Safety vulnerability ID: 44902
The information on this page was manually curated by our Cybersecurity Intelligence Team.
Obsei 0.0.11 updates its dependency 'lxml' to v4.7.1 to include a security fix.
Latest version: 0.0.15
Obsei is an automation tool for text analysis need
:star: Major Highlights
- Youtube: Now fetch Youtube video comments (via Scrapper)
- License: Removed all strong copyleft dependencies
- Demo: Improved demo UI along with adding more detailed logging
- Few bug fixes, dependencies upgrade, CI enhancements and fixing security issue
🚀 Features
- Youtube integration via scrapper lalitpagaria (224)
- Removing third party dependencies with strong copyleft licenses lalitpagaria (221)
- Enhancing demo UI lalitpagaria (214)
🐛 Bug Fixes
- Fixing typing-extensions dependency issue on python 3.7 lalitpagaria (217)
- Google News max result fix tanish36 (211)
- Bug: Updating long\_term\_token param to access\_token for facebook source. lalitpagaria (210)
🧰 Maintenance
- Updated the README kuutsav (222)
- Fix security issue with lxml lalitpagaria (219)
- Dep upgrade (to address Dependabot for NLTK as well) lalitpagaria (215)
- Enabling CI caching lalitpagaria (213)
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