Safety vulnerability ID: 48387
The information on this page was manually curated by our Cybersecurity Intelligence Team.
Candig-server 1.4.0 drops its dependency 'cryptography==2.8' to avoid security issues.
Latest version: 1.4.0
Server implementation of the CanDIG APIs
This is the v1.4.0 release of the candig-server.
This release introduces:
- Database Snapshot Report: A new functionality that creates reports either in HTML or Markup containing information about Clinical; Pipeline; Genomic; Dataset; and Id of Patients stored in the database.
For more information about Database Snapshot Report. please check the [documentation](
- Some improvements on the documentation
- Upgrade of some third-party libraries, improving security
Component | Changes were made | Backward compatibility
------------ | ------------- | -------------
API | No | N/A
Server Side Configs | No | N/A
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