Safety vulnerability ID: 59432
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Coldsweat 0.10.0 updates its dependency 'requests' to version '2.20.1' to include a security fix.
Latest version: 0.10.2
Web RSS aggregator and reader compatible with the Fever API
🎉 A new version after almost 5 years!
This version is a nearly complete rewrite of the old Python 2 codebase, using Python 3 and the Flask web framework. I have to publicly express my gratitude to [Oz Tiram]( for the original PR which started the Python 3 port years ago.
This version focuses on streamline the feed fetcher, fix security issues, and improve testing, while the next one will revamp the UI. Coldsweat now uses the trusty Flask web framework and latest version of the lovely Peewee ORM which supports Sqlite, MySQL, and PostgreSQL databases.
Coldsweat is now available as a Python wheel, so it can be installed from [PyPI]( like any other package via `pip` or similar utilities.
I hope you will enjoy this new release!
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