Safety vulnerability ID: 49584
The information on this page was manually curated by our Cybersecurity Intelligence Team.
Wmcore 2.0.4 updates its dependency 'PyJWT' requirement to '~=2.4.0' to include a security fix.
Latest version: 2.3.8
- Check if key exists when deleting standalone documents in Couch (Alan Malta Rodrigues) 11165
- Avoid raising exception when ReqMgr2 request is not found (Alan Malta Rodrigues) 11159
- Remove CouchDB JobDump/highestJobID view (Alan Malta Rodrigues) 11161
- fix: requirements.txt to reduce vulnerabilities (snyk-bot) 11155
- Split Deletable Blocks checks in two stages. (Todor Ivanov) 11127
- Remove CouchDB all_or_nothing option for bulk API (Alan Malta Rodrigues) 11011
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