Safety vulnerability ID: 45346
The information on this page was manually curated by our Cybersecurity Intelligence Team.
Seldon-core 1.7.0 addresses CVEs from Python base Image.
Latest version: 1.18.2
Seldon Core client and microservice wrapper
- run nbqa-black and nbqa-isort [`a661972`](
- Add Iter8 Docs [`34c1adc`](
> 20 May 2021
- Tfserving proxy custom data [`3209`](
- Java Wrapper JSON POST API regression fix [`3211`](
- Update Alibi-Detect to 0.6.2 [`3160`](
- Fix operator image build for redhat [`3205`](
- make rclone storage initializer more verbose [`3203`](
- Support disabling of ssl/tls in seldon_client [`3141`](
- Add Tempo Prepackaged Server [`3193`](
- Allow leader election to use configurable seldon-manager service account [`3200`](
- ensure http and grpc envs are used [`3153`](
- update community call calendar [`3191`](
- include rclone in adserver [`3172`](
- create v1 or vebeta1 CRD [`3151`](
- remove aggregate from feedback [`3152`](
- update docs [`3188`](
- include seldonio/rclone-storageinitializer in script [`3171`](
- Rclone as default storage initalizer [`3159`](
- Documentation updates for the Ambassador Install process and to introduce CRD based config. [`3163`](
- Explicit mapping for elasticsearch Indexes in request logger component [`3166`](
- Update gunicorn requirement from <20.1.0,>=19.9.0 to >=19.9.0,<20.2.0 in /python [`3099`](
- Bump grpcio-tools from 1.33.2 to 1.37.1 in /python [`3155`](
- Add log-level to operator helm chart [`3117`](
- Add label to container services for graph internal nodes [`3123`](
- Depricate persistence [`3104`](
- Update kustomize to 4.1.2 [`3135`](
- mlflow example fix & image change: do not use editable install of SC for s2i wrapper [`3118`](
- Fix broken Alibi Detect image in master [`3134`](
- Allow nil graph TYPE [`3116`](
- Revert "Bump urllib3 from 1.25.9 to 1.26.4 in /python" [`3110`](
- Request logger elastic mapping type unsetting [`3014`](
- docs: use Helm v3 commands in Istio docs [`3044`](
- Redhat 1.7.0 [`3101`](
- Fix grammar [`3094`](
- Update alibi docs [`3092`](
- Add raw_data parameter to SeldonClient predict [`3095`](
- Bump flake8 from 3.8.1 to 3.9.0 in /python [`3055`](
- Increasing memory of notebook tests [`3093`](
- Bump pillow from 8.1.0 to 8.1.1 in /python [`3078`](
- Bump isort from 5.7.0 to 5.8.0 in /python [`3081`](
- Bump urllib3 from 1.25.9 to 1.26.4 in /python [`3082`](
- Update python server docs [`3074`](
- Add note on storageInitializerImage to release-1.7.0 highlights [`3086`](
- fix kustomize patch to include storageInitializerImage in the CRD [`3090`](
- note on scaling request logger [`3088`](
- rclone-based storage initializer - first steps [`3089`](
- Updated tag 1.8.0-dev [`3083`](
- GPU drift work [`3060`](
- Updating spacy notebook [`3076`](
- release v1.8.0-release [`65cb5ee`](
- Update sklearn v2 notebooks and test [`e3e7968`](
- adjust example [`db178bb`](
> 18 March 2021
- Fixes broken docs-build test [`3071`](
- Support kfserving protocol in status URL [`3064`](
- Redhat 1.6.0 [`2992`](
- environment.yml typo in docs [`3061`](
- Delete mutating webhook if exists when operator creates resources [`3031`](
- Update health status [`3023`](
- Fix jx pipeline "release" [`3054`](
- fix integration / notebook tests [`3039`](
- fix broken link [`3051`](
- Revert "Update manifests to use 0.4.1 controller gen for webhook creation" [`3049`](
- Fix nil pointer dereference panics in mlserver [`3047`](
- docs: add helm v3 commands [`3045`](
- Experimental GPU Shap [`2993`](
- Fixes 3029 [`3030`](
- Update manifests to use 0.4.1 controller gen for webhook creation [`3006`](
- fix indentation of argo batch template [`3008`](
- update python licenses [`3028`](
- Clear methods when Gunicorn worker exits [`3018`](
- Notebook tests/metrics server port 8003 [`3015`](
- fix: missing string ending in python snippet in [`3012`](
- small improvements to metrics server example [`2989`](
- Support model repositories for Triton and Tensorflow Servers [`2990`](
- Extend CRD: allow to define storageInitializerImage in the graph definition [`2937`](
- MAB Distributed Persistence with Redis [`2936`](
- feat(svc): Add predictorSpec annotations to service [`2618`](
- Change seldon-core-microservice to spot unknown args [`2976`](
- Change version of JNI build image [`2981`](
- opendistro elastic [`2923`](
- Addressing CVEs for Redhat Python based images [`2977`](
- Bump coverage from 5.3.1 to 5.4 in /python [`2908`](
- Bump mypy-protobuf from 1.22 to 2.4 in /python [`2928`](
- Bump from 1.14.1 to 1.15.0 in /operator [`2930`](
- Fix concurrent map writes in executor [`2947`](
- Remove managedFields from seldon pod spec metadata [`2954`](
- Updated PIP in base image to align with Python Cryptography Framework version [`2974`](
- Amended docker mount folder for CI builds [`2973`](
- Addressing CVEs from Python base Image [`2970`](
- Seldon CRD Status Removal [`2941`](
- Fix elasticsearch index [`2972`](
- Upgrade jenkins x [`2957`](
- Extract SeldonPodSpec Metadata into custom struct to allow structural CRD schema [`2940`](
- Update OWNERS to add Ivan [`2946`](
- feat(examples/pachyderm-cd4ml): Add demo of redeploying old model [`2898`](
- Updated 1.7.0 tag and added release notes [`2925`](
- Add summary metrics to executor [`2922`](
- Update keda_prom_auto_scale.ipynb to fix keda config in the doc [`2915`](
- Updated CR [`2905`](
- environment.yml typo in docs [`3052`](
- Merge pull request 3030 from SeldonIO/axsaucedo-patch-3 [`3029`](
- Fixes 3029 [`3029`](
- Updatede release v1.7.0 [`2884ac5`](
- Updated licenses for 1.7.0 [`56e3026`](
- RedHat 1.6.0 release [`9539784`](
> 3 February 2021
- yum update seemingly not needed for operator [`2918`](
- updates for redhat scans [`2870`](
- Update Python Builder to use latest git for compatibility with github actions [`2894`](
- 2252 resolve pyyaml cve [`2891`](
- remove mutating webhook from Seldon Core Operator [`2852`](
- Github Action fixes [`2892`](
- Moving basic CI to github actions [`2889`](
- Generate helm-charts again to fix: Error: secrets "seldon-webhook-ser… [`2886`](
- Update Seldon versions for upgrade tests [`2861`](
- Fix grpcPort and httpPort in v1 CRD [`2868`](
- Rclone powered batch [`2842`](
- add hdfs example [`2841`](
- Allow Namespace Override for seldon-core-operator [`2762`](
- Extending Alibi Detect Server to expose prometheus metrics for outliers [`2770`](
- extend init containers documentation [`2814`](
- update triton tfserving example [`2815`](
- Update request logger to support v2 protocol [`2802`](
- Bump tenacity from 6.2.0 to 6.3.1 in /python [`2796`](
- Bump coverage from 5.3 to 5.3.1 in /python [`2795`](
- Bump pytest from 6.2.0 to 6.2.1 in /python [`2797`](
- Fix send_feedback response wrongly wrapped as ndarray [`2807`](
- Helm chart repo fix for integration tests [`2809`](
- Add V2 data plane support for alibi detect server [`0e9eee5`](
- update licenses [`fae1389`](
- feat(examples/pachyderm-simple): Update and improve Pachyderm example to use S3 gateway [`f95eafc`](
> 16 February 2021
- fix generated resources [`2959`](
- Remove managedFields from seldon pod spec metadata [`2955`](
- Add v1 CRD [`9820046`](
- Add the whole ObjectMeta struct [`59155db`](
- Extract SeldonPodSpec metadata into custom struct [`c2bbbf2`](
> 17 December 2020
- WIP: Updating OpenAPI schema schema [`2700`](
- do not act on resources that have deletion timestamp set [`2782`](
- Bump grpcio-reflection from 1.33.2 to 1.34.0 in /python [`2749`](
- add python wrapper developer notes [`2738`](
- Update image make minio client compatible with ssl cert mismatch and add delete step [`2746`](
- Update Timeouts Notebook [`2753`](
- Revert "Add security context to seldon-controller-manager deployment" [`2752`](
- Redhat 1.5.0 release [`2739`](
- Update OWNERS_ALIASES [`2733`](
- Update OWNERS [`2732`](
- remove legacy Python2 components [`2724`](
- Update ambassador doc for shadow deployment [`2697`](
- Rebuilt CRDs for 1.5.0 release [`2712`](
- Updated images to 1.5.1 [`c8deb24`](
- Merge commit 'f2b2d30446504b3c5834bb32383a583d44c96482' into v1.5.1-release [`c57f246`](
- Update licenses [`15bd9f8`](
> 3 December 2020
- Updated helm chart docs [`2742`](
- Updated charts and example model [`2740`](
- Add back "seldon" gateway [`2701`](
- fix batch logging [`2699`](
- Updates for Openshift release process [`2692`](
- Fix typo in ci build images script [`2698`](
- Prepare 1.5.0 release updating docs [`2695`](
- Add Istio Troubleshoot for nonroot issue [`2687`](
- Update testing script for KEDA v2.0 GA [`2684`](
- Updated alibi detect to 0.4.3 [`2678`](
- Fix tensorflow prediction from explainer [`2671`](
- Alibi detect enhancements (Expose metrics with 0 value and include seldon_deployment_namespace tag to metric) [`2672`](
- WIP: add feedback to batch processor [`2653`](
- Add requestPath metadata on Python Wrapper [`2587`](
- Fix typo in reply url in outlier example [`2635`](
- Update Alibi-Detect wrapper and drift and outlier examples [`2626`](
- Batch race condition fix [`2630`](
- Use UTF-8 code for check mark [`2627`](
- Parameterize mc image and fix access_key/secret_key [`2619`](
- [Docs] Removed metadata from incubating as its graduated feature [`2613`](
- Fixed a typo (trivial) [`2612`](
- Update microservice.R for supporting jsonData input in R [`2544`](
- Update to 1.5.0-dev [`2583`](
- Update to 1.4.0-dev missing image version [`2579`](
- Fix keda notebook testing [`2565`](
- Update to Alibi 0.5.5 [`2571`](
- Fix protocols_example [`2564`](
- Adding prom annotations for feedback metrics server example [`2572`](
- Extend drift detect server to expose metrics [`2557`](
- image versions reference for next release [`2560`](
- feat(defaults): Add default resources to engine/executor container [`2514`](
- feat(pdb): Add support for managing PDBs [`2515`](
- Add KEDA support to seldon-core [`2506`](
- fix links in docs by re-adding .html suffix [`2549`](
- Add pidfile config for gunicorn [`2547`](
- fix links to metrics notebooks [`2548`](
- Update mypy requirement from <0.783 to <0.791 in /python [`2545`](
- Add V2 examples for SKLearn and XGBoost [`2512`](
- Fixed AD Server Dependencies and Added notebook integration test [`2536`](
- Github actions added rebase command [`2451`](
- fix integration test by adding the missing comma [`2527`](
- Added Kafka Protocol Example with Sklearn Spacy NLP [`2501`](
- Update licenses [`2496`](
- Add mesa GL to Dockerfile for Alibi Detect Server [`2482`](
- revert change to retention period - leave default and let user override [`2472`](
- V2 Dataplane in Executor/Operator + Triton Server [`2023`](
- allow extra custom field in model metadata [`2376`](
- Add SSL listener back in after removal by multiplexing reversion [`2448`](
- Ensure updated pygments installed [`2457`](
- Remove tf binary from args when creating image for tfserving [`2343`](
- Allow terminationGracePeriodSeconds to be overridden [`2345`](
- Disallow 2 shadows [`2414`](
- Add -2 as option for route abort [`2415`](
- Fix image Jenkinx X build failures [`2449`](
- Add release notes template [`2190`](
- Update seldon-single-model [`2435`](
- Updated pinned versions of prepackaged servers [`2399`](
- Revert multiplexing in the Executor [`2365`](
- Bump pytest from 5.4.2 to 6.0.2 in /python [`2421`](
- Bump okhttp from 4.8.1 to 4.9.0 in /engine [`2418`](
- Bump coverage from 5.2 to 5.3 in /python [`2419`](
- Bump jaeger-client from 1.3.2 to 1.4.0 in /engine [`2417`](
- Update MLflow in MLFLOW_SERVER [`2412`](
- slower scrape [`2402`](
- Another Inreference -> inference change [`2377`](
- 2258 update kubeflow example to v1.0.0 of kubeflow (and standalone kubeflow pipelines) [`2366`](
- Spelling update [`2369`](
- assaf-java-s2i-update [`2178`](
- Timeseries-algorithm-2 [`2359`](
- re-add ContentType to combiner payload [`2341`](
- k8s 1.18 fix [`2339`](
- Update licenses [`2342`](
- fix python test microservice flakiness [`2336`](
- allow independent installation of grafana and prometheus [`2057`](
- Update [`2304`](
- Add SELDON_ENVIRONMENT to Index Name [`2329`](
- Kafka Support in Executor [`1919`](
- Alibi Update [`2241`](
- Update to go 1.14.7 in Core-Builder and update executor licenses [`2321`](
- Fix shadow and no predictors validation [`2314`](
- Update fluentd-values.yaml [`2306`](
- 2271 feedback reward custom metrics [`2289`](
- Adding Janis to the list of approvers [`2294`](
- docs(c1): Add c1 to adopters list [`2296`](
- Add initial adopters file [`2295`](
- Updated branch name for nightly release [`2279`](
- Adding links to README features section [`2278`](
- Rebuilt protos using 3.14 protoc version [`7868d59`](
- Base build with explicit library references [`a72bdd9`](
- Added proto conversion [`04f42b6`](
> 14 August 2020
- Added 1.2.3 dev tag to prepare for release [`2274`](
- Updated create script to perform 1.2.3 release [`2269`](
- Fix create release script bug [`2267`](
- Bump okhttp from 4.8.0 to 4.8.1 in /engine [`2257`](
- Updated kfserving base image [`2261`](
- Add kubeflow pipeline example to docs [`2265`](
- Update [`2245`](
- Jenkins x snyk security checks [`2251`](
- Batch benchmarking with Argo Workflows [`2248`](
- Bump pip-licenses from 2.2.1 to 2.3.0 in /python [`2228`](
- Bump pandas from 1.0.1 to 1.1.0 in /python [`2232`](
- Bump jaeger-client from 1.3.1 to 1.3.2 in /engine [`2233`](
- Add license_files to [`2210`](
- Openshift Operator 1.2.2 [`2226`](
- Update version to 1.3.0-dev [`2219`](
- Add labels to deployments and improve label coverage of resources [`2130`](
- update openshift operator to 1.2.2 [`9e62f3e`](
- Added benchmarking argo examples [`d54d9df`](
- Updated batch helm charts for more granular options [`98e99f8`](
> 28 July 2020
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