Safety vulnerability ID: 40579
The information on this page was manually curated by our Cybersecurity Intelligence Team.
Pywikibot 6.1.0 updates its dependency 'Pillow' to versions >=8.1.1 to include security fixes.
Latest version: 9.6.2
Python MediaWiki Bot Framework
*17 April 2021*
Improvements and Bugfixes
* proofreadpage: search for "new" class after purge (T280357)
* Enable different types with BaseBot.treat()
* Context manager depends on pymysql version, not Python release (T279753)
* Bugfix for Site.interwiki_prefix() (T188179)
* Exclude expressions from parsed template in mwparserfromhell (T71384)
* Provide an object representation for DequeGenerator
* Allow deleting any subclass of BasePage by title (T278659)
* Add support for API:Revisiondelete with Site.deleterevs() method (T276726)
* L10N updates
* Family files can be collected from a zip folder (T278076)
* **mwparserfromhell** or **wikitextparser** are strictly recommended (T106763)
* Require **Pillow**>=8.1.1 due to vulnerability found (T278743)
* TkDialog of GUI userinterface requires **Python 3.6+** (T278743)
* Enable textlib.extract_templates_and_params with **wikitextparser** package
* Add support for **PyMySQL** 1.0.0+
Code cleanups
* APISite.resolvemagicwords(), BaseSite.ns_index() and remove BaseSite.getNamespaceIndex() were removed
* Deprecated MoveEntry.new_ns() and new_title() methods were removed
* Unused NoSuchSite and PageNotSaved exception were removed
* Unused BadTitle exception was removed (T267768)
* getSite() function was removed in favour of Site() constructor
* Page.fileUrl() was removed in favour of Page.get_file_url()
* Deprecated getuserinfo and getglobaluserinfo Site methods were removed
* script was archived
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