Safety vulnerability ID: 40384
The information on this page was manually curated by our Cybersecurity Intelligence Team.
Notebook 5.7.6 includes a fix for vulnerability (CVE-2019-9644).
Latest version: 7.3.2
Jupyter Notebook - A web-based notebook environment for interactive computing
vulnerability (CVE-2019--9644), where files at a known URL could be
included in a page from an unauthorized website if the user is logged
into a Jupyter server. The fix involves setting the
`X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff` header, and applying CSRF checks
previously on all non-GET API requests to GET requests to API endpoints
and the /files/ endpoint.
The attacking page is able to access some contents of files when using
Internet Explorer through script errors, but this has not been
demonstrated with other browsers.
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