Safety vulnerability ID: 60761
The information on this page was manually curated by our Cybersecurity Intelligence Team.
Catboost 1.2.1 updates its dependency 'nanoid' to version '3.3.6' to include a fix for an Information Exposure vulnerability.
Latest version: 1.2.7
CatBoost Python Package
New features
* Allow to optimize specific ranking loss functions with YetiRank and YetiRankPairwise by specifying `mode` parameter. See [Which Tricks are Important for Learning to Rank?]( paper for details (this family of losses is called `YetiLoss` there). CPU-only for now.
* Add Kernel Gradient Boosting support (use `catboost.sample_gaussian_process` function). 2408, thanks to TakeOver. See [Gradient Boosting Performs Gaussian Process Inference]( paper for details.
* LambdaMart loss: support new target metrics MRR, ERR and MAP.
* StochasticRank loss: support new target metrics ERR and MRR.
* Support MultiRMSE on GPU. 2264, 2390
* Load JSON model format in Java Client. 1627, thanks to timotta
* Implement exporting of Multiclass models to C++ and Python. 2284, thanks to antoninkriz
* Speedup BM25 feature calcers 3x
* Use `int` instead of deprecated ``. 2378
* Add `ModelCalcerWrapper::CalcFlatTransposed`, 2413 thanks to faucct
* Update dependencies to avoid known vulnerabilities
* Fix __shfl_up_sync mask. 2339
* TFocalMetric negative values fix. 2386, thanks to diditforlulz273
* Focal loss: Use user-defined alpha and gamma
* Fix exception propagation: Rethrow exceptions caused by user's python code as C++ exceptions
* CatBoost trained with user defined objective was incompatible with ShapValues calculation
* Avoid nan's in Newton step calculation for RMSEWithUncertainty
* Fix score method for y with shape (N, 1). 2405
* Fix scalePosWeight support for Spark. 2470
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