PyPi: Seldon-Core



Safety vulnerability ID: 45346

This vulnerability was reviewed by experts

The information on this page was manually curated by our Cybersecurity Intelligence Team.

Created at Dec 08, 2020 Updated at Nov 29, 2024
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Seldon-core 1.7.0 addresses CVEs from Python base Image.

Affected package


Latest version: 1.18.2

Seldon Core client and microservice wrapper

Affected versions

Fixed versions

Vulnerability changelog

- run nbqa-black and nbqa-isort [`a661972`](
- Add Iter8 Docs [`34c1adc`](


> 20 May 2021

- Tfserving proxy custom data [`3209`](
- Java Wrapper JSON POST API regression fix [`3211`](
- Update Alibi-Detect to 0.6.2 [`3160`](
- Fix operator image build for redhat [`3205`](
- make rclone storage initializer more verbose [`3203`](
- Support disabling of ssl/tls in seldon_client [`3141`](
- Add Tempo Prepackaged Server [`3193`](
- Allow leader election to use configurable seldon-manager service account [`3200`](
- ensure http and grpc envs are used [`3153`](
- update community call calendar [`3191`](
- include rclone in adserver [`3172`](
- create v1 or vebeta1 CRD [`3151`](
- remove aggregate from feedback [`3152`](
- update docs [`3188`](
- include seldonio/rclone-storageinitializer in script [`3171`](
- Rclone as default storage initalizer [`3159`](
- Documentation updates for the Ambassador Install process and to introduce CRD based config. [`3163`](
- Explicit mapping for elasticsearch Indexes in request logger component [`3166`](
- Update gunicorn requirement from <20.1.0,>=19.9.0 to >=19.9.0,<20.2.0 in /python [`3099`](
- Bump grpcio-tools from 1.33.2 to 1.37.1 in /python [`3155`](
- Add log-level to operator helm chart [`3117`](
- Add label to container services for graph internal nodes [`3123`](
- Depricate persistence [`3104`](
- Update kustomize to 4.1.2 [`3135`](
- mlflow example fix & image change: do not use editable install of SC for s2i wrapper [`3118`](
- Fix broken Alibi Detect image in master [`3134`](
- Allow nil graph TYPE [`3116`](
- Revert "Bump urllib3 from 1.25.9 to 1.26.4 in /python" [`3110`](
- Request logger elastic mapping type unsetting [`3014`](
- docs: use Helm v3 commands in Istio docs [`3044`](
- Redhat 1.7.0 [`3101`](
- Fix grammar [`3094`](
- Update alibi docs [`3092`](
- Add raw_data parameter to SeldonClient predict [`3095`](
- Bump flake8 from 3.8.1 to 3.9.0 in /python [`3055`](
- Increasing memory of notebook tests [`3093`](
- Bump pillow from 8.1.0 to 8.1.1 in /python [`3078`](
- Bump isort from 5.7.0 to 5.8.0 in /python [`3081`](
- Bump urllib3 from 1.25.9 to 1.26.4 in /python [`3082`](
- Update python server docs [`3074`](
- Add note on storageInitializerImage to release-1.7.0 highlights [`3086`](
- fix kustomize patch to include storageInitializerImage in the CRD [`3090`](
- note on scaling request logger [`3088`](
- rclone-based storage initializer - first steps [`3089`](
- Updated tag 1.8.0-dev [`3083`](
- GPU drift work [`3060`](
- Updating spacy notebook [`3076`](
- release v1.8.0-release [`65cb5ee`](
- Update sklearn v2 notebooks and test [`e3e7968`](
- adjust example [`db178bb`](


> 18 March 2021

- Fixes broken docs-build test [`3071`](
- Support kfserving protocol in status URL [`3064`](
- Redhat 1.6.0 [`2992`](
- environment.yml typo in docs [`3061`](
- Delete mutating webhook if exists when operator creates resources [`3031`](
- Update health status [`3023`](
- Fix jx pipeline "release" [`3054`](
- fix integration / notebook tests [`3039`](
- fix broken link [`3051`](
- Revert "Update manifests to use 0.4.1 controller gen for webhook creation" [`3049`](
- Fix nil pointer dereference panics in mlserver [`3047`](
- docs: add helm v3 commands [`3045`](
- Experimental GPU Shap [`2993`](
- Fixes 3029 [`3030`](
- Update manifests to use 0.4.1 controller gen for webhook creation [`3006`](
- fix indentation of argo batch template [`3008`](
- update python licenses [`3028`](
- Clear methods when Gunicorn worker exits [`3018`](
- Notebook tests/metrics server port 8003 [`3015`](
- fix: missing string ending in python snippet in [`3012`](
- small improvements to metrics server example [`2989`](
- Support model repositories for Triton and Tensorflow Servers [`2990`](
- Extend CRD: allow to define storageInitializerImage in the graph definition [`2937`](
- MAB Distributed Persistence with Redis [`2936`](
- feat(svc): Add predictorSpec annotations to service [`2618`](
- Change seldon-core-microservice to spot unknown args [`2976`](
- Change version of JNI build image [`2981`](
- opendistro elastic [`2923`](
- Addressing CVEs for Redhat Python based images [`2977`](
- Bump coverage from 5.3.1 to 5.4 in /python [`2908`](
- Bump mypy-protobuf from 1.22 to 2.4 in /python [`2928`](
- Bump from 1.14.1 to 1.15.0 in /operator [`2930`](
- Fix concurrent map writes in executor [`2947`](
- Remove managedFields from seldon pod spec metadata [`2954`](
- Updated PIP in base image to align with Python Cryptography Framework version [`2974`](
- Amended docker mount folder for CI builds [`2973`](
- Addressing CVEs from Python base Image [`2970`](
- Seldon CRD Status Removal [`2941`](
- Fix elasticsearch index [`2972`](
- Upgrade jenkins x [`2957`](
- Extract SeldonPodSpec Metadata into custom struct to allow structural CRD schema [`2940`](
- Update OWNERS to add Ivan [`2946`](
- feat(examples/pachyderm-cd4ml): Add demo of redeploying old model [`2898`](
- Updated 1.7.0 tag and added release notes [`2925`](
- Add summary metrics to executor [`2922`](
- Update keda_prom_auto_scale.ipynb to fix keda config in the doc [`2915`](
- Updated CR [`2905`](
- environment.yml typo in docs [`3052`](
- Merge pull request 3030 from SeldonIO/axsaucedo-patch-3 [`3029`](
- Fixes 3029 [`3029`](
- Updatede release v1.7.0 [`2884ac5`](
- Updated licenses for 1.7.0 [`56e3026`](
- RedHat 1.6.0 release [`9539784`](


> 3 February 2021

- yum update seemingly not needed for operator [`2918`](
- updates for redhat scans [`2870`](
- Update Python Builder to use latest git for compatibility with github actions [`2894`](
- 2252 resolve pyyaml cve [`2891`](
- remove mutating webhook from Seldon Core Operator [`2852`](
- Github Action fixes [`2892`](
- Moving basic CI to github actions [`2889`](
- Generate helm-charts again to fix: Error: secrets "seldon-webhook-ser… [`2886`](
- Update Seldon versions for upgrade tests [`2861`](
- Fix grpcPort and httpPort in v1 CRD [`2868`](
- Rclone powered batch [`2842`](
- add hdfs example [`2841`](
- Allow Namespace Override for seldon-core-operator [`2762`](
- Extending Alibi Detect Server to expose prometheus metrics for outliers [`2770`](
- extend init containers documentation [`2814`](
- update triton tfserving example [`2815`](
- Update request logger to support v2 protocol [`2802`](
- Bump tenacity from 6.2.0 to 6.3.1 in /python [`2796`](
- Bump coverage from 5.3 to 5.3.1 in /python [`2795`](
- Bump pytest from 6.2.0 to 6.2.1 in /python [`2797`](
- Fix send_feedback response wrongly wrapped as ndarray [`2807`](
- Helm chart repo fix for integration tests [`2809`](
- Add V2 data plane support for alibi detect server [`0e9eee5`](
- update licenses [`fae1389`](
- feat(examples/pachyderm-simple): Update and improve Pachyderm example to use S3 gateway [`f95eafc`](


> 16 February 2021

- fix generated resources [`2959`](
- Remove managedFields from seldon pod spec metadata [`2955`](
- Add v1 CRD [`9820046`](
- Add the whole ObjectMeta struct [`59155db`](
- Extract SeldonPodSpec metadata into custom struct [`c2bbbf2`](


> 17 December 2020

- WIP: Updating OpenAPI schema schema [`2700`](
- do not act on resources that have deletion timestamp set [`2782`](
- Bump grpcio-reflection from 1.33.2 to 1.34.0 in /python [`2749`](
- add python wrapper developer notes [`2738`](
- Update image make minio client compatible with ssl cert mismatch and add delete step [`2746`](
- Update Timeouts Notebook [`2753`](
- Revert "Add security context to seldon-controller-manager deployment" [`2752`](
- Redhat 1.5.0 release [`2739`](
- Update OWNERS_ALIASES [`2733`](
- Update OWNERS [`2732`](
- remove legacy Python2 components [`2724`](
- Update ambassador doc for shadow deployment [`2697`](
- Rebuilt CRDs for 1.5.0 release [`2712`](
- Updated images to 1.5.1 [`c8deb24`](
- Merge commit 'f2b2d30446504b3c5834bb32383a583d44c96482' into v1.5.1-release [`c57f246`](
- Update licenses [`15bd9f8`](


> 3 December 2020

- Updated helm chart docs [`2742`](
- Updated charts and example model [`2740`](
- Add back "seldon" gateway [`2701`](
- fix batch logging [`2699`](
- Updates for Openshift release process [`2692`](
- Fix typo in ci build images script [`2698`](
- Prepare 1.5.0 release updating docs [`2695`](
- Add Istio Troubleshoot for nonroot issue [`2687`](
- Update testing script for KEDA v2.0 GA [`2684`](
- Updated alibi detect to 0.4.3 [`2678`](
- Fix tensorflow prediction from explainer [`2671`](
- Alibi detect enhancements (Expose metrics with 0 value and include seldon_deployment_namespace tag to metric) [`2672`](
- WIP: add feedback to batch processor [`2653`](
- Add requestPath metadata on Python Wrapper [`2587`](
- Fix typo in reply url in outlier example [`2635`](
- Update Alibi-Detect wrapper and drift and outlier examples [`2626`](
- Batch race condition fix [`2630`](
- Use UTF-8 code for check mark [`2627`](
- Parameterize mc image and fix access_key/secret_key [`2619`](
- [Docs] Removed metadata from incubating as its graduated feature [`2613`](
- Fixed a typo (trivial) [`2612`](
- Update microservice.R for supporting jsonData input in R [`2544`](
- Update to 1.5.0-dev [`2583`](
- Update to 1.4.0-dev missing image version [`2579`](
- Fix keda notebook testing [`2565`](
- Update to Alibi 0.5.5 [`2571`](
- Fix protocols_example [`2564`](
- Adding prom annotations for feedback metrics server example [`2572`](
- Extend drift detect server to expose metrics [`2557`](
- image versions reference for next release [`2560`](
- feat(defaults): Add default resources to engine/executor container [`2514`](
- feat(pdb): Add support for managing PDBs [`2515`](
- Add KEDA support to seldon-core [`2506`](
- fix links in docs by re-adding .html suffix [`2549`](
- Add pidfile config for gunicorn [`2547`](
- fix links to metrics notebooks [`2548`](
- Update mypy requirement from <0.783 to <0.791 in /python [`2545`](
- Add V2 examples for SKLearn and XGBoost [`2512`](
- Fixed AD Server Dependencies and Added notebook integration test [`2536`](
- Github actions added rebase command [`2451`](
- fix integration test by adding the missing comma [`2527`](
- Added Kafka Protocol Example with Sklearn Spacy NLP [`2501`](
- Update licenses [`2496`](
- Add mesa GL to Dockerfile for Alibi Detect Server [`2482`](
- revert change to retention period - leave default and let user override [`2472`](
- V2 Dataplane in Executor/Operator + Triton Server [`2023`](
- allow extra custom field in model metadata [`2376`](
- Add SSL listener back in after removal by multiplexing reversion [`2448`](
- Ensure updated pygments installed [`2457`](
- Remove tf binary from args when creating image for tfserving [`2343`](
- Allow terminationGracePeriodSeconds to be overridden [`2345`](
- Disallow 2 shadows [`2414`](
- Add -2 as option for route abort [`2415`](
- Fix image Jenkinx X build failures [`2449`](
- Add release notes template [`2190`](
- Update seldon-single-model [`2435`](
- Updated pinned versions of prepackaged servers [`2399`](
- Revert multiplexing in the Executor [`2365`](
- Bump pytest from 5.4.2 to 6.0.2 in /python [`2421`](
- Bump okhttp from 4.8.1 to 4.9.0 in /engine [`2418`](
- Bump coverage from 5.2 to 5.3 in /python [`2419`](
- Bump jaeger-client from 1.3.2 to 1.4.0 in /engine [`2417`](
- Update MLflow in MLFLOW_SERVER [`2412`](
- slower scrape [`2402`](
- Another Inreference -> inference change [`2377`](
- 2258 update kubeflow example to v1.0.0 of kubeflow (and standalone kubeflow pipelines) [`2366`](
- Spelling update [`2369`](
- assaf-java-s2i-update [`2178`](
- Timeseries-algorithm-2 [`2359`](
- re-add ContentType to combiner payload [`2341`](
- k8s 1.18 fix [`2339`](
- Update licenses [`2342`](
- fix python test microservice flakiness [`2336`](
- allow independent installation of grafana and prometheus [`2057`](
- Update [`2304`](
- Add SELDON_ENVIRONMENT to Index Name [`2329`](
- Kafka Support in Executor [`1919`](
- Alibi Update [`2241`](
- Update to go 1.14.7 in Core-Builder and update executor licenses [`2321`](
- Fix shadow and no predictors validation [`2314`](
- Update fluentd-values.yaml [`2306`](
- 2271 feedback reward custom metrics [`2289`](
- Adding Janis to the list of approvers [`2294`](
- docs(c1): Add c1 to adopters list [`2296`](
- Add initial adopters file [`2295`](
- Updated branch name for nightly release [`2279`](
- Adding links to README features section [`2278`](
- Rebuilt protos using 3.14 protoc version [`7868d59`](
- Base build with explicit library references [`a72bdd9`](
- Added proto conversion [`04f42b6`](


> 14 August 2020

- Added 1.2.3 dev tag to prepare for release [`2274`](
- Updated create script to perform 1.2.3 release [`2269`](
- Fix create release script bug [`2267`](
- Bump okhttp from 4.8.0 to 4.8.1 in /engine [`2257`](
- Updated kfserving base image [`2261`](
- Add kubeflow pipeline example to docs [`2265`](
- Update [`2245`](
- Jenkins x snyk security checks [`2251`](
- Batch benchmarking with Argo Workflows [`2248`](
- Bump pip-licenses from 2.2.1 to 2.3.0 in /python [`2228`](
- Bump pandas from 1.0.1 to 1.1.0 in /python [`2232`](
- Bump jaeger-client from 1.3.1 to 1.3.2 in /engine [`2233`](
- Add license_files to [`2210`](
- Openshift Operator 1.2.2 [`2226`](
- Update version to 1.3.0-dev [`2219`](
- Add labels to deployments and improve label coverage of resources [`2130`](
- update openshift operator to 1.2.2 [`9e62f3e`](
- Added benchmarking argo examples [`d54d9df`](
- Updated batch helm charts for more granular options [`98e99f8`](


> 28 July 2020


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Severity Details

CVSS Base Score


CVSS v3 Details

Attack Vector (AV)
Attack Complexity (AC)
Privileges Required (PR)
User Interaction (UI)
Scope (S)
Confidentiality Impact (C)
Integrity Impact (I)
Availability Availability (A)

CVSS v2 Details

Access Vector (AV)
Access Complexity (AC)
Authentication (Au)
Confidentiality Impact (C)
Integrity Impact (I)
Availability Impact (A)