Safety vulnerability ID: 64450
The information on this page was manually curated by our Cybersecurity Intelligence Team.
Geotribu 0.31.1 updates its Pillow dependency to version 10.2 to address the CVE-2022-22817.
Latest version: 0.34.3
Une ligne de commande pour Geotribu qui offre des outils pour rechercher et consulter les contenus et images, et faciliter les tâches récurrentes des contributeur/ices.
<!-- Release notes generated using configuration in .github/release.yml at 0.31.1 -->
What's Changed
Features and enhancements 🎉
* Amélioration des résultats de la recherche de contenus by Guts in
* improve: search images table result by Guts in
Other Changes
* security: bump pillow to 10.2 to fix CVE-2022-22817 by Guts in
**Full Changelog**:
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