Safety vulnerability ID: 51992
The information on this page was manually curated by our Cybersecurity Intelligence Team.
Mapchete 2022.11.0 updates its dependency 'rasterio' requirement to '>1.2.10' to include security fixes.
Latest version: 2025.1.1
Tile-based geodata processing using rasterio & Fiona
* core
* GTiff driver: force blocksize being int (496)
* fix TileDirectory read error from exotic CRSes (498)
* split up `` class to memory and tempfile subclasses (500)
* make sure dask_compute_graph and dask_chunksize are passed on (502)
* print task details also when using dask executor when `--verbose` flag is active (501)
* packaging
* exclude vulnerable rasterio dependency (490)
* add python-dateutil to package requirements (495)
* rename `master` branch to `main`
* tests
* add Python 3.10 to tests
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