Safety vulnerability ID: 43581
The information on this page was manually curated by our Cybersecurity Intelligence Team.
Pytorch-lightning 1.6.0 updates its dependency 'pyyaml' to v5.4 and uses yaml.safe_load() to fix code execution vulnerabilities.
Latest version: 2.4.0
PyTorch Lightning is the lightweight PyTorch wrapper for ML researchers. Scale your models. Write less boilerplate.
- Added a flag `SLURMEnvironment(auto_requeue=True|False)` to control whether Lightning handles the requeuing ([10601](
- Fault Tolerant Manual
* Add `_SupportsStateDict` protocol to detect if classes are stateful ([10646](
* Add `_FaultTolerantMode` enum used to track different supported fault tolerant modes ([10645](
* Add a `_rotate_worker_indices` utility to reload the state according the latest worker ([10647](
* Add stateful workers ([10674](
* Add an utility to collect the states across processes ([10639](
* Add logic to reload the states across data loading components ([10699](
* Cleanup some fault tolerant utilities ([10703](
* Enable Fault Tolerant Manual Training ([10707](
* Broadcast the `_terminate_gracefully` to all processes and add support for DDP ([10638](
- Added support for re-instantiation of custom (subclasses of) `DataLoaders` returned in the `*_dataloader()` methods, i.e., automatic replacement of samplers now works with custom types of `DataLoader` ([10680](
- Added a function to validate if fault tolerant training is supported. ([10465](
- Show a better error message when a custom `DataLoader` implementation is not well implemented and we need to reconstruct it ([10719](
- Save the `Loop`'s state by default in the checkpoint ([10784](
- Added `Loop.replace` to easily switch one loop for another ([10324](
- Added support for `--lr_scheduler=ReduceLROnPlateau` to the `LightningCLI` ([10860](
- Added `LightningCLI.configure_optimizers` to override the `configure_optimizers` return value ([10860](
- Added a warning that shows when `max_epochs` in the `Trainer` is not set ([10700](
- Added support for returning a single Callback from `LightningModule.configure_callbacks` without wrapping it into a list ([11060](
- Added `console_kwargs` for `RichProgressBar` to initialize inner Console ([10875](
- Raised exception in `init_dist_connection()` when torch distibuted is not available ([10418](
- The `monitor` argument in the `EarlyStopping` callback is no longer optional ([10328](
- Do not fail if batch size could not be inferred for logging when using DeepSpeed ([10438](
- Raised `MisconfigurationException` when `enable_progress_bar=False` and a progress bar instance has been passed in the callback list ([10520](
- Moved `trainer.connectors.env_vars_connector._defaults_from_env_vars` to `utilities.argsparse._defaults_from_env_vars` ([10501](
- Changes in `LightningCLI` required for the new major release of jsonargparse v4.0.0 ([10426](
- Renamed `refresh_rate_per_second` parameter to `refresh_rate` for `RichProgressBar` signature ([10497](
- Moved ownership of the `PrecisionPlugin` into `TrainingTypePlugin` and updated all references ([10570](
- Fault Tolerant relies on `signal.SIGTERM` to gracefully exit instead of `signal.SIGUSR1` ([10605](
- Raised an error if the `batch_size` cannot be inferred from the current batch if it contained a string or was a custom batch object ([10541](
- The validation loop is now disabled when `overfit_batches > 0` is set in the Trainer ([9709](
- Moved optimizer related logics from `Accelerator` to `TrainingTypePlugin` ([10596](
- Moved `batch_to_device` method from `Accelerator` to `TrainingTypePlugin` ([10649](
- The `DDPSpawnPlugin` no longer overrides the `post_dispatch` plugin hook ([10034](
- The `LightningModule.{add_to_queue,get_from_queue}` hooks no longer get a `torch.multiprocessing.SimpleQueue` and instead receive a list based queue ([10034](
- Changed `training_step`, `validation_step`, `test_step` and `predict_step` method signatures in `Accelerator` and updated input from caller side ([10908](
- Changed the name of the temporary checkpoint that the `DDPSpawnPlugin` and related plugins save ([10934](
- Redesigned process creation for spawn-based plugins (`DDPSpawnPlugin`, `TPUSpawnPlugin`, etc.) ([10896](
* All spawn-based plugins now spawn processes immediately upon calling `Trainer.{fit,validate,test,predict}`
* The hooks/callbacks `prepare_data`, `setup`, `configure_sharded_model` and `teardown` now run under initialized process group for spawn-based plugins just like their non-spawn counterparts
* Some configuration errors that were previously raised as `MisconfigurationException`s will now be raised as `ProcessRaisedException` (torch>=1.8) or as `Exception` (torch<1.8)
* Removed the `TrainingTypePlugin.pre_dispatch()` method and merged it with `TrainingTypePlugin.setup()` ([11137](
- Changed profiler to index and display the names of the hooks with a new pattern [<base class>]<class>.<hook name> ([11026](
- Changed `batch_to_device` entry in profiling from stage-specific to generic, to match profiling of other hooks ([11031](
- Changed the info message for finalizing ddp-spawn worker processes to a debug-level message ([10864](
- Removed duplicated file extension when uploading model checkpoints with `NeptuneLogger` ([11015](
- Removed `__getstate__` and `__setstate__` of `RichProgressBar` ([11100](
- The `DDPPlugin` and `DDPSpawnPlugin` and their subclasses now remove the `SyncBatchNorm` wrappers in `teardown()` to enable proper support at inference after fitting ([11078](
- Moved ownership of the `Accelerator` instance to the `TrainingTypePlugin`; all training-type plugins now take an optional parameter `accelerator` ([11022](
- Renamed the `TrainingTypePlugin` to `Strategy` ([11120](
* Renamed `SingleTPUPlugin` to `SingleTPUStrategy` ([11182](
* Renamed the `DDPPlugin` to `DDPStrategy` ([11142](
* Renamed the `DeepSpeedPlugin` to `DeepSpeedStrategy` ([11194](
* Renamed the `IPUPlugin` to `IPUStrategy` ([11193](
* Renamed the `TPUSpawnPlugin` to `TPUSpawnStrategy` ([11190](
* Renamed the `DDPShardedPlugin` to `DDPShardedStrategy` ([11186](
* Renamed the `DDP2Plugin` to `DDP2Strategy` ([11184](
- Marked the `ResultCollection`, `ResultMetric`, and `ResultMetricCollection` classes as protected ([11130](
- DeepSpeed does not require lightning module zero 3 partitioning ([10655](
- Renamed the `DDPFullyShardedPlugin` to `DDPFullyShardedStrategy` ([11143](
- Deprecated `ClusterEnvironment.master_{address,port}` in favor of `ClusterEnvironment.main_{address,port}` ([10103](
- Deprecated `DistributedType` in favor of `_StrategyType` ([10505](
- Deprecated the `precision_plugin` constructor argument from `Accelerator` ([10570](
- Deprecated `DeviceType` in favor of `_AcceleratorType` ([10503](
- Deprecated the property `Trainer.slurm_job_id` in favor of the new `SLURMEnvironment.job_id()` method ([10622](
- Deprecated the access to the attribute `IndexBatchSamplerWrapper.batch_indices` in favor of `IndexBatchSamplerWrapper.seen_batch_indices` ([10870](
- Deprecated `on_init_start` and `on_init_end` callback hooks ([10940](
- Deprecated `Trainer.call_hook` in favor of `Trainer._call_callback_hooks`, `Trainer._call_lightning_module_hook`, `Trainer._call_ttp_hook`, and `Trainer._call_accelerator_hook` ([10979](
- Deprecated `TrainingTypePlugin.post_dispatch` in favor of `TrainingTypePlugin.teardown` ([10939](
- Deprecated `ModelIO.on_hpc_{save/load}` in favor of `CheckpointHooks.on_{save/load}_checkpoint` ([10911](
- Deprecated `Trainer.run_stage` in favor of `Trainer.{fit,validate,test,predict}` ([11000](
- Deprecated `Trainer.verbose_evaluate` in favor of `EvaluationLoop(verbose=...)` ([10931](
- Deprecated `Trainer.should_rank_save_checkpoint` Trainer property ([11068](
- Deprecated `TrainerCallbackHookMixin` ([11148](
- Removed deprecated parameter `method` in `pytorch_lightning.utilities.model_helpers.is_overridden` ([10507](
- Remove deprecated method `ClusterEnvironment.creates_children` ([10339](
- Removed deprecated `TrainerModelHooksMixin.is_function_implemented` and `TrainerModelHooksMixin.has_arg` ([10322](
- Removed deprecated `pytorch_lightning.utilities.device_dtype_mixin.DeviceDtypeModuleMixin` in favor of `pytorch_lightning.core.mixins.device_dtype_mixin.DeviceDtypeModuleMixin` ([10442](
- Removed deprecated `LightningModule.loaded_optimizer_states_dict` property ([10346](
- Removed deprecated ``, `Trainer.validate(val_dataloaders=)`, and `Trainer.test(test_dataloader=)` ([10325](
- Removed deprecated `has_prepared_data`, `has_setup_fit`, `has_setup_validate`, `has_setup_test`, `has_setup_predict`, `has_teardown_fit`, `has_teardown_validate`, `has_teardown_test` and `has_teardown_predict` datamodule lifecycle properties ([10350](
- Removed deprecated `every_n_val_epochs` parameter of ModelCheckpoint ([10366](
- Removed deprecated `import pytorch_lightning.profiler.profilers` in favor of `import pytorch_lightning.profiler` ([10443](
- Removed deprecated property `configure_slurm_dpp` from accelerator connector ([10370](
- Removed deprecated arguments `num_nodes` and `sync_batchnorm` from `DDPPlugin`, `DDPSpawnPlugin`, `DeepSpeedPlugin` ([10357](
- Removed deprecated property `is_slurm_managing_tasks` from AcceleratorConnector ([10353](
- Removed deprecated `LightningModule.log(tbptt_reduce_fx, tbptt_reduce_token, sync_dist_op)` ([10423](
- Removed deprecated `Plugin.task_idx` ([10441](
- Removed deprecated method `master_params` from PrecisionPlugin ([10372](
- Removed the automatic detachment of "extras" returned from `training_step`. For example, `return {'loss': ..., 'foo': foo.detach()}` will now be necessary if `foo` has gradients which you do not want to store ([10424](
- Removed deprecated passthrough methods and properties from `Accelerator` base class:
* ([10403](
* ([10448](
- Removed deprecated signature for `transfer_batch_to_device` hook. The new argument `dataloader_idx` is now required ([10480](
- Removed deprecated `utilities.distributed.rank_zero_{warn/deprecation}` ([10451](
- Removed deprecated `mode` argument from `ModelSummary` class ([10449](
- Removed deprecated `Trainer.train_loop` property in favor of `Trainer.fit_loop` ([10482](
- Removed deprecated `Trainer.train_loop` property in favor of `Trainer.fit_loop` ([10482](
- Removed deprecated `disable_validation` property from Trainer ([10450](
- Removed deprecated `CheckpointConnector.hpc_load` property in favor of `CheckpointConnector.restore` ([10525](
- Removed deprecated `reload_dataloaders_every_epoch` from `Trainer` in favour of `reload_dataloaders_every_n_epochs` ([10481](
- Removed the `precision_plugin` attribute from `Accelerator` in favor of its equivalent attribute `precision_plugin` in the `TrainingTypePlugin` ([10570](
- Removed `DeepSpeedPlugin.{precision,amp_type,amp_level}` properties ([10657](
- Removed argument `return_result` from the `DDPSpawnPlugin.spawn()` method ([10867](
- Removed the property `TrainingTypePlugin.results` and corresponding properties in subclasses ([10034](
- Removed the `mp_queue` attribute from `DDPSpawnPlugin` and `TPUSpawnPlugin` ([10034](
- Removed unnecessary `_move_optimizer_state` method overrides from `TPUSpawnPlugin` and `SingleTPUPlugin` ([10849](
- Removed `should_rank_save_checkpoint` property from `TrainingTypePlugin` ([11070](
- Removed `model_sharded_context` method from `Accelerator` ([10886](
- Removed method `pre_dispatch` from the `PrecisionPlugin` ([10887](
- Removed method `setup_optimizers_in_pre_dispatch` from the `strategies` and achieve the same logic in `setup` and `pre_dispatch` methods ([10906](
- Removed methods `pre_dispatch`, `dispatch` and `post_dispatch` from the `Accelerator` ([10885](
- Removed method `training_step`, `test_step`, `validation_step` and `predict_step` from the `Accelerator` ([10890](
- Removed `TrainingTypePlugin.start_{training,evaluating,predicting}` hooks and the same in all subclasses ([10989](, [#10896](
- Removed `Accelerator.on_train_start` ([10999](
- Removed support for Python 3.6 ([11117](
- Fixed `NeptuneLogger` when using DDP ([11030](
- Fixed security vulnerabilities CVE-2020-1747 and CVE-2020-14343 caused by the `PyYAML` dependency ([11099](
- Fixed a bug to disable logging hyperparameters in logger if there are no hparams ([11105](
- Avoid the deprecated `onnx.export(example_outputs=...)` in torch 1.10 ([11116](
- Fixed an issue when torch-scripting a `LightningModule` after training with `Trainer(sync_batchnorm=True)` ([11078](
- Fixed an `AttributeError` occuring when using a `CombinedLoader` (multiple dataloaders) for prediction ([11111](
- Fixed bug where `Trainer(track_grad_norm=..., logger=False)' would fail ([11114](
- Fixed logging on `{test,validation}_epoch_end` with multiple dataloaders ([11132](
- Fixed double evaluation bug with fault-tolerance enabled where the second call was completely skipped ([11119](
- Fixed an incorrect warning being produced by the model summary when using `bf16` precision on CPU ([11161](
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