Safety vulnerability ID: 42205
The information on this page was manually curated by our Cybersecurity Intelligence Team.
Destringcare 0.0.4 removes its dependency 'pycrypto' to fix security vulnerabilities.
Latest version: 0.0.5
DeStringCare for extracting Android apk secrets
Removed `pycrypto` due to security issue
This is due to:
* [CVE-2018-6594]( Moderate severity
* [CVE-2013-7459]( Moderate severity
More information:
Replacing StringCare secrets
Added `replaced` argument for replacing Stringcare secrets.
destringcare --resign Appname_v1.0.2494.apk mapped.json
where `mapped.json` is a key-value dictionary in JSON:
"firebase_database_url": "",
"google_storage_bucket": ""
Printing out common plaintext properties
This is done by using `--other` argument.
destringcare --other Appname_v1.0.2494.apk
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