIRFLOW-2231] Fix relativedelta DAG schedule_interval (3174)
- [AIRFLOW-2641] Fix MySqlToHiveTransfer to handle MySQL DECIMAL correctly
- [AIRFLOW-3751] Option to allow malformed schemas for LDAP authentication (4574)
- [AIRFLOW-2888] Add deprecation path for task_runner config change (4851)
- [AIRFLOW-2930] Fix celery excecutor scheduler crash (3784)
- [AIRFLOW-2888] Remove shell=True and bash from task launch (3740)
- [AIRFLOW-3885] ~2.5x speed-up for backfill tests (4731)
- [AIRFLOW-3885] ~20x speed-up of slowest unit test (4726)
- [AIRFLOW-2508] Handle non string types in Operators templatized fields (4292)
- [AIRFLOW-3792] Fix validation in BQ for useLegacySQL & queryParameters (4626)
- [AIRFLOW-3749] Fix Edit Dag Run page when using RBAC (4613)
- [AIRFLOW-3801] Fix DagBag collect dags invocation to prevent examples to be loaded (4677)
- [AIRFLOW-3774] Register blueprints with RBAC web app (4598)
- [AIRFLOW-3719] Handle StopIteration in CloudWatch logs retrieval (4516)
- [AIRFLOW-3108] Define get_autocommit method for MsSqlHook (4525)
- [AIRFLOW-3074] Add relevant ECS options to ECS operator. (3908)
- [AIRFLOW-3353] Upgrade Redis client (4834)
- [AIRFLOW-3250] Fix for Redis Hook for not authorised connection calls (4090)
- [AIRFLOW-2009] Fix dataflow hook connection-id (4563)
- [AIRFLOW-2190] Fix TypeError when returning 404 (4596)
- [AIRFLOW-2876] Update Tenacity to 4.12 (3723)
- [AIRFLOW-3923] Update flask-admin dependency to 1.5.3 to resolve security vulnerabilities from safety (4739)
- [AIRFLOW-3683] Fix formatting of error message for invalid TriggerRule (4490)
- [AIRFLOW-2787] Allow is_backfill to handle NULL DagRun.run_id (3629)
- [AIRFLOW-3780] Fix some incorrect when base_url is used (4643)
- [AIRFLOW-3639] Fix request creation in Jenkins Operator (4450)
- [AIRFLOW-3779] Don't install enum34 backport when not needed (4620)
- [AIRFLOW-3079] Improve migration scripts to support MSSQL Server (3964)
- [AIRFLOW-2735] Use equality, not identity, check for detecting AWS Batch failures[]
- [AIRFLOW-2706] AWS Batch Operator should use top-level job state to determine status
- [AIRFLOW-XXX] Fix typo in
- [AIRFLOW-XXX] Solve lodash security warning (4820)
- [AIRFLOW-XXX] Pin version of tornado pulled in by Celery. (4815)
- [AIRFLOW-XXX] Upgrade FAB to 1.12.3 (4694)
- [AIRFLOW-XXX] Pin pinodb dependency (4704)
- [AIRFLOW-XXX] Pin version of Pip in tests to work around pypa/pip6163 (4576)
- [AIRFLOW-XXX] Fix spark submit hook KeyError (4578)
- [AIRFLOW-XXX] Pin psycopg2 due to breaking change (5036)
- [AIRFLOW-XXX] Pin Sendgrid dep. (5031)
- [AIRFLOW-XXX] Fix flaky test - test_execution_unlimited_parallelism (4988)
- [AIRFLOW-4144] add description of is_delete_operator_pod (4943)
- [AIRFLOW-3476][AIRFLOW-3477] Move Kube classes out of (4443)
- [AIRFLOW-3464] Move SkipMixin out of (4386)
- [AIRFLOW-3463] Move Log out of (4639)
- [AIRFLOW-3458] Move connection tests (4680)
- [AIRFLOW-3461] Move TaskFail out of (4630)
- [AIRFLOW-3462] Move TaskReschedule out of (4618)
- [AIRFLOW-3474] Move SlaMiss out of (4608)
- [AIRFLOW-3475] Move ImportError out of (4383)
- [AIRFLOW-3459] Move DagPickle to separate file (4374)
- [AIRFLOW-3925] Don't pull docker-images on pretest (4740)
- [AIRFLOW-4154] Correct string formatting in (4972)
- [AIRFLOW-3458] Deprecation path for moving models.Connection
- [AIRFLOW-3458] Move models.Connection into separate file (4335)
- [AIRFLOW-XXX] Remove old/non-test files that nose ignores (4930)
Doc-only changes
- [AIRFLOW-3996] Add view source link to included fragments
- [AIRFLOW-3811] automatic generation of API Reference in docs (4788)
- [AIRFLOW-3810] Remove duplicate autoclass directive (4656)
- [AIRFLOW-XXX] Mention that statsd must be installed to gather metrics (5038)
- [AIRFLOW-XXX] Add contents to cli (4825)
- [AIRFLOW-XXX] fix check docs failure on CI (4998)
- [AIRFLOW-XXX] Fix syntax docs errors (4789)
- [AIRFLOW-XXX] Docs rendering improvement (4684)
- [AIRFLOW-XXX] Automatically link Jira/GH on doc's changelog page (4587)
- [AIRFLOW-XXX] Mention Oracle in the Extra Packages documentation (4987)
- [AIRFLOW-XXX] Drop deprecated sudo option; use default docker compose on Travis. (4732)
- [AIRFLOW-XXX] Update kubernetes.rst docs (3875)
- [AIRFLOW-XXX] Improvements to formatted content in documentation (4835)
- [AIRFLOW-XXX] Add Daniel to committer list (4961)
- [AIRFLOW-XXX] Add Xiaodong Deng to committers list
- [AIRFLOW-XXX] Add history become ASF top level project (4757)
- [AIRFLOW-XXX] Move out the examples from integration.rst (4672)
- [AIRFLOW-XXX] Extract reverse proxy info to a separate file (4657)
- [AIRFLOW-XXX] Reduction of the number of warnings in the documentation (4585)
- [AIRFLOW-XXX] Fix GCS Operator docstrings (4054)
- [AIRFLOW-XXX] Fix Docstrings in Hooks, Sensors & Operators (4137)
- [AIRFLOW-XXX] Split guide for operators to multiple files (4814)
- [AIRFLOW-XXX] Split connection guide to multiple files (4824)
- [AIRFLOW-XXX] Remove almost all warnings from building docs (4588)
- [AIRFLOW-XXX] Add backreference in docs between operator and integration (4671)
- [AIRFLOW-XXX] Improve linking to classes (4655)
- [AIRFLOW-XXX] Mock optional modules when building docs (4586)
- [AIRFLOW-XXX] Update plugin macros documentation (4971)
- [AIRFLOW-XXX] Add missing docstring for 'autodetect' in GCS to BQ Operator (4979)
- [AIRFLOW-XXX] Add missing GCP operators to Docs (4260)
- [AIRFLOW-XXX] Fixing the issue in Documentation (3756)
- [AIRFLOW-XXX] Add Hint at user defined macros (4885)
- [AIRFLOW-XXX] Correct schedule_interval in Scheduler docs (4157)
- [AIRFLOW-XXX] Improve airflow-jira script to make RelManager's life easier (4857)
- [AIRFLOW-XXX] Add missing class references to docs (4644)
- [AIRFLOW-XXX] Fix typo (4564)
- [AIRFLOW-XXX] Add a doc about fab security (4595)
- [AIRFLOW-XXX] Speed up DagBagTest cases (3974)
- [AIRFLOW-XXX] Reduction of the number of warnings in the documentation (4585)
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