PyPi: Kiwitcms



Safety vulnerability ID: 36649

This vulnerability was reviewed by experts

The information on this page was manually curated by our Cybersecurity Intelligence Team.

Created at Oct 02, 2018 Updated at Dec 03, 2024
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Kiwitcms 6.0 updates its dependency Django to v2.1.2 to include a security fix.

Affected package


Latest version: 12.4

Test Case Management System

Affected versions

Fixed versions

Vulnerability changelog

will break without an intermediate upgrade to 5.3! Use ``kiwitcms/kiwi:5.3.1``
from Docker Hub when upgrading at some point in the future!

After upgrade don't forget to::

./ migrate


- Update to `Django 2.1.1 <>`_
- Update Patternfly version. Fixes
`Issue 381 <>`_
- Replace TinyMCE with SimpleMDE markdown editor. You may need to strip existing
texts from HTML tags that were generated by TinyMCE
- Allow downstream builds to customize the login templates by
providing ``registration/custom_login.html`` template. It can either
override the entire login page or provide additional information inside
the ``custom_login`` block!

Visual changes

- Remove breadcrumbs at the top of pages. Only admin pages still have them
- Convert login and registration templates to Patternfly. Fixes
`Issue 211 <>`_
- Convert 404 and 500 templates to Patternfly
- Convert dashboard page to Patternfly
- Convert TestRun new, edit and clone pages to Patternfly. Fixes
`Issue 17 <>`_
- Convert Search Test Plans page to Patternfly
- Convert Search Test Runs page to Patternfly
- Convert Search Test Cases page to Patternfly
- TestPlan view page, Runs tab now re-uses the search form for test runs
which is built using Patternfly

Removed functionality

- When creating or editing TestRun

- field ``estimated_time`` is scheduled for removal and is not shown
- ``product_version`` is scheduled for removal in favor of
- Product & Version can't be edited anymore. Must be set on the parent
TestPlan instead. Still allows to specify builds

- Remove the ability to clone multiple TestPlans from search results
- Remove the ability to upload TestPlan document files in favor of
the existing API
- Remove TestCase export to XML in favor of existing API
- Remove Advanced Search functionality. Fixes
`Issue 448 <>`_,
`Issue 108 <>`_
- Remove tech preview feature: Django Report Builder


- Updated `German translation <>`_
- Updated `Slovenian translation <>`_
- Marked more strings as translatable

Bug fixes

- Don't use ``get_full_url()`` where not needed. Closes
`Issue 380 <>`_
- Remove unused templates. Fixes
`Issue 114 <>`_
- Submit filter form when clicking on tag value. Fixes
`Issue 426 <>`_
- Update ``TestCaseRun.tested_by`` when setting status. Fixes
`Issue 459 <>`_
- Add tests for ``KiwiUserAdmin``. Closes
`Issue 489 <>`_


- The following settings have been removed ``MOTD_LOGIN``, ``WELCOME_MESSAGE``


- Fix pylint errors (Anton Sankov, Ivaylo Ivanov)
- Remove lots of unused functions and classes
- Remove old or unnecessary templates
- Remove ``html2text`` dependency
- Remove unused CSS and vendored-in JavaScript libraries
- Add JavaScript JSON-RPC client which is now used by the front-end to
communicate with the existing JSON-RPC API on the back-end. This
replaces many 'ajax' views which are only used to render the UI and were
duplicating functionality with existing API
- Non ``dist/`` files are no longer removed from ``node_modules/`` when building
a docker image because packages like ``moment.js`` and ``bootstrap-datetimepicker.js``
don't ship their files in ``dist/``
- Convert TestPlans.TreeView to JSON RPC

Kiwi TCMS 5.2 (07 August 2018)

**IMPORTANT:** this release introduces new database migrations and converts
the Docker image to a non-root user with uid 1001. You may have to adjust
ownership/permissions on the ``kiwi_uploads`` Docker volume! After upgrade don't
forget to::

./ migrate


- Upgrade to `Django 2.1 <>`_
- Upgrade to ``django-report-builder 6.2.2``, compatible with Django 2.1
- Docker image now executes with uid 1001 instead of root

- image based on ``centos7`` image instead of ``centos/httpd``
- image now exposes ports 8080 and 8443
- Apache logs now printed on Docker console
- SSL certificates copied to ``/Kiwi/ssl`` inside Docker image instead of being bind-mounted
- uploads dir changed to ``/Kiwi/uploads``
- static dir changed to ``/Kiwi/static``
- ``/Kiwi`` is now owned by uid 1001
- ``/venv`` is now owned by uid 1001
- ``docker-compose.yml`` is updated to match
- Fix pylint errors (Ivaylo Ivanov)
- Allow users to see other profiles via Admin
- Use password change form from Admin instead of custom one
- ```` will try to import ```` if available in the
same directory. This can be used to customize settings in downstream
- Updated `Slovenian translation <>`_

Bug fixes

- Make password reset views public
- Don't crash when adding new users via Admin


- Remove ``UserProfile`` model. Kiwi TCMS doesn't needs extra information
about users so we remove this part of the application. Custom installations
may choose to define their own profiles if they wish
- Remove custom ``DBModelBackend`` authentication backend
- Remove unused ``tcms.core.context_processors.auth_backend_processor``
- Remove unused ``get_using_backend()``. Fixes
`Issue 261 <>`_
- Remove ``dj_pagination``. Fixes
`Issue 110 <>`_


- Navigation menu links are now defined in ``MENU_ITEMS`` and can be redefined


- ``USER_REGISTERED_SIGNAL`` now doesn't receive the ``backend`` parameter

Kiwi TCMS 5.1 (31 July 2018)

**IMPORTANT:** this release introduces new database migrations, an experimental
reporting feature, deprecated functionality and bug fixes. After upgrade don't
forget to::

./ migrate


- Integrate with Django Report Builder as tech-preview. This makes it possible
for power users and administrators to generate
`tabular reports <>`_.
You will have to know the existing DB schema if you want to create your own reports.
See This feature is in
tech-preview and it may be removed if it doesn't work out. Please comment at:
`Issue 452 <>`_.
- Allow using `` dumpdata|loaddata|sqlflush|dbshell`` for backups, see
`blog post <>`_
- In TestCase view page add a link to delete the current test case
- In TestCase Admin page the ``+ Add TestCase`` button now allows to create new
test case
- The version menu item in the helper menu now links to
`Changelog <>`_

Deprecated functionality

- Start showing deprecation warning for Advanced search, see
`Issue 448 <>`_

Bug fixes

- Allows Product/Version/Build to be shown in Testing Report. Fixes
`Sentry KIWI-TCMS-2C <>`_
- Default to ``https://`` links if not running locally. Fixes
`Issue 450 <>`_
- Apply missing CSS class for object history table so it can be displayed nicely


- Squash some database migrations
- Fix a number of pylint issues
- Remove unused ``testruns.views::view_caseruns()``. References
`Issue 316 <>`_
- Remove unused template ``report/caserun.html``
- Handle TestRun deletion via admin not home grown code

Kiwi TCMS 5.0 (24 July 2018)

**IMPORTANT:** this release introduces new database migrations, object history
tracking, removal of old functionality and unused code, lots of internal
updates and bug fixes. After upgrade don't forget to::

./ migrate
./ populate_history --auto


- Remove ``CACHE`` because not used
``CASE_DELETE_EMAIL_TEMPLATE``. Templates can still be overriden if desired


- Upgrade to `Django 2.0.7 <>`_
- Allow to delete TestPlan. Fixes
`Issue 273 <>`_
- Don't include username in dashboard URL
- Copy latest TestPlan text when cloning
- Always require users to be logged in. Anonymous users will not be allowed
access by default. Read-only access to some views (e.g. get TestPlan or TestRun)
can be enabled by disabling ``GlobalLoginRequiredMiddleware``! Fixes
`Issue 230 <>`_
- Start tracking change history for TestPlan, TestCase, TestRun and TestCaseRun.
Fixes `Issue 294 <>`_
- History changes are recorded as unified diff which is a universally recognized format
- Show the actual changes in email notifications. Fixes
`Issue 199 <>`_

Bug fixes

- Fix ``UnboundLocalError local variable 'message' referenced before assignment``. Fixes
`Sentry KIWI-TCMS-1S <>`_
- Make email address unique when adding users via admin panel. Fixes
`Issue 352 <>`_ and
`Issue 68 <>`_
- Fix ``unsupported operand type(s) for +=: 'int' and 'datetime.timedelta'`` by
initializing timedelta variable properly. Fixes
`Sentry KIWI-TCMS-1Y <>`_
- Remove ``core.models.fields`` with MySQL time conversions. Fixes
`Issue 390 <>`_
- Fix bad JavaScript comparison. Fixes Coverity 289956
- Remove expression with no effect. Fixes Coverity 289974
- Rewrite ``request_host_link()`` to fix Coverity 289987
- Fix Coverity 289923 - Typo in identifier
- Don't send emails for changes performed by myself. Fixes
`Issue 216 <>`_


- Fix pylint issues in several modules (Anton Sankov & Ivaylo Ivanov)
- Fix wrong Plan Type template variable in advanced search form
- Do not use ``Model.objects.update()`` because it doesn't respect history
- Use the standard ``ModelChoiceField`` instead of custom one
- Use ``updateRunStatus()`` instead of deprecated ``updateObject()``
- Simplify JavaScript function ``getInfo()`` and use it multiple times
- Simplify ``previewPlan()`` by removing unused parameters
- Unify ``addChildPlan()`` and ``removeChildPlan()``
- Unify ``getInfoAndUpdateObject()`` with ``changeCaseRunAssignee()``
- Unify ``onTestCaseStatusChange()`` with ``changeTestCaseStatus()``
- Convert ``TestCaseEmailSettings.cc_list`` to string field
- Merge ``report/caseruns_table.html`` with ``reports/caseruns.html``
- Rename model ``UserActivateKey`` to ``UserActivationKey``. Fixes
`Issue 276 <>`_
- Remove ``cached_entities()``. Fixes
`Issue 307 <>`_
- Remove ``TestPlanText.checksum`` field
- Remove checksum fields for ``TestCaseText`` model
- Remove unused and home-grown template tags
- Remove unused fields ``auto_blinddown``, ``description``, ``sortkey`` from
``TestCaseRunStatus`` model. Fixes
`Issue 186 <>`_
- Remove ``Meta.db_name`` effectively renaming all tables. New names will use
Django's default naming scheme
- Remove RawSQL queries. We are now 100% ORM based. Fixes
`Issue 36 <>`_
- Remove duplicate ``MultipleEmailField`` definition
- Remove ``TCMSLog`` view, ``TCMSLogManager``, ``TCMSLogModel``
- Remove ``TestPlanText`` model, use ``TestPlan.text`` instead
- Remove unused JavaScript files
- ``lib/detetmine_type.js``
- ``lib/hole.js``
- ``lib/scriptaculous-controls.js.patch``
- ``lib/validations.js``
- ``static/js/index.js``
- Remove ``constructPlanParentPreviewDialog()``
- Remove ``changeCasePriority()``
- Remove ``changeCaseRunOrder()``
- Remove ``debug_output()`` from JavaScript files
- Remove deprecated ``/ajax/update/`` end-point
- Remove ``taggleSortCaseRun()``
- Remove ``strip_parameters()``
- Remove ``_InfoObjects.users()``
- Remove ``get_value_by_type()``
- Remove ``testcases.views.get_log()``
- Remove ``mail_scene()`` methods and related templates

Removed functionality

- TestRun completion status is no longer updated automatically. You can still
update the status manually via the 'Set Finished' or 'Set Running' links!
Fixes `Issue 367 <>`_
- Remove bookmarks functionality. There are many great bookmark manager apps
and if the user is keen on bookmarks they should use one of them. Closes
`Issue 67 <>`_ and
`Issue 210 <>`_
- Don't track & display history of changes for ``EnvGroup`` model
- Remove Disable/Enable buttons from TestPlan page. Enabling and disabling
can still be done via the edit page
- Remove ``changeParentPlan()`` and the ability to change TestPlan parents
from the 'Tree View' tab. This can be done via the edit page
- When viewing a TestPlan the user is no longer able to specify a sorkey for a
particular TestCase. Instead they can use the ``Re-order cases`` button and
move around the entire row of cases to adjust the sort order
- When working with test case results, inside a TestRun you will not be allowed
to change the order of execution. Order should be defined inside the TestPlan
- Remove ``XmlRpcLog()`` model. Kiwi TCMS will no longer log RPC calls to the
database. This leads to a small performance boost and can be overriden on
individual basis if you need to do so.


- More source strings marked as translatable
- New translations for Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, German and Slovenian
- Stop keeping compiled translations under git. Fixes
`Issue 387 <>`_

tcms-api 5.0 (24 July 2018)

- Requires Python 3.6 or newer because it fixes bugs related to Django's
disabling of keep-alive connections. See
- The rpc client is now accessed via ``TCMS().exec.<Server-Method>``
- Leave only XML-RPC transport classes! This removes the top-level interface
behind the API client and the consuming side is left to work with Python
dictionaries instead of objects.
- Remove the interactive ``tcms`` script
- Remove ``tcms_api.config`` module
- Remove logging class
- Remove ``script_examples/`` directory. These were never tested and maintained

Kiwi TCMS 4.2 (23 June 2018)

**IMPORTANT:** this release introduces new database migrations, security updates
and GDPR related changes! It is also the first release after a great deal of
travelling for various conferences.


- Enable testing with Badit. Fixes
`Issue 237 <>`_
- Enable testing with
`Coverity Scan <>`_
- Enable testing with
` <>`_
- Enable testing with
`Snyk <>`_
- Use SHA256 instead of MD5 and SHA1
- Use the ``secrets`` module for activation keys
- Remove unnecessary AJAX view that had remote code execution vulnerability
- Don't use hardcoded temporary directories
- Upgrade to


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Severity Details

CVSS Base Score


CVSS v3 Details

Attack Vector (AV)
Attack Complexity (AC)
Privileges Required (PR)
User Interaction (UI)
Scope (S)
Confidentiality Impact (C)
Integrity Impact (I)
Availability Availability (A)

CVSS v2 Details

Access Vector (AV)
Access Complexity (AC)
Authentication (Au)
Confidentiality Impact (C)
Integrity Impact (I)
Availability Impact (A)