Safety vulnerability ID: 38767
The information on this page was manually curated by our Cybersecurity Intelligence Team.
Tendenci 12.2 updates Django version to 2.2.16, which fixes two security issues and two data loss bugs in version 2.2.15.
Latest version: 15.3.1
Tendenci - The Open Source Association Management System (AMS)
**New Features and Improvements**
* An oauth2 client for tendenci that you can use to set up single sign-on (SSO)
* Added an option to add a directory for memberships on join approval
* Directory owner or creator can publish their directories if they are created with their memberships or corporate memberships
* If directory for memberships or corporate memberships is enabled, admin can add a directory and associate it with an existing membership or corp membership.
* Included `directory_url` and `directory_edit_url` tags for membership and corporate membership notices so that they can be added in the approval notifications to link members to their directory view and edit pages
* Added the support for LibreOffice/OpenOffice Document upload (Thanks evanspaeder)
* Updated django version to 2.2.16 (Django 2.2.16 fixes two security issues and two data loss bugs in 2.2.15)
* Fixed max_length for creator_username and owner_username fields that does not match with username's (Thanks evanspaeder)
* Fixed a DataError in event registration
* Fixed the issue about selected groups being de-selected on event pricing edit
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