Safety vulnerability ID: 47914
The information on this page was manually curated by our Cybersecurity Intelligence Team.
Kedro 0.17.7 updates its dependency 'pillow' minimum requirement (for python_version > '3.6') to v9.0.0 to include a security fix.
Latest version: 0.19.11
Kedro helps you build production-ready data and analytics pipelines
Major features and improvements
* `pipeline` now accepts `tags` and a collection of `Node`s and/or `Pipeline`s rather than just a single `Pipeline` object. `pipeline` should be used in preference to `Pipeline` when creating a Kedro pipeline.
* `pandas.SQLTableDataSet` and `pandas.SQLQueryDataSet` now only open one connection per database, at instantiation time (therefore at catalog creation time), rather than one per load/save operation.
* Added new command group, `micropkg`, to replace `kedro pipeline pull` and `kedro pipeline package` with `kedro micropkg pull` and `kedro micropkg package` for Kedro 0.18.0. `kedro micropkg package` saves packages to `project/dist` while `kedro pipeline package` saves packages to `project/src/dist`.
Bug fixes and other changes
* Added tutorial documentation for [experiment tracking](
* Added [Plotly dataset documentation](
* Added the upper limit `pandas<1.4` to maintain compatibility with `xlrd~=1.0`.
* Bumped the `Pillow` minimum version requirement to 9.0 (Python 3.7+ only) following [CVE-2022-22817](
* Fixed `PickleDataSet` to be copyable and hence work with the parallel runner.
* Upgraded `pip-tools`, which is used by `kedro build-reqs`, to 6.5 (Python 3.7+ only). This `pip-tools` version is compatible with `pip>=21.2`, including the most recent releases of `pip`. Python 3.6 users should continue to use `pip-tools` 6.4 and `pip<22`.
* Added `astro-iris` as alias for `astro-airlow-iris`, so that old tutorials can still be followed.
* Added details about [Kedro's Technical Steering Committee and governance model](
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