Safety vulnerability ID: 49576
The information on this page was manually curated by our Cybersecurity Intelligence Team.
Solana 0.25.0 updates its dependency 'httpx' requirement to '^0.23' to include a security fix.
Latest version: 0.36.5
Solana Python API
- Use latest Solders version to make objects pickleable again [(252)](
- Updated httpx to fix critical vulnerability [(248)](
- Updated pytest, websockets, pytest-docker, pytest-asyncio to latest. [(254)](
- Updated apischema to latest. [(254)](
- Added `get_latest_blockhash` RPC Call. [(254)](
- Added `get_fee_for_message` RPC Call. [(254)](
- Added confirmation strategy which checks if the transaction has exceeded last valid blockheight. [(254)](
- Added `asyncio_mode = auto` in pytest.ini. [(248)](
- Added an optional `verify_signature` bool when `transaction.serialize()` is called [(249)](
- Added Memo program [(249)](
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