Safety vulnerability ID: 43361
The information on this page was manually curated by our Cybersecurity Intelligence Team.
Py42 drops support for Python versions 2.7 and 3.5, that no longer receive security updates.
Latest version: 1.27.3
The Official Code42 Python API Client
- `RiskIndicator` and `RiskSeverity` filter classes to new `py42.sdk.queries.fileevents.filters.risk_filter` module.
- Support for Incydr SKUs that do not include backup and restore functionality to `sdk.securitydata.stream_file_by_sha256()` and `sdk.securitydata.stream_file_by_md5()`.
- New method `sdk.alerts.get_all_alert_details()` as a helper to make getting alerts with details easier (combines `sdk.alerts.search_all_pages()` and `sdk.alerts.get_details()`).
- New method `sdk.loginconfig.get_for_user()` to identify if a user's login type is `LOCAL`, `LOCAL_2FA`, or `CLOUD_SSO`.
- py42 no longer supports python 2.7 or python 3.5.
- Usage of `Py42MFARequiredError`. Use `sdk.loginconfig.get_for_user()` instead to check if a user is configured for two-factor authentication.
- FED (File Extraction Detection) - related functionality from the `SecurityDataClient` class
- `get_security_plan_storage_info_list()`
- `get_all_plan_security_events()`
- `get_all_user_security_events()`
- `PlanStorageInfo` class
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