Safety vulnerability ID: 50171
The information on this page was manually curated by our Cybersecurity Intelligence Team.
Mendeleev 0.10.0 updates its dependency 'jupyter-server' to v1.18.1 to include security fixes.
Latest version: 0.20.1
Pythonic periodic table of elements
* Corrected specific heat capacity values with *CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics* as the data source `Issue 60 <>`_
* Renamed `specific_heat` attribute to `specific_heat_capacity` `PR 61 <>`_ (for backwards compatibility `specific_heat` will still work)
* Added `molar_heat_capacity` property from *CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics* `PR 61 <>`_
* Corrected wrong units in the docs for `specific_heat` `Issue 59 <>`_
* Fixed usage of `pytest.approx` after api change `PR 62 <>`_
* Refactored `format` call to f-strings `PR 62 <>`_
* Updated locked dependencies to eliminate known vulnerabilities `PR 63 <>`_
* Added python 3.10 to CI workflows to increase test coverage `PR 62 <>`_
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