PyPi: Mlrun



Safety vulnerability ID: 51005

This vulnerability was reviewed by experts

The information on this page was manually curated by our Cybersecurity Intelligence Team.

Created at Dec 17, 2021 Updated at Mar 13, 2025
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Mlrun 1.1.0 updates the Python package 'numpy' in its base image to include a security fix.

Affected package


Latest version: 1.7.2

Tracking and config of machine learning runs

Affected versions

Fixed versions

Vulnerability changelog

Main features & enhancements
* **API**: Support multi instance API, tankilevitch
* **API**: Remove auto project creation when project doesn't exist, tankilevitch
* **API**: Set username and refresh credentials in `mlrun.set_environment()`, yaronha
* **API**: Add Security context enrichment modes, AlonMaor14
* **Run**: Created the MLRun function decorator: `handler`, guy1992l
* **Artifacts**: Refactor SDK class to have `metadata`, `spec`, and `status`, theSaarco
* **Artifacts**: Improve work with paths + add artifacts import/export, yaronha
* **Runtimes**: Fix `build_config()` to preserve commands order, Hedingber
* **Runtimes**: Add java options spark job parameters, gtopper
* **Runtimes**: Fix monitoring handling of non-existing runs, tankilevitch
* **Runtimes**: Add s3 auto-mount option, theSaarco
* **Runtimes**: Add Security context support, AlonMaor14
* **Runtimes**: Bump the default spark operator version to `spark-3`, theSaarco
* **Runtimes**: Add patch option for `with_requests` & `with_limits`, tankilevitch
* **Runtimes**: Adding a modifier and auto-mount option to configure multiple env variables, theSaarco
* **Datastore**: Add `KafkaTarget` and `KafkaOutputStream`, gtopper
* **Datastore**: Support `wasb`/`wasbs` schema, speretz-ig
* **Datastore**: Improve BigQuery iterator performance, gtopper
* **Datastore**: CSVTarget timestamp format compatibility between Spark and Storey, gtopper
* **Datastore**: Adding option to force non-anonymous authentication when using S3, theSaarco
* **Builder**: Bump kaniko image version to 1.8.1, tankilevitch
* **Builder**: Support pushing images to ECR, AlonMaor14
* **Projects**: Fix/support archives with project run/build/deploy methods, yaronha
* **Projects**: Auto save in new_project(), yaronha
* **Projects**: Add timeout attribute to run method, tankilevitch
* **Projects**: Add `ensure_project` to CLI commands, tankilevitch
* **Projects**: Change default `new_project` to create instead of store, AlonMaor14
* **Projects**: Add RemoteRunner for supporting pipeline scheduling, yonishelach
* **Feature-store**: Support storey over redis, assaf758
* **Feature Store**: Add enrichments and validation to functions created through ingest endpoint, tankilevitch
* **Feature Store**: Fix iso conversion on parquet source, benbd86
* **Feature Store**: Fix drop of partitioning columns, gtopper
* **Spark**: Allow mounting v3io on driver but not executors, gtopper
* **Spark**: Fix statistics produced by spark engine, gtopper
* **Spark**: Add DNS-1035 validation, tankilevitch
* **Platforms**: Add s3 credentials mounter (modifier), yaronha
* **Model Monitoring**: : Create model monitoring feature set per model endpoint, EyalDanieliIgu
* **Runtimes**: Add ParallelRun router for running multiple steps in parallel threads/processes for serving, yaronha
* **Frameworks**: LightGBM module and booster MLRun interfaces for the `train` function, guy1992l
* **SDK**: Add retry mechanism for when encoutering transient connection errors, quaark
* **Functions**: Support git branches with Slashes as a git source, quaark
* **Images**: Fix security vulnerabilities, Hedingber
* **Requirements**: Raise PyArrow upper limit to 6.x, gtopper
* **Requirements**: Add vulnerability check to CI and fix vulnerabilities, Hedingber
* **Requirements**: Bump storey to 1.1.9, assaf758
* **UI**: [Release notes](

More info can be found in the RCs release notes:


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Severity Details

CVSS Base Score


CVSS v3 Details

Attack Vector (AV)
Attack Complexity (AC)
Privileges Required (PR)
User Interaction (UI)
Scope (S)
Confidentiality Impact (C)
Integrity Impact (I)
Availability Availability (A)

CVSS v2 Details

LOW 3.5
Access Vector (AV)
Access Complexity (AC)
Authentication (Au)
Confidentiality Impact (C)
Integrity Impact (I)
Availability Impact (A)