PyPi: Pytorch-Lightning



Safety vulnerability ID: 43752

This vulnerability was reviewed by experts

The information on this page was manually curated by our Cybersecurity Intelligence Team.

Created at Feb 09, 2021 Updated at Nov 29, 2024
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Pytorch-lightning 1.6.0 updates its dependency 'pyyaml' to v5.4 and uses yaml.safe_load() to fix code execution vulnerabilities.

Affected package


Latest version: 2.4.0

PyTorch Lightning is the lightweight PyTorch wrapper for ML researchers. Scale your models. Write less boilerplate.

Affected versions

Fixed versions

Vulnerability changelog


- Added a flag `SLURMEnvironment(auto_requeue=True|False)` to control whether Lightning handles the requeuing ([10601](

- Fault Tolerant Manual
* Add `_SupportsStateDict` protocol to detect if classes are stateful ([10646](
* Add `_FaultTolerantMode` enum used to track different supported fault tolerant modes ([10645](
* Add a `_rotate_worker_indices` utility to reload the state according the latest worker ([10647](
* Add stateful workers ([10674](
* Add an utility to collect the states across processes ([10639](
* Add logic to reload the states across data loading components ([10699](
* Cleanup some fault tolerant utilities ([10703](
* Enable Fault Tolerant Manual Training ([10707](
* Broadcast the `_terminate_gracefully` to all processes and add support for DDP ([10638](

- Added support for re-instantiation of custom (subclasses of) `DataLoaders` returned in the `*_dataloader()` methods, i.e., automatic replacement of samplers now works with custom types of `DataLoader` ([10680](

- Added a function to validate if fault tolerant training is supported. ([10465](

- Show a better error message when a custom `DataLoader` implementation is not well implemented and we need to reconstruct it ([10719](

- Save the `Loop`'s state by default in the checkpoint ([10784](

- Added `Loop.replace` to easily switch one loop for another ([10324](

- Added support for `--lr_scheduler=ReduceLROnPlateau` to the `LightningCLI` ([10860](

- Added `LightningCLI.configure_optimizers` to override the `configure_optimizers` return value ([10860](

- Added a warning that shows when `max_epochs` in the `Trainer` is not set ([10700](

- Added support for returning a single Callback from `LightningModule.configure_callbacks` without wrapping it into a list ([11060](

- Added `console_kwargs` for `RichProgressBar` to initialize inner Console ([10875](


- Raised exception in `init_dist_connection()` when torch distibuted is not available ([10418](

- The `monitor` argument in the `EarlyStopping` callback is no longer optional ([10328](

- Do not fail if batch size could not be inferred for logging when using DeepSpeed ([10438](

- Raised `MisconfigurationException` when `enable_progress_bar=False` and a progress bar instance has been passed in the callback list ([10520](

- Moved `trainer.connectors.env_vars_connector._defaults_from_env_vars` to `utilities.argsparse._defaults_from_env_vars` ([10501](

- Changes in `LightningCLI` required for the new major release of jsonargparse v4.0.0 ([10426](

- Renamed `refresh_rate_per_second` parameter to `refresh_rate` for `RichProgressBar` signature ([10497](

- Moved ownership of the `PrecisionPlugin` into `TrainingTypePlugin` and updated all references ([10570](

- Fault Tolerant relies on `signal.SIGTERM` to gracefully exit instead of `signal.SIGUSR1` ([10605](

- Raised an error if the `batch_size` cannot be inferred from the current batch if it contained a string or was a custom batch object ([10541](

- The validation loop is now disabled when `overfit_batches > 0` is set in the Trainer ([9709](

- Moved optimizer related logics from `Accelerator` to `TrainingTypePlugin` ([10596](

- Moved `batch_to_device` method from `Accelerator` to `TrainingTypePlugin` ([10649](

- The `DDPSpawnPlugin` no longer overrides the `post_dispatch` plugin hook ([10034](

- The `LightningModule.{add_to_queue,get_from_queue}` hooks no longer get a `torch.multiprocessing.SimpleQueue` and instead receive a list based queue ([10034](

- Changed `training_step`, `validation_step`, `test_step` and `predict_step` method signatures in `Accelerator` and updated input from caller side ([10908](

- Changed the name of the temporary checkpoint that the `DDPSpawnPlugin` and related plugins save ([10934](

- Redesigned process creation for spawn-based plugins (`DDPSpawnPlugin`, `TPUSpawnPlugin`, etc.) ([10896](
* All spawn-based plugins now spawn processes immediately upon calling `Trainer.{fit,validate,test,predict}`
* The hooks/callbacks `prepare_data`, `setup`, `configure_sharded_model` and `teardown` now run under initialized process group for spawn-based plugins just like their non-spawn counterparts
* Some configuration errors that were previously raised as `MisconfigurationException`s will now be raised as `ProcessRaisedException` (torch>=1.8) or as `Exception` (torch<1.8)
* Removed the `TrainingTypePlugin.pre_dispatch()` method and merged it with `TrainingTypePlugin.setup()` ([11137](

- Changed profiler to index and display the names of the hooks with a new pattern [<base class>]<class>.<hook name> ([11026](

- Changed `batch_to_device` entry in profiling from stage-specific to generic, to match profiling of other hooks ([11031](

- Changed the info message for finalizing ddp-spawn worker processes to a debug-level message ([10864](

- Removed duplicated file extension when uploading model checkpoints with `NeptuneLogger` ([11015](

- Removed `__getstate__` and `__setstate__` of `RichProgressBar` ([11100](

- The `DDPPlugin` and `DDPSpawnPlugin` and their subclasses now remove the `SyncBatchNorm` wrappers in `teardown()` to enable proper support at inference after fitting ([11078](

- Moved ownership of the `Accelerator` instance to the `TrainingTypePlugin`; all training-type plugins now take an optional parameter `accelerator` ([11022](

- Renamed the `TrainingTypePlugin` to `Strategy` ([11120](
* Renamed `SingleTPUPlugin` to `SingleTPUStrategy` ([11182](
* Renamed the `DDPPlugin` to `DDPStrategy` ([11142](
* Renamed the `DeepSpeedPlugin` to `DeepSpeedStrategy` ([11194](
* Renamed the `IPUPlugin` to `IPUStrategy` ([11193](
* Renamed the `TPUSpawnPlugin` to `TPUSpawnStrategy` ([11190](
* Renamed the `DDPShardedPlugin` to `DDPShardedStrategy` ([11186](
* Renamed the `DDP2Plugin` to `DDP2Strategy` ([11184](

- Marked the `ResultCollection`, `ResultMetric`, and `ResultMetricCollection` classes as protected ([11130](

- DeepSpeed does not require lightning module zero 3 partitioning ([10655](

- Renamed the `DDPFullyShardedPlugin` to `DDPFullyShardedStrategy` ([11143](


- Deprecated `ClusterEnvironment.master_{address,port}` in favor of `ClusterEnvironment.main_{address,port}` ([10103](

- Deprecated `DistributedType` in favor of `_StrategyType` ([10505](

- Deprecated the `precision_plugin` constructor argument from `Accelerator` ([10570](

- Deprecated `DeviceType` in favor of `_AcceleratorType` ([10503](

- Deprecated the property `Trainer.slurm_job_id` in favor of the new `SLURMEnvironment.job_id()` method ([10622](

- Deprecated the access to the attribute `IndexBatchSamplerWrapper.batch_indices` in favor of `IndexBatchSamplerWrapper.seen_batch_indices` ([10870](

- Deprecated `on_init_start` and `on_init_end` callback hooks ([10940](

- Deprecated `Trainer.call_hook` in favor of `Trainer._call_callback_hooks`, `Trainer._call_lightning_module_hook`, `Trainer._call_ttp_hook`, and `Trainer._call_accelerator_hook` ([10979](

- Deprecated `TrainingTypePlugin.post_dispatch` in favor of `TrainingTypePlugin.teardown` ([10939](

- Deprecated `ModelIO.on_hpc_{save/load}` in favor of `CheckpointHooks.on_{save/load}_checkpoint` ([10911](

- Deprecated `Trainer.run_stage` in favor of `Trainer.{fit,validate,test,predict}` ([11000](

- Deprecated `Trainer.verbose_evaluate` in favor of `EvaluationLoop(verbose=...)` ([10931](

- Deprecated `Trainer.should_rank_save_checkpoint` Trainer property ([11068](

- Deprecated `TrainerCallbackHookMixin` ([11148](


- Removed deprecated parameter `method` in `pytorch_lightning.utilities.model_helpers.is_overridden` ([10507](

- Remove deprecated method `ClusterEnvironment.creates_children` ([10339](

- Removed deprecated `TrainerModelHooksMixin.is_function_implemented` and `TrainerModelHooksMixin.has_arg` ([10322](

- Removed deprecated `pytorch_lightning.utilities.device_dtype_mixin.DeviceDtypeModuleMixin` in favor of `pytorch_lightning.core.mixins.device_dtype_mixin.DeviceDtypeModuleMixin` ([10442](

- Removed deprecated `LightningModule.loaded_optimizer_states_dict` property ([10346](

- Removed deprecated ``, `Trainer.validate(val_dataloaders=)`, and `Trainer.test(test_dataloader=)` ([10325](

- Removed deprecated `has_prepared_data`, `has_setup_fit`, `has_setup_validate`, `has_setup_test`, `has_setup_predict`, `has_teardown_fit`, `has_teardown_validate`, `has_teardown_test` and `has_teardown_predict` datamodule lifecycle properties ([10350](

- Removed deprecated `every_n_val_epochs` parameter of ModelCheckpoint ([10366](

- Removed deprecated `import pytorch_lightning.profiler.profilers` in favor of `import pytorch_lightning.profiler` ([10443](

- Removed deprecated property `configure_slurm_dpp` from accelerator connector ([10370](

- Removed deprecated arguments `num_nodes` and `sync_batchnorm` from `DDPPlugin`, `DDPSpawnPlugin`, `DeepSpeedPlugin` ([10357](

- Removed deprecated property `is_slurm_managing_tasks` from AcceleratorConnector ([10353](

- Removed deprecated `LightningModule.log(tbptt_reduce_fx, tbptt_reduce_token, sync_dist_op)` ([10423](

- Removed deprecated `Plugin.task_idx` ([10441](

- Removed deprecated method `master_params` from PrecisionPlugin ([10372](

- Removed the automatic detachment of "extras" returned from `training_step`. For example, `return {'loss': ..., 'foo': foo.detach()}` will now be necessary if `foo` has gradients which you do not want to store ([10424](

- Removed deprecated passthrough methods and properties from `Accelerator` base class:
* ([10403](
* ([10448](

- Removed deprecated signature for `transfer_batch_to_device` hook. The new argument `dataloader_idx` is now required ([10480](

- Removed deprecated `utilities.distributed.rank_zero_{warn/deprecation}` ([10451](

- Removed deprecated `mode` argument from `ModelSummary` class ([10449](

- Removed deprecated `Trainer.train_loop` property in favor of `Trainer.fit_loop` ([10482](

- Removed deprecated `Trainer.train_loop` property in favor of `Trainer.fit_loop` ([10482](

- Removed deprecated `disable_validation` property from Trainer ([10450](

- Removed deprecated `CheckpointConnector.hpc_load` property in favor of `CheckpointConnector.restore` ([10525](

- Removed deprecated `reload_dataloaders_every_epoch` from `Trainer` in favour of `reload_dataloaders_every_n_epochs` ([10481](

- Removed the `precision_plugin` attribute from `Accelerator` in favor of its equivalent attribute `precision_plugin` in the `TrainingTypePlugin` ([10570](

- Removed `DeepSpeedPlugin.{precision,amp_type,amp_level}` properties ([10657](

- Removed argument `return_result` from the `DDPSpawnPlugin.spawn()` method ([10867](

- Removed the property `TrainingTypePlugin.results` and corresponding properties in subclasses ([10034](

- Removed the `mp_queue` attribute from `DDPSpawnPlugin` and `TPUSpawnPlugin` ([10034](

- Removed unnecessary `_move_optimizer_state` method overrides from `TPUSpawnPlugin` and `SingleTPUPlugin` ([10849](

- Removed `should_rank_save_checkpoint` property from `TrainingTypePlugin` ([11070](

- Removed `model_sharded_context` method from `Accelerator` ([10886](

- Removed method `pre_dispatch` from the `PrecisionPlugin` ([10887](

- Removed method `setup_optimizers_in_pre_dispatch` from the `strategies` and achieve the same logic in `setup` and `pre_dispatch` methods ([10906](

- Removed methods `pre_dispatch`, `dispatch` and `post_dispatch` from the `Accelerator` ([10885](

- Removed method `training_step`, `test_step`, `validation_step` and `predict_step` from the `Accelerator` ([10890](

- Removed `TrainingTypePlugin.start_{training,evaluating,predicting}` hooks and the same in all subclasses ([10989](, [#10896](

- Removed `Accelerator.on_train_start` ([10999](

- Removed support for Python 3.6 ([11117](


- Fixed `NeptuneLogger` when using DDP ([11030](

- Fixed security vulnerabilities CVE-2020-1747 and CVE-2020-14343 caused by the `PyYAML` dependency ([11099](

- Fixed a bug to disable logging hyperparameters in logger if there are no hparams ([11105](

- Avoid the deprecated `onnx.export(example_outputs=...)` in torch 1.10 ([11116](

- Fixed an issue when torch-scripting a `LightningModule` after training with `Trainer(sync_batchnorm=True)` ([11078](

- Fixed an `AttributeError` occuring when using a `CombinedLoader` (multiple dataloaders) for prediction ([11111](

- Fixed bug where `Trainer(track_grad_norm=..., logger=False)' would fail ([11114](

- Fixed logging on `{test,validation}_epoch_end` with multiple dataloaders ([11132](

- Fixed double evaluation bug with fault-tolerance enabled where the second call was completely skipped ([11119](

- Fixed an incorrect warning being produced by the model summary when using `bf16` precision on CPU ([11161](




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Severity Details

CVSS Base Score


CVSS v3 Details

Attack Vector (AV)
Attack Complexity (AC)
Privileges Required (PR)
User Interaction (UI)
Scope (S)
Confidentiality Impact (C)
Integrity Impact (I)
Availability Availability (A)

CVSS v2 Details

HIGH 10.0
Access Vector (AV)
Access Complexity (AC)
Authentication (Au)
Confidentiality Impact (C)
Integrity Impact (I)
Availability Impact (A)