PyPi: Seldon-Core



Safety vulnerability ID: 43551

This vulnerability was reviewed by experts

The information on this page was manually curated by our Cybersecurity Intelligence Team.

Created at Jan 03, 2020 Updated at Nov 29, 2024
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Seldon-core 1.0.1 updates its dependency 'pillow' from 6.2.0 to 7.0.0 to include security fixes.

Affected package


Latest version: 1.18.2

Seldon Core client and microservice wrapper

Affected versions

Fixed versions

Vulnerability changelog

- Webhook Selectors only available in k8s \>= 1.15 [\1233](
- duplication of seldon\_core\_setup notebook [\1232](
- crd issue on 1.16 [\1225](
- Centralised logging not working on k8s 1.16 and helm 3 [\1224](
- Port binding in Java wrapper clashes with the engine [\1223](
- uuids in request logs [\1209](
- User "system:serviceaccount:kubeflow:pipeline-runner" cannot create resource "seldondeployments" [\1205](
- Add PR comment for build pipeline [\1200](
- Fix docs install reference to 0.5.0 [\1196](
- Unschedulable: pod has unbound immediate PersistentVolumeClaims [\1191](
- Text batch data is not split into multiple requests by request logger [\1189](
- latest snapshot not working in GKE [\1173](
- local e2e don't build operator image [\1171](
- e2e tests broken in master [\1164](
- Move Go wrapper to incubating [\1157](
- Update examples in line with Helm v3 [\1154](
- Update Install docs in line with Helm v3 [\1153](
- Add triage label to new issues [\1152](
- add prepackaged model server pvc example [\1150](
- running end to end tests on local machine [\1147](
- Can we attach pvc to model-initializer\(storage-initializer\) ? [\1146](
- Standardise Data Mappings in Seldon Wrapper [\1145](
- Wrong types in Seldon Core user methods [\1144](
- Create operator client-set [\1141](
- Investigate impact of helm v3 in seldon-core [\1140](
- Seldon Core Operator Restricted to Single Namespace [\1139](
- Need to update integration test script with helm 3.0 version [\1138](
- Can not control retry\_policy from SeldonDeployment yaml file [\1137](
- \[Improvement\] Obscure service name when deploy my yaml [\1128](
- Jenkins X currently creates a new changelog tag / version every time a PR is landed [\1124](
- strData requests are not printed by seldon request logger [\1121](
- adding canary, shadow or explainer shouldn't affect main predictor [\1110](
- Unable to mount model from PVC into tf serving prepackaged model server [\1106](
- Remove Travis Integration [\1105](
- Move CRD to v1 [\1100](
- Upgrade Maven and JDK on CI image [\1094](
- Fix sporadic failures with e2e tests [\1084](
- Inconsistent return value for explain method in SeldonClient [\1083](
- Refactoring handling httpResponse in Java Engine [\1075](
- following tutorial got 503 [\1073](
- Validation fails if componentSpecs.metadata.creationTimestamp is not specified [\1061](
- Move non 1.0 components to incubating folders [\990](
- Improve PrePackaged Model Servers [\959](
- use fixed version for model initialiser image [\957](
- Helm Upgrade Process [\890](
- Dynamic Engine version support at Seldon operator [\871](
- Integrate GPU Seldon Core Image into Build Scripts [\868](
- Custom prepackaged model servers [\857](
- Feature request: Python Seldon Client: support sending gRPC data with `meta` field [\821](
- Allow access to puid within the predict API [\795](
- Installing seldon-core-operator requires clusterwide RBAC and should be installed by a cluster admin [\670](
- Update notebooks to refer to seldon install rather than include code [\646](

**Merged pull requests:**

- fix shadow idx issue [\1292]( ([cliveseldon](
- Add missing patch [\1290]( ([cliveseldon](
- Bump tensorflow from 1.13.1 to 1.15.0 in /components/outlier-detection/vae [\1285]( ([dependabot[bot]](
- Update Ambassador docs [\1280]( ([cliveseldon](
- Added dependencies for pytest to avoid second level dependency breaking updates [\1279]( ([axsaucedo](
- Fix webhook rbac and add istio tests [\1276]( ([cliveseldon](
- Fix Ambassador weights and HPA deletion [\1272]( ([cliveseldon](
- Update MLflow notebook [\1267]( ([adriangonz](
- fix "income classifier and Alibi anchor explainer" example [\1266]( ([RafalSkolasinski](
- Update JDK to 11.0.5 and remove curl [\1264]( ([adriangonz](
- Updated AWS Install to Helm 3 [\1259]( ([JoelH96](
- Clientset for seldon operator [\1258]( ([SachinVarghese](
- remove duplication of seldon\_core\_setup.ipynb notebook, closes \1232 [\1255]( ([RafalSkolasinski](
- Specify seldon namespace in Tensorflow MNIST Model example [\1254]( ([RafalSkolasinski](
- Fix deployment ready bug [\1253]( ([cliveseldon](
- Added rafal to OWNERS file [\1252]( ([axsaucedo](
- enforce tensorflow\<2.0 in Tensorflow MNIST Model example [\1251]( ([RafalSkolasinski](
- Add issue templates [\1244]( ([adriangonz](
- Revert "Clientset for seldon operator" [\1240]( ([ryandawsonuk](
- Adding a way to pass extra index urls to s2i python wrappers [\1238]( ([nav13n](
- Fix webhook selector k8s version [\1237]( ([cliveseldon](
- Bumped version to 0.2 for Java wrapper [\1234]( ([axsaucedo](
- Core builder update to 0.8 [\1231]( ([gsunner](
- Add versions v1 and v1alpha3 to CRD [\1229]( ([adriangonz](
- Update centralised logging to work with k8s 1.16 and Helm 3 [\1228]( ([cliveseldon](
- Changed secondary unit port and provided an option to modify it [\1227]( ([axsaucedo](
- Clientset for seldon operator [\1221]( ([SachinVarghese](
- move go wrapper to incubating [\1220]( ([gsunner](
- add strdata example to request logger examples [\1219]( ([ryandawsonuk](
- remove bits commited by mistake [\1218]( ([ryandawsonuk](
- Bump client-java-proto from 6.0.1 to 7.0.0 in /engine [\1217]( ([dependabot-preview[bot]](
- Bump pb.version from 3.10.0 to 3.11.1 in /engine [\1216]( ([dependabot-preview[bot]](
- Add missing GA doc [\1215]( ([cliveseldon](
- Fix defaulting by api-server differences [\1214]( ([cliveseldon](
- install instructions clearer for web too [\1213]( ([ryandawsonuk](
- Revert "1141 Create operator clientset" [\1202]( ([glindsell](
- Add PR build message to integration tests run [\1201]( ([gsunner](
- add pr build comment [\1199]( ([gsunner](
- add sachin to owners [\1195]( ([ryandawsonuk](
- update logger version [\1193]( ([ryandawsonuk](
- Splitting request logger data for text types [\1192]( ([SachinVarghese](
- 1141 Create operator clientset [\1190]( ([glindsell](
- \1154 Update examples notebooks in line with Helm v3 [\1188]( ([glindsell](
- 646 notebooks install [\1187]( ([glindsell](
- 1138 helm3 integration tests [\1186]( ([glindsell](
- note on configuring prepack server images [\1185]( ([ryandawsonuk](
- note on pvc [\1184]( ([ryandawsonuk](
- minimize rolling updates to main predictor [\1183]( ([ryandawsonuk](
- Adding AWS Marketplace Install page to docs site [\1182]( ([JoelH96](
- Option to return proto OR dict for SeldonClient methods [\1175]( ([axsaucedo](
- Functionality for model wrapper to return JSON on any Dict return [\1174]( ([axsaucedo](
- build operator image when running e2e locally [\1172]( ([ryandawsonuk](
- Update mypy requirement from \<=0.740 to \<0.751 in /python [\1170]( ([dependabot-preview[bot]](
- change annotation location [\1166]( ([RajeshHegde](
- fix master e2e tests [\1163]( ([ryandawsonuk](
- Adding overrides to remove step that creates tag for Jenkins X pipeline [\1161]( ([axsaucedo](
- Updated s2i Dockerfiles to build using requirements.txt [\1160]( ([JoelH96](
- \1153 Update install docs to Helm v3 [\1159]( ([glindsell](
- Fixing wrong types in Seldon Core user methods \1144 [\1158]( ([axsaucedo](
- Namespaced Operator [\1142]( ([cliveseldon](
- Add comment on removal of volume patch [\1136]( ([cliveseldon](
- Bump ojalgo from 47.3.1 to 48.0.0 in /engine [\1133]( ([dependabot-preview[bot]](
- Add integration test to verify non200 response handling [\1132]( ([lennon310](
- Python reference typo instead of java [\1131]( ([thomas-lohh](
- Fix typo in logging.error [\1130]( ([ellisvalentiner](
- custom\ : Fix typo, make text clearer, fix JSON [\1127]( ([peter-vandenabeele-axa](
- Fix typo and make text a bit clearer [\1126]( ([peter-vandenabeele-axa](
- configurable prepack images [\1118]( ([ryandawsonuk](
- Update API from v0.1 to v1.0 [\1103]( ([cliveseldon](
- Allow meta tags to be provided in seldon\_client [\1096]( ([cliveseldon](
- Integrating Python GPU Wrapper into build scripts [\1074]( ([JoelH96](

[v0.5.1]( (2019-11-21)

[Full Changelog](

**Fixed bugs:**

- Operator crash if one container in pod not created properly [\1104](
- MLFLOW\_SERVER ModuleNotFoundError [\828](

**Security fixes:**

- \[Security\] Bump pillow from 6.0.0 to 6.2.0 in /python [\1062]( ([dependabot-preview[bot]](

**Closed issues:**

- Engine using separate pod, ignoring annotations [\1120](
- How to pass ModelInitializerContainerImage path [\1116](
- how to define MyModel for PyTorch model which has more than one arguments? [\1115](
- how can I wrap a PyTorch Image with customed network? [\1114](
- Seldon AB testing - getting an error "info": "Parameter 'ratioA' is missing." [\1081](
- remove old CRD generation [\1079](
- Broken integration tests [\1076](
- Cannot create a SeldonDeployment having volumes of type projected and configMap. [\1072](
- DOCKER\_IMAGE\_VERSION in Makefile is only 0.3 and 0.4; public docker images go up to 0.13 [\1071](
- SeldonDeployment modelUri support more protocol [\1070](
- Your .dependabot/config.yml contained invalid details [\1045](
- Add tox [\1042](
- Broken imports on release [\1040](
- Improve speed of execution for integration tests [\1032](
- Integration tests fail intermittently [\1031](
- Major version changes on dependencies could cause issues [\1029](
- with the latest release of azure-storage-blob 12.0.0, seldon build fails [\1027](
- Extend documentation to include optional dependencies and azure blob quickfix [\1025](
- Update script to change version in kustomization.yaml [\1024](
- Set upper limit for azure-storage-blob version [\1023](
- Make GCS support optional [\1018](
- Update Talks/Blogs/Videos/Use cases in Docs [\1017](
- No available release name found for Seldon-Core-Operator [\1014](
- Move API path from v0.1 to v1.0 [\991](
- Fully automate CI/CD process and introduce manual trigger for release process [\986](
- Use official Helm charts for Grafana and Prometheus [\965](
- Set JSON\_SORT\_KEYS and JSONIFY\_PRETTYPRINT\_REGULAR to False by default [\964](
- Enable to be able to download from HDFS URL [\963](
- Fix helm version in Chart.yaml [\961](
- Modify engine's Proto Value to JSON conversion to avoid int-to-float conversions in REST requests [\948](
- Code style standardisation for Seldon Core Python modules [\947](
- Automated Test and Build Hooks [\933](
- Seldon Image at "seldonio/seldon-core-s2i-python3-tf-gpu:0.12-SNAPSHOT" not able to find GPU devices [\914](
- Update Java dependencies [\902](
- Create 1.0 GA Document [\887](
- Enable to be able to download from URL file [\883](
- Seldon container engine has not resource limit [\769](
- Shadow deployment for Istio [\741](
- Java Seldon Engine doesn't pass microservice HTTP exceptions upstream [\705](
- Feature\_names is redundant when using jsonData in predict. Also meta is redundant in response, as meta can be combined in the jsonData. [\665](
- Modify helm chart seldon-core-analytics using chart dependencies [\613](
- Update Python SeldonClient to handle JSON payloads [\607](
- expand contributing guide [\569](
- requirements.txt for Python wrapped models should be a configurable name/path [\548](
- Docker Image is too Big [\526](
- Deployment of seldon as a new custom resource via fabric8 [\486](
- Update developer docs [\203](

**Merged pull requests:**

- add mnt pvc path to container [\1123]( ([ryandawsonuk](
- Update MLflow notebook [\1122]( ([adriangonz](
- handle http status code error [\1117]( ([lennon310](
- Bump license-maven-plugin from 1.13 to 1.20 in /engine [\1113]( ([dependabot-preview[bot]](
- make initializer configurable via configmap [\1112]( ([ryandawsonuk](
- Conda environment on MLFLOW\_SERVER [\1108]( ([adriangonz](
- don't use service that we chose not to create [\1107]( ([ryandawsonuk](
- istio shadowing [\1102]( ([ryandawsonuk](
- Add GA Doc [\1101]( ([cliveseldon](
- Move non python s2i to incubating [\1099]( ([cliveseldon](
- Avoid int-to-float conversions [\1098]( ([adriangonz](
- Remove old crd generation scripts [\1097]( ([cliveseldon](
- 986 build and push images [\1093]( ([axsaucedo](
- Bump pb.version from 3.9.2 to 3.10.0 in /engine [\1091]( ([dependabot-preview[bot]](
- Update gunicorn requirement from \<19.10.0,\>=19.9.0 to \>=19.9.0,… [\1089]( ([dependabot-preview[bot]](
- Improve speed of execution for integration tests [\1086]( ([axsaucedo](
- Update Python SeldonClient to handle JSON payloads [\1082]( ([axsaucedo](
- add update of operator version to release script [\1080]( ([gsunner](
- Fix integration tests [\1077]( ([adriangonz](
- Temporary fix for kubernetes OpenAPISchema Issue [\1069]( ([cliveseldon](
- Reduce some dependabot noise [\1068]( ([adriangonz](
- Bump protobuf-maven-plugin from 0.5.0 to 0.6.1 in /engine [\1066]( ([dependabot-preview[bot]](
- Bump grpc.version from 1.24.0 to 1.25.0 in /engine [\1065]( ([dependabot-preview[bot]](
- Bump jacoco-maven-plugin from 0.8.2 to 0.8.5 in /engine [\1063]( ([dependabot-preview[bot]](
- Bump pandas from 0.23.4 to 0.25.3 in /python [\1057]( ([dependabot-preview[bot]](
- Bump os-maven-plugin from 1.4.1.Final to 1.6.2 in /engine [\1056]( ([dependabot-preview[bot]](
- Update redis requirement from \<3.0.0 to \<4.0.0 in /python [\1053]( ([dependabot-preview[bot]](
- Bump maven-compiler-plugin from 3.5.1 to 3.8.1 in /engine [\1052]( ([dependabot-preview[bot]](
- Bump httpclient from 4.5.8 to 4.5.10 in /engine [\1050]( ([dependabot-preview[bot]](
- Document optional dependencies [\1047]( ([adriangonz](
- Update to explainers for Seldon Core [\1046]( ([cliveseldon](
- Fix dependabot config [\1044]( ([adriangonz](
- Add tox [\1043]( ([adriangonz](
- Dependabot config [\1041]( ([adriangonz](
- Add missing files to [\1039]( ([adriangonz](
- Seldon Components Usage Examples [\1036]( ([SandhyaaGopchandani](
- Updated precommit hook to align to the lint checker [\1035]( ([axsaucedo](
- Evaluating and fixing intermittent test failing in e2e integration tests [\1034]( ([axsaucedo](
- Adding max constraint on major versions [\1033]( ([axsaucedo](
- Allow modification of flask app configs [\1030]( ([kparaju](
- Add /health/ping and /health/status endpoint to Python REST Microservices [\1026]( ([kparaju](
- Make GCS optional [\1019]( ([adriangonz](
- Updated GPU wrapper to uninstall TF without GPU [\1011]( ([JoelH96](

[v0.5.0]( (2019-11-01)

[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- Update logback [\1007](
- seldon-core-operator fails to install on Kubernetes 1.16 [\1004](
- Custom error raised in Python model was not passed back to the client [\974](
- Models with multiple input types are not supported [\921](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Removed the hash as it was crashing the command when the pipeline was ran [\1022]( ([axsaucedo](
- Add pre-commit hook for black and fix linter [\1020]( ([adriangonz](
- Added documentation on how to support Models with multiple input types in python wrapper [\1015]( ([axsaucedo](
- Move from logback to log4j2 [\1008]( ([adriangonz](
- Adding functionality for running e2e tests in Jenkins X [\994]( ([axsaucedo](

[v0.4.5]( (2019-10-31)

[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- Update transitive dependencies [\1002](
- /helm-charts/seldon-core not present in seldon-core repository for CICD demo [\970](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Update transitive dependencies [\1003]( ([adriangonz](

[v0.4.4]( (2019-10-30)

[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- serviceAccountName has no effect for pre-packaged implementation [\1012](
- Model version duplication when rollout times out [\916](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Customized error raised in Python model needs be passed back to client [\1010]( ([lennon310](

[v0.4.3]( (2019-10-29)

[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- Update deployments to apps/v1 for 1.16 k8s [\1005](

**Merged pull requests:**

- cicd demo fixes [\1001]( ([gsunner](

[v0.4.2]( (2019-10-28)

[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- Update Python dependencies [\987](
- SvcOrch resources overwritten [\982](
- Security vulnerabilities on Java dependencies [\981](
- Engine doesn't push traces [\975](
- Make Helm chart repository available on Helm Hub [\973](
- huge data set [\972](
- Seldon deployment issue when adding initContainer [\968](
- Remove Kustomize folder [\960](
- Explainer args causes reconcile loop in manager [\954](
- unable to create SeldonDeployment [\952](
- Make it possible to override seldon prediction service's service name [\950](
- Make it possible to override seldon prediction service's service name [\949](
- invalid json should not be a 500 [\943](
- Tidy up Java project [\937](
- helm-charts/seldon-core does not have seldon-core [\936](
- Why seldon chose application/x-www-form-urlencoded as Content-Type instead of application/json when treating predict requests? [\935](
- gcp private bucket instructions [\927](
- seldon operator resource name changed [\919](
- controller now deployment not statefulset [\917](
- Best practice for multiple servings from one model [\915](
- Seldon Controller Manager CrashLoopBackoff [\912](
- Allow --max-requests and --max-requests jitter parameters for python wrapper [\911](
- Feedback API is returning empty string, how send\_feedback works ? [\910](
- Update python wrapper to pass bytes instead of string [\909](
- Python wrapper 0.13-SNAPSHOT needs updated setuptools in [\908](
- Engine not catching grpc exceptions cleanly [\907](
- Python Wrapper not exposing all Services via grpc [\906](
- Seldon Client is not passing binary data field properly with REST [\897](
- Building engine on macOS [\894](
- Block content type sniffing [\892](
- Plan to unify external and internal API paths [\889](
- Build automation for 1.0 Plan [\888](
- Remove Redis from CICD scripts [\882](
- Deploy overview image doesn't appear in `Seldon deployment of income classifier and Alibi anchor explainer` example [\880](
- Top navigation bar doesn't use Seldon's pink \(\ff4072\), and README uses wrong form of "lets" [\878](
- Internal error occurred: failed calling webhook [\877](
- Rest request doesn't give the expected answer while using the predict function [\876](
- Requesting the endpoint only works the first time after the endpoint is available, the subsequent requests give "AttributeError: 'Logic' object has no attribute 'predict\_raw'" [\860](
- Add post-commit hook for s2i builder images [\852](
- Should seldondeployment generate stable deployment name? [\851](
- Allow operator webhook port to be configured [\849](
- Encode “\<” as \u003c in response [\837](
- Tensor wrapped Numpy is read-only [\807](
- Kubeflow and Istio deployment - HTTP, gRPC endpoints not working [\796](
- javaopts -Xmx throws error [\784](
- Override webhook bootstrap default for non-default names [\715](
- eliminate cluster wide Secret access RBAC [\714](
- Services deployed outside of the helm charts do not get deleted [\682](
- TLS handshake errors in manager logs [\680](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Update spartakus to use apps/v1 [\1006]( ([cliveseldon](
- Fixed test by moving bytes conversion to utils [\1000]( ([axsaucedo](
- Decode binData before sending it to Predict function [\993]( ([lennon310](
- Misc 0.5 Issues [\992]( ([cliveseldon](
- Set Http Status Code in REST Predict [\989]( ([lennon310](
- Update Python dependencies [\988]( ([adriangonz](
- Fix image explainer [\985]( ([cliveseldon](
- Further Java updates [\983]( ([adriangonz](
- Added black formatter to seldon\_core and testing folders [\980]( ([axsaucedo](
- Added adrian to reviewers in OWNERS file [\978]( ([axsaucedo](
- Fix tracing [\976]( ([adriangonz](
- Update watch-rollout-status for Argo CICD demo [\971]( ([vdinesh2461990](
- Add defaults to initcontainers [\969]( ([cliveseldon](
- Add exception catching for grpc calls in engine [\966]( ([cliveseldon](
- Remove kustomize folder [\962]( ([cliveseldon](
- Self-signed certificates for Helm chart install of Operator [\958]( ([cliveseldon](
- Fix explainer and endpoint defaulting in webhook [\955]( ([cliveseldon](
- Allow custom predictor service name [\953]( ([cliveseldon](
- Tidy up Java [\951]( ([adriangonz](
- Fixed bug in SSL Seldon Client and added functionality in GRPC [\946]( ([axsaucedo](
- Bypass engine via annotation [\945]( ([cliveseldon](
- bad json should be 400 not 500 [\944]( ([ryandawsonuk](
- Extra python dependencies [\942]( ([adriangonz](
- Add more test cases for load\_annotations.. [\941]( ([hyche](
- Vol mount issue fix [\940]( ([cliveseldon](
- remove redis rollout watch [\938]( ([gsunner](
- microservice: Fix get annotations format [\932]( ([hyche](
- gcp private bucket docs [\930]( ([ryandawsonuk](
- Add warning about \926 - downwardAPI [\929]( ([cliveseldon](
- storage: Allow downloading a single s3 object [\928]( ([hyche](
- Add --max-requests and --max-requests jitter parameters for python wrapper [\925]( ([kparaju](
- allow upgrade and install on dependencies [\924]( ([gsunner](
- operator rename - this one does need changing [\923]( ([ryandawsonuk](
- some fixes to the centralised-logging install [\920]( ([gsunner](
- deployment not statefulset now [\918]( ([ryandawsonuk](
- Fix missing istio add to scheme [\913]( ([cliveseldon](
- Update imagenet explainer to use transformer [\905]( ([cliveseldon](
- Update self-signed certificates for webhook for Operator [\904]( ([cliveseldon](
- Update Java dependencies [\903]( ([adriangonz](
- fix so both permissive and strict mTLS will work [\900]( ([fico-jessecarroll](
- Fix title of custom ambassador notebook, fix prerequistes typo [\898]( ([MarcoGorelli](
- Fix typos [\896]( ([jklaise](
- Replace sed flag incompatible with macOS [\895]( ([adriangonz](
- Patches to prevent XSS [\893]( ([adriangonz](
- Updating request-response logging structure [\886]( ([SachinVarghese](
- Move image to doc source [\881]( ([MarcoGorelli](
- Fix top nav bar colour and typo in README [\879]( ([MarcoGorelli](
- Add missing packages to requirements.txt [\859]( ([adriangonz](
- Kubebuilder operator move to main repo [\841]( ([cliveseldon](

[v0.4.1]( (2019-09-19)

[Full Changelog](

**Implemented enhancements:**

- Investigate Edge/IOT deployments [\414](
- NVIDIA Rapids Integration [\412](
- Investigate Apache Arrow and Plasma for fast IPC [\206](
- Explore creation of a "batching" transformer [\107](

**Fixed bugs:**

- Unresolved variable in python utils [\834](
- Seldon not creating services for NVIDIA TRT Deployment [\826](
- Autoscaling not working [\824](
- seldon-core-analytics grafana shows metrics of only of first canary model [\618](
- DNS error in API Gateway for old deployments gRPC [\262](

**Closed issues:**

- only install knative for request logging if not already present [\869](
- Seldon Core deployment created but not visible [\862](
- Default values of metrics missing in /feedback API for Python wrapper [\861](
- Missing packages on requirements.txt [\858](
- Seldon GPU Image with seldon-core 0.4.0 support not available [\850](
- How do I override the default port for the flask application that seldon runs ? [\848](
- Add documentation for our certified openshift operator [\845](
- consume a Secret in a volume in a Pod [\844](
- ModelUri is None when parameters specified in the SeldonDeployment [\838](
- Meta data field not modifiable by subsequent components [\829](
- Cannot disable secure connection to minio storage backend [\825](
- How to send data in request with meta field [\822](
- Combiner endpoint does not create VirtualService or Endpoint in Istio [\816](
- Missing MLFLOW values in crd.yaml for helm chart 0.4.0 [\811](
- support ambassador\_id to allow multi-tenancy [\810](
- High latency of REST locally [\803](
- initContainer resources required for some clusters [\776](
- Add versions to the wrapper requirements.txt and make sure they align with [\767](
- "puid" when sent in request is not returned in response from python wrapper service. However in case of external api it is returned as is [\765](
- Injecting S3 Credentials into tfserving Container [\749](
- \[Bug\] REST request gets parsed to String if any of the element in Numpy array is String [\745](
- Long running tasks not working with REST Clients \(CURL, Postman, etc\) [\742](
- Ensure JSON format is not modified for ALL the REST APIs \(only implemented for /predict\) [\739](
- Add the support to send image files directly using multipart/form-data instead of application/x-www-form-urlencoded [\733](
- exception swallowing in seldon-core [\725](
- versions for prepackaged model servers [\724](
- Prometheus metrics \"INVALID\" is not a valid start token in kubernetes env [\706](
- Change NotImplementedError in SeldonMethods for SeldonNotImplementedError [\700](
- HttpRetryHandler interrupted exception leads to Microservice error: Read timed out \(103\) [\698](
- combiner receives struct\_pb2.ListValue instead of numpy list [\686](
- explainers for SeldonDeployment graphs [\685](
- Deployment with empty oauth key [\683](
- Income Classifier Example with Kubeflow [\676](
- installing sdep straight after operator seems not fully reliable [\669](
- argo workflow not detecting seldon deployment is available [\668](
- Set up node taints for GPU Pods/Nodes. [\648](
- Update the Python GPU s2i files [\647](
- volume mounting kubeflow example [\637](
- docs in readthedocs for request logging and CICD [\636](
- Seldon GRPC python wrapper doesn't include input/output transformer servicers [\630](
- NDArray with values being lists not supported - RESOLVED: Proto lists were not being deep-copied [\600](
- Provide a NULL/None type in the CRD [\554](
- Support microservice testing via curl with JSON content-type [\552](
- Python client - SyntaxError [\551](
- Add Prow doc with Public URL for dashboard [\546](
- Investigate Request Logging [\545](
- Support Kustomize Deployment [\536](
- make engine probes configurable [\525](
- connect timed out with cluster-manager and api server [\523](
- put crd and controller into single helm chart [\522](
- Add fastai deployment example [\518](
- Deploy model but pod is evicted for many times before running [\515](
- How to wrap models using tool chains other than s2i? [\507](
- ci-cd demo uses old jenkins and kubectl fails on newer k8s [\505](
- Prow Integration - investigate and setup PR presubmit jobs [\497](
- Use of protobuffers for resource parsing cause inconsistencies [\489](
- option to put prometheus metrics on separate port [\487](
- parameterise the namespace in single namespace tests [\478](
- use official helm charts [\476](
- use recommended labels [\475](
- Convert docstrings in serving\_test\ to Numpy format [\472](
- issues on increasing grpc message size [\467](
- Create a validating admission webhook for the CRD [\459](
- Additional parameter types Seldon deployment proto [\456](
- Consider hosting helm charts on stable repo, or at least a chart repository [\443](
- Unable to get token [\438](
- Update example Keras [\432](
- Create protos for metadata returned by components [\427](
- Revamp how the engine handles metadata [\426](
- seldon-core-s2i-python3 is not "openshift ready" [\422](
- Create docs for proto compilation to ease clients in non-python languages [\421](
- KNative Integration [\417](
- Julia Wrapper [\413](
- Kaniko Integration [\411](
- gRPC tensorproto, TypeError [\410](
- Handle sticky model requests [\403](
- Organize docs [\394](
- Type annotations for Python code [\392](
- Deploy python model without java router [\314](
- Implement a hierarchy of tags for components with children. [\310](
- FlatBuffers support [\284](
- Custom fields in SeldonMessage [\198](
- Update CRD to include version [\175](
- Add OpenFaas as Deployment option for ServerLess ML deployments [\151](
- Can Spartakus be run in a namespace [\142](
- Investigate Google Container Builder for wrapping models [\123](
- Investigate OpenShift Service Catalog and Brokers [\114](
- Change python wrapper to use Tornado instead of Flask [\108](
- Add docs to build components in development section [\65](
- Clarify oauth key/secret provisioning [\26](
- Create a NOTES.txt for the helm chart [\15](

**Merged pull requests:**

- remove some empty lines [\875]( ([ryandawsonuk](
- Versioning seldon request logger and support for decoding binary strings [\873]( ([SachinVarghese](
- Updates to seldon request logging [\872]( ([SachinVarghese](
- check for knative before installing [\870]( ([ryandawsonuk](
- Add initial Makefile for GPU Python Image [\867]( ([cliveseldon](
- Changed typo in redhat dockerfile [\866]( ([axsaucedo](
- xgboost server version added in docs [\865]( ([gsunner](
- Create explainer notebook and fix tfserving proxy [\864]( ([cliveseldon](
- upgrade knative version [\863]( ([ryandawsonuk](
- add branch release-0.4 to travis builds [\856]( ([gsunner](
- Fix status code handling [\855]( ([dtaniwaki](
- Make debug easier [\854]( ([dtaniwaki](
- ensure script checks for errors [\853]( ([ryandawsonuk](
- Standardisation of rest apis [\847]( ([axsaucedo](
- Added openshift to documentation [\846]( ([axsaucedo](
- Setup basic Jenkins X configuration [\843]( ([axsaucedo](
- Removed url for model server [\842]( ([axsaucedo](
- Update sklearn server examples with debug and fix notebook example [\840]( ([cliveseldon](
- Fix tensor return in python wrapper [\839]( ([cliveseldon](
- Fix typo [\835]( ([naxty](
- Previous steps in seldon graph override metadata of latter steps [\833]( ([axsaucedo](
- jaeger extra tags [\832]( ([lukacsg](
- Update autoscale example for new deployment name convention [\830]( ([cliveseldon](
- configurable secure argument for minio client [\827]( ([xaniasd](
- Refactor dataframe contract helper script into package [\823]( ([jklaise](
- Requirements version alignment across and requirements.txt [\819]( ([axsaucedo](
- Update all servers to use 0.12-SNAPSHOT and update to 0.2 [\818]( ([cliveseldon](
- Fixing multidimensional arrays not being fully converted from PROTO [\817]( ([axsaucedo](
- Fix typo in doc [\815]( ([hlb](
- Helm upgrade 0.4.0 [\814]( ([cliveseldon](
- add documentation for ambassador\_id support [\813]( ([phsiao](
- Added MLFLOW\_SERVER in CRD files [\812]( ([axsaucedo](
- Add Chainer MNIST example [\808]( ([dtaniwaki](
- Removing proto functionality from REST /predict endpoint \[\803\] [\806]( ([axsaucedo](
- Improve error handling [\799]( ([dtaniwaki](
- set puid in case it is received in request [\766]( ([klalit](
- ensure latest request logger [\730]( ([ryandawsonuk](

[v0.4.0]( (2019-08-15)

[Full Changelog](

**Fixed bugs:**

- multiple containers in componentSpecs.spec.containers not supported? [\718](
- Ambassador does not work in v0.3.2 [\710](

**Closed issues:**

- Create kustomize for 0.3.2 release [\794](
- Add redhat certified image to operatorhub [\791](
- Build model servers with non-SNAPSHOT image [\790](
- env secret for explainers [\785](
- finding image names used in grafana dashboards for prepack model servers [\783](
- seldon container engine sidecar java process should run with '-server' setting [\781](
- label selector problem when running xgboost and sklearn iris prepack examples together [\777](
- Documentation links cannot be seen \(just change css color\) [\773](
- \[Bug\]Invalid metadata label generated from deployment file [\772](
- Add a basic MLFlow model server based on example [\771](
- additionalProperties cannot be set to false error when installing helm chart [\768](
- Cannot make GRPC calls through GRPC microservice wrapping. [\762](
- make it clearer how and when to set engine resources [\761](
- Update TFServing Proxy to use v0.5 of the python wrapper [\760](
- intermittent 503 errors in end-to-end tests [\758](
- Add global count Graphana graph per deployment [\756](
- docs: python wrapping docker [\754](
- Liveness probe kills seldon engine container when model predict function takes a long time to send a result [\753](
- models from private buckets for prepackaged/standalone servers [\748](
- prepackaged/standalone servers to download models from initContainers [\747](
- Writing the predict function around pandas dataframes [\746](
- Golang CRD api [\734](
- Update Roadmap [\723](
- CRD in kustomize is missing subresource.status [\713](
- calling SeldonClient.predict inside a microservice model rasing "TypeError: Couldn't build proto file into descriptor pool!" [\711](
- Add SELDON\_LOG\_LEVEL parameter in Python Wrapper [\708](
- All numbers get converted to float when sending JSON resulting in unexpected behaviour in Proxies [\703](
- docs: ambassador version [\697](
- docs: Python API reference [\696](
- Back-off pulling image "data\_downloader:0.1": ImagePullBackOff [\695](
- Deploying modified TensorRT example on GKE does not deploy anything [\694](
- Support JSON format in TFServer Proxy REST API [\693](
- Add build files for alibi explainer server [\692](
- docs: Ambassador REST endpoint path [\688](
- cannot run through the example. [\677](
- Liveness probe kills Seldon engine container with long init waiting time \(Python wrapper\) [\674](
- need to increase failure threshold for engine with new operator [\673](
- Remove api-frontend [\663](
- Ambassador Swagger definition does not include namespace [\660](
- Remove Java Operator [\654](
- Docs do not mention addition of jsonData outside of the release notes [\652](
- Support Swagger or something like that [\645](
- Changes required for Seldon Core Analytics Grafana to work behind proxy [\622](
- Tensorflow GPU Example [\619](
- HTTPS/HTTP switch for seldon client [\572](
- How can I modify the logging format of REST API for StackDriver and BigQuery? [\557](
- The output from ambassador converts integer types to float . [\458](
- Question: Concurrency in Model REST server [\453](
- Add model explainer example [\425](
- Kubeflow Pipelines Integration [\415](
- Add an WSGI app server to Python REST wrappers [\383](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Fix for CVE-2018-1000654 in openjdk:8u201-jre-alpine3 [\805]( ([gsunner](
- Fix name for prepackged server test [\804]( ([cliveseldon](
- Update e2e test for mab [\802]( ([cliveseldon](
- Update test deployment name in e2e tests [\801]( ([cliveseldon](
- loadtest not needed with kubeflow and svc name seems to have changed [\800]( ([ryandawsonuk](
- Changed Ambassador warning across, suggesting istio for gRPC [\798]( ([axsaucedo](
- Update kustomize and update helm abtest/mab names [\797]( ([cliveseldon](
- TFServing functionality with latest python image [\793]( ([axsaucedo](
- Added custom file for redhat [\792]( ([axsaucedo](
- Updated MLFlow server removed commented code [\789]( ([axsaucedo](
- having image means hashed deployment name [\788]( ([ryandawsonuk](
- Document how to use envSecretRefName to customize S3-like object store [\787]( ([phsiao](
- update docs, prediction proto with jsonData field [\786]( ([gsunner](
- crd changes for creds secret [\782]( ([ryandawsonuk](
- Fixed headers for alibaba and kubeflow examples [\780]( ([axsaucedo](
- Update openapi and fix multipart check [\779]( ([cliveseldon](
- Docs for svc orchestrator [\778]( ([cliveseldon](
- WIP - Analytics deployment update [\775]( ([gsunner](
- Added mlflow model server [\774]( ([axsaucedo](
- prepackage model server tests [\764]( ([ryandawsonuk](
- Added metrics and fixed docs typos [\763]( ([axsaucedo](
- single replica ambassadoar [\759]( ([ryandawsonuk](
- WIP: Allow predict for sklearn standalone server as wll as predict\_proba [\757]( ([cliveseldon](
- correct ACK naming in doc and examples [\755]( ([wsxiaozhang](
- add the support for multipart/form-data in python service and engine [\751]( ([klalit](
- Fix some doc needed to make this work [\744]( ([gageorge](
- Enable seldon log level param [\743]( ([axsaucedo](
- Clarify what is meant by id in router documentation [\738]( ([alexlatchford](
- Fix typo in docstring [\737]( ([sujaymansingh](
- config for explainer [\736]( ([ryandawsonuk](
- endpoint /seldon.json not returning the file [\732]( ([klalit](
- repoint at tfserving public bucket [\729]( ([ryandawsonuk](
- added seldon colours to Theme\_override & seldon logo [\728]( ([oscarfco](
- be consistent with message logging annotation names [\727]( ([ryandawsonuk](
- option to set operator-wide default for request logging [\726]( ([ryandawsonuk](
- Small updates to python module [\722]( ([cliveseldon](
- update request logger [\721]( ([cliveseldon](
- Update kustomize [\720]( ([cliveseldon](
- fix framework name to official one [\717]( ([chie8842](
- Added centralised logging to docs for \636 [\716]( ([axsaucedo](
- Update request logger [\712]( ([cliveseldon](
- SSL for Seldon Python Client [\709]( ([cliveseldon](
- WIP: Proposed changes to ensure JSON REST Consistency \(Fixes \703\) [\707]( ([axsaucedo](
- TFServing Enabled Text Response and Fixed JSON Parse [\704]( ([axsaucedo](
- fix\(text\): wrong word [\702]( ([brunowego](
- Added TFServing JSON Support [\699]( ([axsaucedo](
- make model servers first example in docs [\691]( ([ryandawsonuk](
- WIP: explainers [\690]( ([ryandawsonuk](
- Model servers [\689]( ([cliveseldon](
- Alibaba Cloud Elastic Container Service \(AKS\) example [\687]( ([axsaucedo](
- WIP: Update python wrapper to use gunicorn [\684]( ([cliveseldon](
- move seldon analytics port [\681]( ([ryandawsonuk](
- Added subsection in documentation with suggested path to follow with examples [\679]( ([axsaucedo](
- scikit learn iris model using jsondata example [\678]( ([gsunner](
- Added requirements and spacy Docker file for Kubeflow example [\675]( ([JoelH96](
- Remove API OAuth Gateway and Cluster Manager [\671]( ([cliveseldon](
- WIP: Ambassador canary update [\667]( ([cliveseldon](
- grafana and req logging configuration to work behind istio ingress gateway [\650]( ([ryandawsonuk](
- Add Kustomize [\639]( ([cliveseldon](
- Alibi deployment example - Anchor Tabular [\629]( ([axsaucedo](

[v0.3.1]( (2019-06-28)

[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- Embedded travis build status needs updating \(in main readme\) [\656](
- Add doc link to prow [\655](
- Remove Old Java Operator Docs [\653](
- requests all failed during benchmarking with Locust [\644](
- Seldon & Istio - broken link [\643](
- Seldon-core-operator install fails [\640](
- how to add custom meta fields for tracking [\632](
- Using the cluster-manager underlying API as a library [\626](
- User Exceptions raised in predict function of a wrapper class needs to be handled via flask exception handler [\625](
- volume mounting - update examples [\604](
- engine resources not configurable in new operator [\598](
- status code in response missing. Seldon v 0.2.3 [\519](
- deprecate ksonnet [\477](

**Merged pull requests:**

- remove cluster-manager from jenkins build [\664]( ([gsunner](
- Change operator service selector [\662]( ([cliveseldon](
- \[Docs\] Fix formatting of s2i docs page [\661]( ([aarondav](
- Embedded travis status [\658]( ([gsunner](
- add prow info [\657]( ([gsunner](
- Allow User Defined Exceptions [\651]( ([klalit](
- Update loadtest notebook [\649]( ([cliveseldon](
- Gpu tensorflow example [\638]( ([JoelH96](
- Remove ksonnet [\634]( ([cliveseldon](
- Update tracing example and fix api-tester grpc for ambassador [\631]( ([cliveseldon](
- points on why seldon [\628]( ([ryandawsonuk](
- generate service account [\627]( ([ryandawsonuk](
- Registry Image Tags and RBAC control for Operator Helm Chart [\624]( ([cliveseldon](
- Example in AKS using deep mnist [\621]( ([axsaucedo](
- run python builder container using non-root user [\620]( ([gsunner](
- EFK with transform for tabular data [\616]( ([ryandawsonuk](
- Update e2e tests [\606]( ([cliveseldon](

[v0.3.0]( (2019-06-05)

[Full Changelog](

**Fixed bugs:**

- Python module syntax error for python 3.5 for variable type annotation [\614](
- openvino\_imagenet\_ensemble example - prediction1 and prediction2 containers error [\583](
- Docker image name and version messed up [\562](
- SendonDeployment with name \> 31 characters [\556](
- Not able be build python3.6 base image. [\542](

**Closed issues:**

- Update master to 0.3.0 SNAPSHOT [\612](
- sdep state doesn't move to available [\605](
- engine using 1 cpu [\597](
- forbidden error installing ambassador [\596](
- GPU support with SERVICE\_TYPE Model [\590](
- Update example notebooks for docs [\586](
- kubeflow/example-seldon on local cluster [\585](
- Unable to inject custom parameter in Python model [\584](
- Tensorflow MNIST Model example on EKS [\580](
- OOMKilled when starting an operator [\579](
- Can we customize the outputs format of Model? [\565](
- node exporter port conflict [\563](
- How can i enable debug logging of seldon-engine container [\560](
- Tensorflow Python 3.7 support and wrapper images [\550](
- helm-charts upgrade fails on ambassador [\543](
- Update Seldon Core Analytics Grafana [\540](
- Defining the model serving class with full name doesn't currently work [\533](
- Update Seldon Operator to Go [\529](
- Old Containers & Security Vulnerabilities [\528](
- option to not set runAsUser for engine [\527](
- Support istio ingress [\511](
- Endpoint type is missing for AB-test [\451](
- Alllow arbitrary JSON as a payload [\434](
- Update Ambassador to 0.40.2 [\402](
- Ambassador config for rolling updates [\294](

**Merged pull requests:**

- node exporter configurable port [\617]( ([csabika7](
- Require python 3.6 or above for python module [\615]( ([cliveseldon](
- Update python wrappers to include 3.7 [\611]( ([cliveseldon](
- update jackson libs to version 2.9.9 [\609]( ([gsunner](
- ambassador v1 api [\603]( ([ryandawsonuk](
- option to not set engine user [\601]( ([ryandawsonuk](
- take latest ambassador image [\599]( ([ryandawsonuk](
- Update SeldonMessage with jsonData [\595]( ([gsunner](
- Python release update [\594]( ([jklaise](
- Fix Jupyter Notebook Headers [\592]( ([axsaucedo](
- Kubeflow Seldon e2e NLP ML pipeline using re-usable components [\589]( ([axsaucedo](
- WIP: Integrate with Istio Ingress [\588]( ([cliveseldon](
- Added missing link to Jupyter notebook [\587]( ([axsaucedo](
- Added missed s2i folder to Scikitlearn SpaCy Text Example [\582]( ([axsaucedo](
- AWS Elastic Kubernetes/Container Service Deep Mnist Example [\581]( ([axsaucedo](
- Example using Seldon for text classification with SpaCy tokenizer [\578]( ([axsaucedo](
- Remove request limits from operator [\577]( ([cliveseldon](
- Fix PredictiveUnitState image name and version \(\562\) [\576]( ([sasvaritoni](
- Update TF version for security [\575]( ([jklaise](
- updated openvino mode ensemble to 0.2 version [\574]( ([dtrawins](
- updated openvino version to 2019.1 in python\_openvino model wrapper [\573]( ([dtrawins](
- Fix example deployment yaml [\571]( ([sujaymansingh](
- fix typo [\570]( ([ryandawsonuk](
- Update Python builder image [\568]( ([jklaise](
- option for R builds with plain docker [\567]( ([ryandawsonuk](
- reword explanation of ambassador [\561]( ([ryandawsonuk](
- Integrate use of Go Seldon Controller [\559]( ([cliveseldon](
- Update e2e tests s2i python image version [\558]( ([gsunner](
- option for docker build without s2i [\555]( ([ryandawsonuk](
- Fix logging bug in Python wrapper [\549]( ([jklaise](
- update jackson-databind -\> 2.9.8 for cve [\547]( ([gsunner](
- Updating grafana to v6.1.6 in seldon core analytics [\541]( ([SachinVarghese](
- redis now a statefulset as using redis helm chart [\539]( ([ryandawsonuk](
- add script to delete completed argo jobs [\538]( ([gsunner](
- Allow fully qualified class name to be used for the model serving image. [\537]( ([hmonteiro](
- option for anonymous access to grafana [\535]( ([ryandawsonuk](
- Anonymous grafana [\534]( ([ryandawsonuk](
- Revert "option to use anonymous auth grafana" [\532]( ([ryandawsonuk](
- Update component code coverage and dependencies docs [\531]( ([cliveseldon](
- option to use anonymous auth grafana [\530]( ([ryandawsonuk](
- update argocd and jenkins in cd demo and script for minikube [\517]( ([ryandawsonuk](

[v0.2.7]( (2019-04-29)

[Full Changelog](

**Implemented enhancements:**

- Type check predictive unit parameters in the Python wrapper [\440](

**Fixed bugs:**

- Models pods duplications after corrupted deployment [\470](
- Using a configMapRef inside of a seldon deployment manifest causes a NullPointerException in the SeldonDeploymentWatcher [\450](
- cannot get working external api but internal api is ok [\448](
- Status can become Available even with Exception in Operator [\429](
- Fix status update for failed deployments [\474]( ([cliveseldon](

**Closed issues:**

- Install seldon in a single namespace with restricted tiller [\514](
- Document about microservice's input data [\512](
- where is io.seldon.protos.DeploymentProtos package located? [\508](
- seldon 0.2.3 - nfs volume in seldon graph failing in validation [\504](
- SeldonDeployment keeps hanging [\499](
- default ambassador chart to single namespace [\495](
- use v1 ambassador api [\491](
- Configure the way Prometheus exposed [\484](
- documentation is in doc not docs [\481](
- do a snapshot build and document if not documented [\479](
- How can we specify nested python class in .s2i/environment? [\465](
- Class names in latest python library is not backwards compatible [\462](
- Sending an object dtype array as the request JSON for a Model API [\461](
- NullPointer exception in API gateway when principal can't be determined [\454](
- Python Wrappers Version 2 [\406](
- Write a Python wrapper for a GENERIC component [\378](
- Create reference Python client [\349](
- Python-wrapper: Use debug flag to provide useful information [\309](
- Support autoscaler in SeldonDeployment [\277](
- Update Ambassdor Helm or remove and use Ambassador's helm chart [\258](
- Prow Integration [\154](
- CI/CD demo using GitOps framework [\11](

**Merged pull requests:**

- permission and timeout changes after trying on an openshift4 cluster [\524]( ([ryandawsonuk](
- use stable redis helm chart [\521]( ([ryandawsonuk](
- seldpon\_grpc\_endpoint -\> seldon\_grpc\_endpoint [\520]( ([mustyoshi](
- Service Orchestrator Name Fix [\516]( ([cliveseldon](
- Remove v1alpha3 and revert to v1alpha2 [\513]( ([cliveseldon](
- downgrade ambassador [\510]( ([ryandawsonuk](
- default ambassador to singleNamespace [\509]( ([ryandawsonuk](
- Allow submodules to be imported in python module [\503]( ([cliveseldon](
- Allow class\_names as method or attribute \(deprecated\) in Python module [\502]( ([cliveseldon](
- downgrade ambassador due to grpc unreliability [\501]( ([ryandawsonuk](
- Fix HPA Nullpointer [\500]( ([cliveseldon](
- still intermittent problems, timeout needs to be longer [\498]( ([ryandawsonuk](
- Add missing additionProperties to openAPI specs for CRDS [\496]( ([cliveseldon](
- Spelling [\493]( ([mustyoshi](
- ambassador v1 api [\492]( ([ryandawsonuk](
- Fix image link in readme [\490]( ([cliveseldon](
- Updates for various Python and Operator fixes [\488]( ([cliveseldon](
- 484 metrics port [\485]( ([ryandawsonuk](
- ignore pickle files [\483]( ([ryandawsonuk](
- remove old docs [\482]( ([ryandawsonuk](
- make ambassador a dependency [\480]( ([ryandawsonuk](
- gitignore for intellij [\471]( ([ryandawsonuk](
- python wrapper image fix update [\469]( ([gsunner](
- python wrapper image references updated from 0.5 to 0.5.1 [\468]( ([gsunner](
- Static Documentation Site [\466]( ([cliveseldon](
- Remove tornando dependency from Python [\464]( ([cliveseldon](
- Add types for predict, transform\_input, transform\_output [\463]( ([cliveseldon](
- Script to create Seldon API testing files from any Pandas dataframe [\460]( ([Love-R](
- WIP: Python wrappers rewrite [\457]( ([cliveseldon](
- Python builder [\455]( ([gsunner](
- Update redis [\446]( ([naseemkullah](
- WIP: Autoscaling [\437]( ([cliveseldon](

[v0.2.6]( (2019-02-22)

[Full Changelog](

**Fixed bugs:**

- Bug parsing boolean predictive unit params in Python wrappers [\439](
- APIFE fails to connect to service due to name change [\433](

**Closed issues:**

- If building a python image from a folder, which is also a git-folder build silently fails [\452](
- Setting `engineResources` not enabling resource requests/limits to `seldon-container-engine` sidecar [\398](
- Expose Jaeger agent port as environment variable on deployment manifest [\396](
- Ksonnets for Seldon Analytics [\391](
- sklearn iris returns value error [\389](
- SOAP API [\387](
- unable to find proto file which defines grpc [\384](
- tensorflow-gpu [\380](
- onnx\_resnet50.ipynb : "Unknown operation: Gather" [\379](
- Passing arguments to the model object [\377](
- Model pod enters in CrashLoopBackOff. How to debug? [\376](
- Global metrics show N/A in Seldon Analytics Grafana [\371](
- Mistyped check causing NULL Pointer Exceptions with getNamespace [\367](
- Json payload size increases when I use json.dumps [\365](
- Need an updated tutorial for seldon serving on GKE [\361](
- Hi,we need Golang Deploy Seldon Wrapper Container [\356](
- Update docs and examples to use the new Python package [\347](
- Potential problem in [\336](
- Deploying seldon-core to Kubernetes 1.8.6 fails with `no matches for kind "Deployment" in version "apps/v1"` [\333](
- S2i build image with private pip repository [\330](
- Wrapping components outside of the tree [\324](
- Seems to be a bad fit for a multi-tenant cluster. [\308](
- Update Grafana / Prometheus image [\303](
- Function to pass additional meta info for `predict\(\)` [\297](
- Update base java image [\289](
- Update ksonnet to reflect latest helm templates [\282](
- NullPointerException in seldon-cluster manager logs [\268](
- requestPath picking up old model on rolling update [\267](
- Seldon deployment success/failure condition [\255](
- Reconcile the differences between seldon-core and kubeflow core.libsonnet to improve maintenance [\237](
- Make the "apiVersion" in the Helm templates consistent [\236](
- Create initial docs for Transformers [\229](
- Create initial docs for Routers [\228](
- deploy docker image is ok ,but deploy k8s pod always failed [\212](
- Format of the data sent as a request to the seldon REST api? [\193](
- There is no setting that allows increasing the limits of GRPC Server [\183](
- Docker image build error with sklearn\_iris\_docker example [\164](
- Add support for spring-boot-starter-webflux [\152](
- gRPC query waits indefinitely while execution giving no output [\149](
- scikit-learn support for predict method not only predict\_proba [\145](
- Wrapper command on windows PS [\134](
- Error 401 while requesting prediction outputs from seldon server [\122](
- How to Deploy our custom models on seldon-core [\104](
- Create docs for available plugins [\100](
- Custom model endpoints [\96](
- Docker image missing for Iris classification [\91](
- Add options to populate meta data in wrappers foreach API request [\86](
- Add InputOutputTransformer predictive unit [\85](
- Add Explainer as transformer component [\84](
- Create wrapper for PyTorch models [\82](
- Graph with epsilon greedy router sometimes fails on first request [\80](
- Create integration testing script [\73](
- Allow engine resource requests for engine to be configurable in proto definition for CRD [\70](
- Create Concept Drift Alert Plugin [\56](
- Create Outlier Detection Plugin [\55](
- Create Multi-Armed Bandit Router Plugin\(s\) [\54](
- Update docs for sklearn\_iris\_docker [\52](
- Response should contain indication of which predictor was used [\50](
- Add git hooks for validation of notebooks before commit [\10](
- Update docs and examples to illustrate complex runtime graphs [\1](

**Merged pull requests:**

- openvino ensemble adjustments [\444]( ([dtrawins](
- Update image names for openvino demo [\442]( ([cliveseldon](
- Fix bug in parsing boolean params in Python wrapper [\441]( ([jklaise](
- Update java wrapper version in docs [\436]( ([cliveseldon](
- Fix API Gateway Endpoint name [\435]( ([cliveseldon](
- Updates for openvino demo [\431]( ([cliveseldon](
- updated ensemble pipeline with OpenVINO component [\430]( ([dtrawins](
- Outlier service type [\428]( ([arnaudvl](
- Engine merge meta puid [\424]( ([jklaise](
- Allow reusing containers in the inference graph [\423]( ([jklaise](
- Ambassador Update: Canary, Shadow, Header Based Routing [\409]( ([cliveseldon](
- Cluster Manager Cache Fix [\408]( ([cliveseldon](
- Add ability to fetch metadata from model and transformer components [\407]( ([jklaise](
- Fix api-tester not working via GRPC and Ambassador [\405]( ([jklaise](
- Fix s2i builder image local build to use latest Python source code [\404]( ([jklaise](
- setPredictorSpec is not needed anymore in EnginePredictor [\401]( ([ro7m](
- Fix engine resources setting and update docs [\400]( ([cliveseldon](
- Provide Ksonnet Analytics Package [\399]( ([cliveseldon](
- Allow JAEGER\_AGENT\_PORT env on default Jaeger configuration [\397]( ([masroorhasan](
- Outlier update [\395]( ([arnaudvl](
- removing resttemplate setter from predictionService [\393]( ([ro7m](
- gRPC load balancing via Ambassador [\390]( ([cliveseldon](
- Outlier mahalanobis [\388]( ([arnaudvl](
- Update ngraph s2i image and remove torch from demo [\386]( ([cliveseldon](
- ojAlgo upgrade to v47, and a few improvements [\385]( ([apete](
- Cicd demo - WIP [\382]( ([gsunner](
- Add docs for parameters in components [\381]( ([cliveseldon](
- WIP: Update ksonnet to ensure 1.8 k8s compatibility [\375]( ([cliveseldon](
- seq2seq lstm outlier detector [\374]( ([arnaudvl](
- Adding test case for SeldonDeploymentWatcher [\373]( ([ro7m](
- Add Timed to 2 main REST endpoint to readd prometheus metrics [\372]( ([cliveseldon](
- Update OpenVINO example for raw image bytes [\370]( ([cliveseldon](
- Fix debug logging in case study files [\369]( ([jklaise](
- WIP: Train on Sagemaker, Deploy on Seldon Core [\368]( ([cliveseldon](
- Mistyped check causing NULL Pointer Exceptions with getNamespace function [\366]( ([ro7m](
- Fix URICache bug in engine [\364]( ([cliveseldon](
- release notes 0.2.5 [\363]( ([cliveseldon](
- add README files to outlier detectors [\362]( ([arnaudvl](
- Fix incorrect links in router docs [\360]( ([jklaise](
- Mlflow Example [\359]( ([cliveseldon](
- Initial Go Wrapper Example for Seldon Core [\358]( ([cliveseldon](
- Distributed Tracing, Profiling docs and OpenVINO Demo \(WIP\) [\357]( ([cliveseldon](
- Change mean\_classifier to mock\_classifier in tests and example for consistency [\355]( ([cliveseldon](
- Update CRDs to correct OpenAPISchema [\354]( ([cliveseldon](
- Remove legacy testers [\352]( ([jklaise](
- Update example models to use python package [\351]( ([cliveseldon](
- WIP: Update docs and examples to use Python package [\348]( ([jklaise](
- multi-armed bandit components [\335]( ([jklaise](
- Enable support for using local Python binaries when wrapping components [\332]( ([jklaise](
- Update build scripts to use latest core builder image [\313]( ([jklaise](

[v0.2.5]( (2018-12-16)

[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- initialDelaySeconds: 10 sec is not enough for some models [\323](
- Bug: custom metrics for both children and parent components [\322](
- Ambassador seldon deployment not registered [\318](
- Allow user to disable Redis in seldon-core helm chart [\304](
- grpc tensor convert not valid for python 2 [\301](
- Ambassador [\298](
- Create a python wrapper for COMBINER components [\296](
- packaging for python microservice wrapper [\293](
- Update to latest Spartakus image [\291](
- Docker image "seldonio/seldon-core-s2i-python3" uses old Python 3.6 [\288](
- Seldon cluster-manager k8s cluster wide operations [\269](
- S2I hangs in example models when using minikube docker-env [\253](
- Accessing custom metrics in our Python model [\245](
- strData & binData not accepted by Python model microservice [\225](
- Utilize latest /status endpoint for Custom Resources in k8s 1.11 [\176](
- Investigate Nvidia's TensorRT [\121](
- Review status field for CRD [\83](
- gitops demo [\67](
- Update seldon-core/examples docs after move [\35](
- Create wrapper for Spark standalone runtime models [\24](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Update e2e tests and add Combiner to python wrappers [\343]( ([cliveseldon](
- Python wrapper update and openvino example [\342]( ([cliveseldon](
- Remove legacy python wrapper modules [\339]( ([jklaise](
- Update S2I version in examples [\338]( ([cliveseldon](
- Cluster Wide Operator [\334]( ([cliveseldon](
- update python requests package version [\331]( ([arnaudvl](
- Fix bug in parent custom metrics [\329]( ([cliveseldon](
- ResNet Latency test [\328]( ([cliveseldon](
- adding isolation forest and reorganize vae [\327]( ([arnaudvl](
- Add serving doc [\326]( ([cliveseldon](
- Update docs for API examples and latest protos [\325]( ([cliveseldon](
- Allow further options for binary and tensors in prediction API [\321]( ([cliveseldon](
- outlier detection component [\320]( ([arnaudvl](
- Fix grpc tensor convert for python2 [\317]( ([cliveseldon](
- Fix bug in parsing truth values for feedback [\316]( ([jklaise](
- WIP: Custom metric tags [\311]( ([cliveseldon](
- Fix tester docs to point to correct links [\307]( ([jklaise](
- Create initial Python package [\306]( ([jklaise](
- Allow disable redis [\305]( ([ChenyuanZ](
- fix status remove functionality in operator [\300]( ([cliveseldon](
- Fix storing of Gauge metrics [\299]( ([cliveseldon](
- Rolling Update Fixes [\295]( ([cliveseldon](
- Update java base images [\292]( ([cliveseldon](
- WIP: Create python 3.6 and 3.7 wrapper versions [\290]( ([cliveseldon](
- Custom Metrics [\281]( ([cliveseldon](

[v0.2.4]( (2018-11-07)

[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- Specification of a Service Account [\286](
- curl not found error [\283](
- Allow ambassador from other namespace to access SeldonDeployment [\279](
- Fix Github security vulnerabilities in dependencies [\259](
- Feedback API not called when using Models [\251](
- Allow JAVA OPTS for engine to be specified [\249](
- ndarray greater than 15280 bytes [\248](
- Prediction API get model version [\244](
- SeldonDeployment creation strips out an empty "children" list field in the manifest [\242](
- Mahalanobis Outlier Detector fails when batch is of size 1 [\240](
- Seldon Core Operator defaulting causes issues with helm and ArgoCD [\233](
- TensorFlow Serving as the Model microservice [\226](
- Nodejs wrapper for javascript models [\216](
- Environmental variable error [\215](
- How do I increase timeout of sidecar seldon container? [\196](
- update release script for pyhton3 [\160](
- Ability to customize Ambassador configuration [\120](
- Script to convert proto files and generate OpenAPI schema [\9](
- OpenAPI spec for external and internal prediction APIs [\6](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Add optional service account for engine [\287]( ([cliveseldon](
- Add missing curl to engine Dockerfile [\285]( ([cliveseldon](
- Allow ambassador from other namespace to access SeldonDeployment [\280]( ([ChenyuanZ](
- Faster protobuffer to numpy conversion in python wrapper [\278]( ([cliveseldon](
- Ensure cluster role has unique name [\276]( ([cliveseldon](
- fix api-tester not using oauth-key and oauth-secret args [\275]( ([gsunner](
- Update when status is set [\273]( ([cliveseldon](
- Add OUTPUT\_TRANSFORMER example [\272]( ([ChenyuanZ](
- Add Open API Definitions [\271]( ([cliveseldon](
- Update Custom Resources via k8s /status endpoint if possible [\270]( ([cliveseldon](
- Fixed small copy-paste error [\266]( ([lorello](
- Update ambassador to 0.40.0 [\265]( ([cliveseldon](
- Add code coverage Jacoco to poms [\264]( ([cliveseldon](
- Fix vulnerability warnings with updates to engine and apife pom [\263]( ([cliveseldon](
- Add custom metrics proposal [\261]( ([cliveseldon](
- Intel Openvino Integration [\260]( ([cliveseldon](
- Python wrapper custom endpoints [\257]( ([gsunner](
- Sending Feedback to Models [\254]( ([cliveseldon](
- Python wrapper custom endpoints [\252]( ([gsunner](
- Engine java opts annotations and ambassador timeout annotation [\250]( ([cliveseldon](
- Update Ksonnet and Helm Charts [\247]( ([cliveseldon](
- Add requestPath to response meta data [\246]( ([cliveseldon](
- Fix outlier detection divide by zero and add initial mnist example \(wip\) [\243]( ([cliveseldon](
- Fix typos in docs [\241]( ([jklaise](
- Add example helm charts for inference graphs [\239]( ([cliveseldon](
- Fix for defaulting changing Custom Resource [\238]( ([cliveseldon](
- Image pull policy ksonnet fix [\235]( ([gsunner](
- Nvidia Inference Server and Tensorflow Serving Model Proxies [\234]( ([cliveseldon](
- Update kubectl\_demo\_minikube\_rbac.ipynb [\232]( ([benoitbayol](
- Update epsilon-greedy example to Python 3 [\231]( ([jklaise](
- Update kubectl\_demo\_minikube\_rbac.ipynb [\230]( ([benoitbayol](
- GRPC API for javascript models with Nodejs s2i wrapper [\224]( ([SachinVarghese](

[v0.2.3]( (2018-09-17)

[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- R wrapper s2i environment documentation missing Model file extension [\219](
- Provide example using ONNX via Intel nGraph for inference [\214](
- how to explore grafana dashboard for seldon-core in web ui [\209](
- APPLICATION FAILED TO START - Example python notebook \(fx-market-predictor\) [\208](
- dev guide doc: develop/test changes locally? [\202](
- Service orchestrator updated when surrounding deployment changed [\199](
- UnknownHostException: seldon-deployment [\194](
- grafana dashboard [\192](
- Add image versions to all wrapper images [\136](
- Status is not created in Custom Resource on initial create or update [\74](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Update SeldonDeployment status for lifecycle conditions [\223]( ([cliveseldon](
- Update use of python wrappers to version 0.2 [\222]( ([cliveseldon](
- Support for ONNX exported models for inference [\221]( ([cliveseldon](
- Private repo build and run [\220]( ([gsunner](
- Nodejs s2i wrapper for JavaScript models [\218]( ([SachinVarghese](
- Update seldon metrics [\217]( ([cliveseldon](
- fix oauth\_port check in api-tester [\213]( ([cliveseldon](
- Add configurable timeouts for REST and gRPC [\211]( ([cliveseldon](
- Config circular bug [\210]( ([cliveseldon](
- Update for flatbuffers python wrappers [\205]( ([cliveseldon](
- Experimental Flatbuffers based protocol for python wrapper [\204]( ([cliveseldon](
- Change wrappers to be versioned and update examples and docs [\201]( ([cliveseldon](
- Update istio example notebook [\200]( ([cliveseldon](
- Allow Annotations to allow customizations [\197]( ([cliveseldon](
- Removed subtype from deployment example [\195]( ([hanneshapke](

[v0.2.2]( (2018-07-18)

[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Ksonnet update [\191]( ([cliveseldon](
- Remove ambassador role and rolebinding from helm script [\190]( ([cliveseldon](
- Update istio example [\189]( ([cliveseldon](
- Update maven goals to generate licences [\188]( ([cliveseldon](
- Fix typo [\187]( ([otakuto](
- Istio updates [\186]( ([cliveseldon](

[v0.2.1]( (2018-07-09)

[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- "/s2i/bin/assemble: line 59: 10 Killed" when using S2I to build PyTorch container [\180](
- Getting timeout error using S2I to package PyTorch model [\179](
- Make Operator Create CRD on StartUp [\174](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Licences generation in poms [\185]( ([cliveseldon](
- Update api testing utils to allow shape parameter [\184]( ([cliveseldon](
- Ensure ambassador names are unique in resources created [\182]( ([cliveseldon](
- Remove Application from helm chart [\181]( ([cliveseldon](
- Updated Helm Chart and auto create of CRD [\178]( ([cliveseldon](

[v0.2.0]( (2018-06-29)

[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- PREDICTIVE\_UNIT\_PARAMETERS: not able to set them up correctly [\170](
- Add docs page for Helm [\71](

**Merged pull requests:**

- fix crd.libsonnet error [\177]( ([fisache](
- Distributed deployment and Istio [\173]( ([cliveseldon](

[v0.1.8]( (2018-06-27)

[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- Prediction analytics dashboard not capturing prediction API calls [\168](
- Ambassador + Minikube doc needs to be updated per RBAC [\165](
- configmap type volume gets mounted as EmptyDir [\162](
- Java Wrapper H2OUtils doesn't check type in NDArray proto message conversion [\158](
- Release Java wrappers library 0.1.1 [\157](
- Automate update of ksonnet versions in release process [\132](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Remove java wrapper library from code base [\172]( ([cliveseldon](
- Remove nd4j and replace with oj matrix library [\171]( ([cliveseldon](
- Fix prometheus helm install [\169]( ([cliveseldon](
- Update notebooks for minikube and ambassador [\166]( ([cliveseldon](
- Release script python3 compatibility [\163]( ([gsunner](
- Updates to 0.1.1 wrapper. H2O fixes. [\161]( ([cliveseldon](
- add update to core.jsonnet when setting version [\159]( ([gsunner](

[v0.1.7]( (2018-06-04)

[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- Quickstart problem [\153](
- NameError: global name 'ListValue' is not defined [\148](
- bad credentials error with get\_token function [\144](
- Make CRD Namespaced scoped [\141](
- Create wrappers for Java based models [\137](
- Update ksonnet prototypes for latest image version [\130](
- Create demo notebook for Azure [\129](
- Grafana Dashboard [\109](
- Multiple helm seldon-core installs on separate namespaces fails [\106](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Add install guide [\156]( ([cliveseldon](
- WIP : PySpark and PMML example [\155]( ([cliveseldon](
- Fix gRPC tests for wrappers and update sklearn iris example to show use [\150]( ([cliveseldon](
- Minikube RBAC updates and Notebooks for Model examples [\147]( ([cliveseldon](
- change ClusterRoleBinding to RoleBinding [\146]( ([gsunner](
- MNIST loadtest [\143]( ([cliveseldon](
- Openshift article on using s2i in seldon-core [\140]( ([cliveseldon](
- Java wrappers [\138]( ([cliveseldon](
- add notebook for azure demo [\135]( ([gsunner](
- update ksonnet defaults to 0.1.6 [\131]( ([cliveseldon](
- Typos fix [\128]( ([LevineHuang](

[v0.1.6]( (2018-03-29)

[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- Support RBAC by default [\126](
- Engine requires images to have versions [\117](
- `hostPath` type volume gets mounted as `emptyDir` [\116](
- Investigate OpenShift source-to-image for wrapping models [\113](
- Add docs for analytics persistence [\112](
- Issue in deployments of multiple models [\103](
- Missing dependencies in notebooks/kubectl\_demo\_minikube.ipynb [\101](
- Add usage metrics collector [\99](
- Running test model on seldon core [\90](
- Deploying seldon models to multiple namespaces [\89](
- Generate load tests analytics [\58](
- Create wrapper for R models [\23](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Rbac fixes [\127]( ([cliveseldon](
- Anonymous usage metrics collection [\125]( ([gsunner](
- R wrappers [\124]( ([cliveseldon](
- Fix parsing of image version in engine [\119]( ([cliveseldon](
- S2i examples [\118]( ([cliveseldon](
- S2i integration [\115]( ([cliveseldon](
- change benchmark notebook name [\111]( ([cliveseldon](
- Benchmarking seldon-core [\110]( ([cliveseldon](
- 55 outlier detection [\105]( ([Maximophone](
- Made notebooks compatible with python 3 [\102]( ([Maximophone](

[v0.1.5]( (2018-02-19)

[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- Make CRD namespaced [\95](
- Allow Helm deployment without API Front end [\92](
- Support deployment of a Python 3 model [\88](
- Create a Slack channel for project [\43](

**Merged pull requests:**

- ksonnet updates for namespaces and RBAC [\98]( ([cliveseldon](
- Handle namespaced deployments [\97]( ([cliveseldon](
- 88 python 3 compatibility [\94]( ([Maximophone](
- allow apife to be optional in helm install [\93]( ([cliveseldon](
- remove redundant assignment [\87]( ([mjlodge](

[v0.1.4]( (2018-02-05)

[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- Create KSonnet prototypes for core [\76](
- Add automatically generated README to wrapped models [\57](

**Merged pull requests:**

- ksonnet notebook with Ambassador [\81]( ([cliveseldon](
- Ksonnet - initial integration [\79]( ([cliveseldon](
- 54 epsilon greedy [\78]( ([Maximophone](


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CVSS v2 Details

HIGH 7.5
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Confidentiality Impact (C)
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