Safety vulnerability ID: 59371
The information on this page was manually curated by our Cybersecurity Intelligence Team.
Smtpdfix 0.2.9 requires cryptography version 3.4.4 to include a security fix.
Latest version: 0.5.2
A SMTP server for use as a pytest fixture that implements encryption and authentication for testing.
Updates to use the latest release of `aiosmtpd` and to automatically load as a plugin with `pytest`.
- Adds an `SMTPDFix` class for use in `with` blocks.
- The fixture now automatically loads as a plugin with pytest.
- Aiosmtpd version 1.2.4 or greater now required.
- Command responses now standard with aiosmtpd with the exception of AUTH mechanisms.
- Prefers StartTLS to TLS/SSL to avoid a case where if both where specified the SMTP server would report a fault.
- Minor performance enhancements from removing the lazy object proxy and setting key size to 2048 bits instead of 4096.
- Allows for late changes to StartTLS environment variables.
**Version yanked from pypi because it allowed for insecure versions of cryptography to be used.**
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