Safety vulnerability ID: 37403
The information on this page was manually curated by our Cybersecurity Intelligence Team.
Sqlathanor 0.5.0 updates its dependency 'urllib3' to v1.24.2 to include a security fix.
Latest version: 0.7.0
Serialization/De-serialization Support for the SQLAlchemy Declarative ORM
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:alt: Build Status (Travis CI)
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:alt: Code Coverage Status (Codecov)
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:alt: Documentation Status (ReadTheDocs)
New Features
* 68: Replaced serialization to ``dict`` with serialization to ``OrderedDict`` to preserve
key ordering when serializing to JSON and YAML. The interface and interaction
with ``OrderedDict`` should be 100% consistent with the behavior of past ``dict``
objects - just now their order will be preserved when on Python versions before
Bug Fixes
* 71: Modified default ``to_str()`` serializer function to coerce values to strings.
* 73: Corrected a variety of mismatches in the default serializer/deserializer
functions relating to ``datetime.timedelta`` objects and SQLAlchemy ``Interval``
and ``DATETIME`` type objects.
* 75: Corrected a bug that may have introduced errors in applications using
Python 3.7, SQLAlchemy 1.3+, and relying on ``AssociationProxy`` constructions
in their models.
* Updated the ``requirements.txt`` (which does not actually indicate utilization
dependencies, and instead indicates development dependencies) to upgrade
a number of libraries that had recently had security vulnerabilities
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