Safety vulnerability ID: 52172
The information on this page was manually curated by our Cybersecurity Intelligence Team.
Astropy 5.1.1 and 5.0.5 update its JS dependency 'jquery' to v3.6.0 to include security fixes.
Latest version: 7.0.1
Astronomy and astrophysics core library
API Changes
- The ``pixel`` argument to ``astropy.visualization.wcsaxes.ticklabels.TickLabels.add``
no longer does anything, is deprecated, and will be removed in a future
astropy version. It has been replaced by a new required ``data`` argument, which
should be used to specify the data coordinates of the tick label being added.
This changes has been made because it is (in general) not possible to correctly
calculate pixel coordinates before Matplotlib is drawing a figure. [12630]
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug that prevented ``SkyOffsetFrame`` instances to be pickled by adding
a custom ``__reduce__`` method to the class (see issue 9249). [13305]
- Fixed the check for invalid ``Latitude`` values for float32 values.
``Latitude`` now accepts the float32 value of pi/2, which was rejected
before because a comparison was made using the slightly smaller float64 representation.
See issue 13708. [13745]
- Fixed confusing chained exception messages of ``read()`` function when it fails. [13170]
- When writing out a :class:`~astropy.table.Table` to HTML format, the
``formats`` keyword argument to the :meth:`~astropy.table.Table.write` method
will now be applied. [13453]
- ``heapsize`` is now checked for VLA tables. An error is thrown whether P format is used
but the heap size is bigger than what can be indexed with a 32 bit signed int. [13429]
- Fix parsing of ascii TFORM when precision is missing. [13520]
- A compressed image HDU created from the header of a PRIMARY HDU, now correctly updates
'XTENSION' and 'SIMPLE' keywords. [13557]
- Empty variable-length arrays are now properly handled when pathological combinations of
heapoffset and heapsize are encountered. [13621]
- ``PCOUNT`` and ``GCOUNT`` keywords are now removed from an uncompressed Primary header,
for compliancy with ``fitsverify`` behavior. [13753]
- Bugfix for using ``MagUnit`` units on model parameters. [13158]
- Fix bug in using non-linear fitters to fit 0-degree polynomials using weights. [13628]
- Fix a problem where accessing one field of a structured column returned a Column
with the same info as the original column. This resulted in unintuitive behavior
in general and an exception if the format for the column was set. [13269]
- Tables with columns with structured data can now be properly stacked and joined. [13306]
- Update jQuery to 3.6.0, to pick up security fixes. [13438]
- Fix a Python 3.11 compatibility issue. Ensure that when removing a table column
that the ``pprint_include_names`` or ``pprint_exclude_names`` attributes get
updated correctly. [13639]
- When using ``add_columns`` with same indexes in ``indexes`` option or without
specifying the option, the order of the new columns will now be kept. [13783]
- Fix a bug when printing or getting the representation of a multidimensional
table column that has a zero dimension. [13838]
- Ensure that mixin columns and their ``info`` are not shared between tables
even when their underlying data is shared with ``copy=False``. [13842]
- Fix ``Time.insert()`` on times which have their ``out_subfmt`` set. [12732]
- Prevent ``Time()`` from being initialized with an invalid precision
leading to incorrect results when representing the time as a string. [13068]
- Fix a bug in Time where a date string like "2022-08-01.123" was being parsed
as an ISO-format time "2022-08-01 00:00:00.123". The fractional part at the
end of the string was being taken as seconds. Now this raises an exception
because the string is not in ISO format. [13731]
- Significantly improved the performance of parsing composite units with the FITS
format, by ensuring the ``detailed_exception`` argument is properly passed on
and thus used. [12699]
- Ensure that ``np.concatenate`` on quantities can take a ``dtype`` argument (added in numpy 1.20). [13323]
- Ensure that the units of any ``initial`` argument to reductions such as
``np.add.reduce`` (which underlies ``np.sum``) are properly taken into account. [13340]
- Ensure that ``np.concatenate`` on masked data can take a ``dtype`` argument (added in numpy 1.20). [13323]
- Fix error when suppressing download progress bar while using non-default
``sys.stdout`` stream. [13352]
- Ensure ``str`` and ``repr`` work properly for ``Masked`` versions of
structured subarrays. [13404]
- If an attribute is created using ``deprecated_attribute()`` with the
``alternative`` argument then getting or setting the value of the deprecated
attribute now accesses its replacement. [13824]
- Fixed calling ``.tight_layout()`` on a WCSAxes. [12418]
- ``WCS.pixel_to_world`` now creates an ``EarthLocation`` object using ``MJD-AVG``
if present before falling back to the old behaviour of using ``MJD-OBS``. [12598]
- The locations of ``WCSAxes`` ticks and tick-labels are now correctly calculated
when the DPI of a figure changes between a WCSAxes being created and the figure
being drawn, or when a rasterized artist is added to the WCSAxes. [12630]
- Fix a bug where ``SlicedLowLevelWCS.world_to_pixel_values`` would break when
the result of the transform is dependent on the coordinate of a sliced out
pixel. [13579]
- Updated bundled WCSLIB version to 7.12. This update includes bug fixes to
``wcssub()`` in how it handles temporal axes with -TAB and fixes handling
of status returns from ``linp2x()`` and ``linx2p()`` relating to distortion
functions, in particular affecting TPV distortions - see 13509. For a full
list of changes - see or
`astropy/cextern/wcslib/CHANGES <>`_. [#13635]
- Fixed WCS validation not working properly if HDUList is needed
for multi-extension FITS file. [13668]
Other Changes and Additions
- Development wheels of astropy should now be installed from instead of from [#13431]
- Compatibility with Python 3.11, 3.10.7, 3.9.14, 3.8.14 [13614]
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