Safety vulnerability ID: 40376
The information on this page was manually curated by our Cybersecurity Intelligence Team.
Time-series-metadata 0.1.1 updates its dependency 'py' to v1.10.0 to include a security fix.
Latest version: 0.1.1
This package provides a Python implementation of a metadata scheme for time-series with measurement uncertainties.
* **dependencies:** Bringing dependencies to most current versions to fix security issue with urllib3 ([`e38d555`](
* **quantities:** Correct documentation on _quantities_ property ([`1fb7c19`](
* **README:** Correct and extend introduction section in _README.md_ ([`f6207ea`](
* **get_quantity:** Correct docstring ([`8e3b699`](
* **README:** Add badges to _README.md_ ([`4515084`](
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