Safety vulnerability ID: 38285
The information on this page was manually curated by our Cybersecurity Intelligence Team.
Deeposlandia 0.6.2 updates pillow to 7.1.1 to include security fixes.
Latest version: 0.8.0
Automatic detection and semantic image segmentation with deep learning
*Postprocessing improvement*
- `--nb-tiles-per-image` as a new argument for `datagen` command.
- A progress bar for inference processes (153)
- `utils.prepare_output_folder()` returns now a dictionary of all useful output paths
- Some dependency updates (Tensorflow, opencv, pillow, keras, daiquiri)
- The preprocessing has been modified for geographic datasets: `-t`, `-v` and `-T` now
refer to raw images, the amount of preprocessed tiles being obtained by a combination
of `--nb-tiles-per-image` and these last arguments.
- The tile grid becomes optional for postprocessing (155).
- Draws *without replacement* instead of *with replacement* in the case of preprocessing
of geographic dataset testing images (`np.random.choice` wrong parameterization). 146
- `pillow` was updated to `7.1.1` (moderate severity vulnerability alert for
- `sys.exit` statements (150)
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