Safety vulnerability ID: 40661
The information on this page was manually curated by our Cybersecurity Intelligence Team.
Nni 2.1 includes a fix for YAML's CVE-2020-1747.
Latest version: 3.0
Neural Network Intelligence project
Major updates
Neural architecture search
* Improve NAS 2.0 (Retiarii) Framework (Improved Experimental)
* Improve the robustness of graph generation and code generation for PyTorch models (3365)
* Support the inline mutation API ``ValueChoice`` (3349 3382)
* Improve the design and implementation of Model Evaluator (3359 3404)
* Support Random/Grid/Evolution exploration strategies (i.e., search algorithms) (3377)
* Refer to [here]( for Retiarii Roadmap
Training service
* Support shared storage for reuse mode (3354)
* Support Windows as the local training service in hybrid mode (3353)
* Remove PAIYarn training service (3327)
* Add "recently-idle" scheduling algorithm (3375)
* Deprecate ``preCommand`` and enable ``pythonPath`` for remote training service (3284 3410)
* Refactor reuse mode temp folder (3374)
nnictl & nni.experiment
* Migrate ``nnicli`` to new Python API ``nni.experiment`` (3334)
* Refactor the way of specifying tuner in experiment Python API (``nni.experiment``), more aligned with ``nnictl`` (3419)
* Support showing the assigned training service of each trial in hybrid mode on WebUI (3261 3391)
* Support multiple selection for filter status in experiments management page (3351)
* Improve overview page (3316 3317 3352)
* Support copy trial id in the table (3378)
* Improve model compression examples and documentation (3326 3371)
* Add Python API examples and documentation (3396)
* Add SECURITY doc (3358)
* Add 'What's NEW!' section in README (3395)
* Update English contributing doc (3398, thanks external contributor Yongxuanzhang)
Bug fixes
* Fix AML outputs path and python process not killed (3321)
* Fix bug that an experiment launched from Python cannot be resumed by nnictl (3309)
* Fix import path of network morphism example (3333)
* Fix bug in the tuple unpack (3340)
* Fix bug of security for arbitrary code execution (3311, thanks external contributor huntr-helper)
* Fix ``NoneType`` error on jupyter notebook (3337, thanks external contributor tczhangzhi)
* Fix bugs in Retiarii (3339 3341 3357, thanks external contributor tczhangzhi)
* Fix bug in AdaptDL mode example (3381, thanks external contributor ZeyaWang)
* Fix the spelling mistake of assessor (3416, thanks external contributor ByronCHAO)
* Fix bug in ruamel import (3430, thanks external contributor rushtehrani)
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