Safety vulnerability ID: 42552
The information on this page was manually curated by our Cybersecurity Intelligence Team.
Prefect 0.15.8 includes a Prefect Server update that bumps an upstream dependency to fix a security vulnerability. See CVE-2021-41249.
Latest version: 3.1.15
Workflow orchestration and management.
Released on November 10, 2021.
- Add support for rich iCal style scheduling via RRules - [4901](
- Add Google Cloud Vertex agent and run configuration - [4989](
- Allow `Azure` flow storage to overwrite existing blobs - [5103](
- Provide option to specify a dockerignore when using Docker storage - [4980](
- Add keep-alive connections for kubernetes client API connections - [5066](
- Add `idempotency_key` to `create_flow_run` task - [5125](
- Add `raise_final_state` to `wait_for_flow_run` task to reflect child flow run state - [5129](
Task Library
- Bump maximum `google-cloud-bigquery` version to support 2.x - [5084](
- Add `Glob` task for collecting files in directories - [5077](
- Add `DbtCloudRunJob` task for triggering dbt cloud run jobs - [5085](
- Added Kafka Tasks entry to website docs - [5094](
- Update the `FlowView` to be more robust to serialized flow changes in the backend - [5116](
- Move artifacts functions to `prefect.backend.artifacts` - [5117](
This release includes a Prefect Server update that updates an upstream dependency to fix a security vulnerability. See the [release changelog]( for more details.
- [Alessandro Lollo](
- [Bradley Axen](
- [Damien Ramunno-Johnson](
- [Jonas Miederer](
- [Josh Wang](https;//
- [Nitay Joffe](
- [Timo S.](
- [Brett Naul](
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