Safety vulnerability ID: 40321
The information on this page was manually curated by our Cybersecurity Intelligence Team.
Sparsify 0.1.1 updates its NPM dependency 'axios' to 0.21.1 to include a security fix.
Latest version: 1.6.1
Easy-to-use UI for automatically sparsifying neural networks and creating sparsification recipes for better inference performance and a smaller footprint
This is a patch release for 0.1.0 that contains the following changes:
- Docs updates: tagline, overview, update to use sparsification for verbiage
- Nightly build dependencies now match on major.minor and not full version
- Nightly versions now showing in the UI for DeepSparse products
- Rewrite of the jobworker to simplify it's interface for easier debugging and understanding
- Improved pruning sparsity level selections for the pruning modifier
- Axios dependency security vulnerability addressed by upgrading its version
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